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2 - Hinton News Tues. July 3, 1990 , , The 3rd annual Prosperity Reun-
ion will be held July 6 & 7. The two •
J" "an"d Mo)-eP re a'ding-our Newspaper -l day will st t tha pa de on
Fri. night at 6:00 pm starting at the
.~._.===&K~ ~ mmlb.z~a~ [ Crossroads Mall and ending .at the
%~:~:~: i'- .-~:~"~, ~5- ~.~.~:~.~l~~ I I Building. :
, , ! ~.~,,,.~ ~-1~': ~ '_-- ~ll=~' ~,, -" - . 'J~~ ] ; There will be a hot dog sale'at the
i--I ,L~_ , - I community building following the
parade. :
~,i~ ~ ~ I - -- Sat. activities will begin at ~0 am.
!"1 ~ t~' ~"~L'~ ~lV~~~~'~ ., ' __ There will be a covered dish luhch at
~%~ ~ ~ ~"- -- ~" ...... " [ Iy '~/" ' K 12:30. THE SPLINTERS, a band
.-:l Because a recent survey found that The I -- " "--" from N. C., will perform Fri/night
i | HINTON NEWS ,s the favored source I REMEMBERING WILBUR H: conquer. The use of the letter, %" in working years, of a railroad engi- and Sat. afternoon.
: I for three out of five for local news and I _ ANDERSON in•tsad of.'a', in All~hany ,was neer during early days of steam,
i |#~n~o I FortwentyyearstheChesapeakecausad by the more popular speding vecause orwrecKs, expzosmns, e~c.,
, ~u ,, u~..~ mt~-.o. I re thewas onl 11 1/2 years It makes one
! . Class, H-7, 2-8-8-2 mallet locomo- of the word in the north whe Y . CONCERT ':
i [ .mmm #mh|Am, a Immm • mmh [ tives, pulledcoalloadesuccesefully engines were manufactured, andC. wonder why anyone would take ajob MilliVanilliConcertwiths~cial
] ~_~ q~l[~~ ~m i|~ I overA]leghanyMountainenrouteto &O. officeswerelocatedinCleve-with this reputation. I think you guestsYoungMCandSeductionwill
be held Tues. Aug. 14 at 7:30 P.M. at
' I v ~ • • m • s m=. V • • I the eastern s~aboard In the early land. Ohio would find the answer if you ever the Coliseum• "
' ' S-nd m- - f-I ............................. ' ................... - ----" "
: I . e . e a u ! y.ear.oI i.rlt: MINION Ns-_W~ [bZ I 1940's, Motive Power officials recog- The builders of the new engine rode on a steam engine and was Ticket prices: $17.50 All Seats
: : Issues)atthelowDaslcsuDscrlptlonrsteof$11.50 ' nizedtheneedtoreplacetheirH-7's, wastheLimaLocomotiveWorkswho knowledgeable about railroading. I
!! ! (In state residents add 69 cents state tax.) } notonlybecauseoftheiragebutalso delivered engine number l600 to the suspect.that I00. pe. rcent of the engi- Reserved• :"
For ticket purchase call Ti:cket-
: ! th,~ [ because of the need for larger and C• & O. on Dec. I0, 1945, the first of neers liked thelr Job and gave very Masterin Charleston Area 342=5757
!i [ ....... ~ [ more powerful locomotives. After sixty that were purchased, little thought to the danger they or toll free in W.Va., Oh., and Ky., l-
,i [ ___ " l consideration of several different These engines were timely deliv- werein constantly. Like the Captain 800-877-1212. ":
L | • • •
,, [ Aflaress I engines, motive power experts•red because of thmr need hauhng of a ship, they were prepared to slay
~' ] ,~ 'tsettled on the Allegheny Class, H-8, war-timematerialandpersonneland with their engine to the end but the
City State Zip ! 2-6-6-6 locomotive, the largest and provided excellent service for the C. desire to live caused many to lose I
:~ ! I'I t#l~, ~,,,,,,~^,~ I,, ~,^1,,,.,~,~ I most powerful in the world. C. &O. &O.,notonlyoverAlleghanyMoun-theirlifebyjumpingoffinthefaceof I.I('Y
. L_r ~w a ,HrSaat IO ~st~aW,~--'lJ dan er
~ [ Y [J Y o,~m~~ I officials named the new enginetain but on New River and between g " I Letters are welcome, but only a J
~.~ Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery of the first copy I ~Allegheny'inhonoroftheAlleghany Russell and Columbus, Oh. as well• One such
engineer to lose his life ] seloct~on will be published. Prd4"er- |
w t eave elife in an engine explosmn was the
I TEAR & MAIL TO" THE HINTONNEWS I Mountain the engines were built to Ireadsome here h rag " , " " " i encewiH, beg~vento:ettersot~300 /
! " ' likeable Wilbur H. Anderson who ] words or less. Longer letters may bc /
l P.O. BOX 1000 i T T~rrYr~T~ r~r~f~ was killed at "CW~ Cabin, the west [ shortened or rejected. Letters ~lust |
L. HINTON, WV 25951 __J J-JJ~'J.'~'J~.~ "J.'~J end of Hinton yard, when engine [ be signed and must include ad~d- |
" ...... ........ __--.A1. 1 1642 blew up June 9,1953. Many i dress and ph°ne number" Thet:ele. i
Lm Zn TO Z IT THE EDITOR DBHK UO were the times duringthe 1940's I I phone numbcr will not be published. [
I Letters will be edited for grammer, |
~-~. ~r ~U"l[~ ...... |- rode home from Quinnimont or ] spelling, taste, syntax, , and libel, i
Divorce Law Thurmond on the behind ] Names will not be withh~Td. , |
..... f~ 1 • ~ 1" DearMr. Long, Mr. Anderson pulling one ofhis coal [ Address them to Lettbrs to'the |
uear Editor: Thelawrnasterorderedmetopay cnoo[ roncy i Didn't Speak Up• trains. He was a jovial man, always ] Editor, P. O. Box I000, Hinton, WV |
What kind of a divorce law do we her alimony each month and half of They came for the Jews and I accommodatin~andnicetome will 25951. ::: .J
have? Can they use ~t and v~olate 11 my retirement when l retire. There r~_--~,a;~,,,, didn'ts~eakun in~rtnwnitaf#~wminnt~untilmv
Ot~ole:2:::?onC:tu~ho=lUTht~?~dn was no hmlt put_on the alimony.OnApr 27th agirl from Hinton LTh, ey came for the Gentiles and l relief came so I could get home.~I " "
y g tiow rang ~ would have to pay it " • • •
............... : Jr High came bv mv home selling didnt speak up. Thefollowmgreportoftheengme ': ,
they use ]~ ~o narass met rms ~s When I retire I wonder if they will " - g ~-( ~ ..... The"came for the Christians and •x-lesion was mad- b'" Mr John E
• ,h~,t ~ div~e~ that h~m l~en ~oin~ ~,. ;, .n canay mr one ottne SChOOl cm~s. ~ne y p e y .....
-~.:L:" ...... ~.'~..'~.--r^-.-....~Z,w~ ~,~',~"" . ...... told me it was ~ school policy~ to I didn't speakup. Faulconerin the Hinton Daily News. .z:
• ,.,,~ummersw~,,,~ ,a, ....... zsommynoueeanasnegotha|xox thrust and I W
.... Mv,~4foloft me and suedfor a ,~. ................ collect the money at the time of the They came for the A " ed. June 10, 1953:
a j .......... ~.¢=~ one has a 11 umeJoo anQ she , -
......... sell I °ave her the six dollars but I didn t speak up. The sound ofthe explosion of the I
divorce. , ...... keeps all of her pay. There are no al~ took her name A week before They came for the Businessmen huge boiler on the engine could be
~,~,,h~ ~,,,, g~ o~A ,he Ywn.~os. somethi'ng. I.havebeenp~ckedclean• that lhadnotyetrecelvedmyorder." and I dldn t speak up." seen rising in the'sky. [~llirk~ li:~:!:::i:i:::::: i:ii:i:i:i:i: . 1
...... ~- . ~, . . I nave ~een ~nrea~eneu ~ De pu~ m I-I~ ~ssured me thathe knew the ~irl They came for the Mason's and I "Persons hurried to their front ;
~er era•tea me to pay ner mwyer jail And now they have garnished ...... - , o hes and on to th mdew
~u^..~a.~,,,.k,,~, .... e .... ,,~.,=a " --- and that I would have my orderdidntspeakup, p rc e' elks.but [ ~ R. Ph.~.: !
• ..................... r~"~? my wages ana ~aKen approx, one before school let out On the final They came for the people with ofcoursedidnotatfirstrealisewhat ::i! i
lawyer to prosecute myse~t r~er third of m--'a" • • • ,
lawyer asked for canceled checksIn my op~'nion this is sexual dis day of school l again called Mr. Allen Negoned Blood and I didn t speak had happened. • ~ I
an l m a up Soon word of the d|saster spread
~..a bank statements and a co-~ of .......... : d to d hi th t I still had not • ' ' I Medicines for Asthma I ! '
=,,,,- ra crlmlnal;lon ana my cons~II;U¢lonal ' b a
.... a "eck received my order Heagain PROM They came for the Caucasians throughoutthecity, andam ul, aces ~ Symptom Relief I
my.mcomer~xreCurnanap ycn rights have been violated according ISEDmehewou|dseetothematter" and l didn't speak up with screamingsirens rushed to the I !i: r
• tubs ana statements ~rom my re- to the 13th and 14th Amendment. -, .... • And, then the-" came for me, and scene | "~¢
tirement and that is what the law- I h .....I,oa all ~,, l;r, o,,a It s now June 21st and school has J' • • l Accord'rag to the Handbook of |
..... - ................. ~ ......... t..~ ..u~ r^,. t .... w~.~.s ~..a ~ "~ve" there was no one left to speak up. "Hundreds of cars also hurried t~)
masceroraerea me ~o so. madealivingandpaidmybills.And ....................... • • w " i Nonprescription Drugs, as .n~ny | : .:~
~. .... ,^a .... ~.~.a.--t,.o....... ........... ~ ....... ~.~.;voa ..~ .~a~ I~rme ChaTltan Qfll .... ~, ,,~he ~cene and soon there as a maj~r i '$
~.,= .m.~=u ~...~ ~.=-.~o --.~. ow c 1 " " de " d ........... a ...... • ......... . ~. - ........... .
...... , . 'n ~ afftd0t~at. Will,be" me t~. ..... ~.-n.^a,,, .... ,^-~ ..... Ma~[a~n~:~eek , ~ traf c Jam on Route 20 for a mfle las O :O :0Am cam xlm'i'l
L1,an s~aT~emenls a¢ eve neaT1n . ' . .,=.,= ,.,,.....=,., .~.o ,,,~. ,,v .i ,,=,.,~...
¢ rY r g thatnght, l have paid her lawyer a . r~._..._ v_^. .g. ~.]~;.~ ....~.sid^~fCWCab;n, [ encca~m~;symptamsson~dmc|
...... '-- ' ........ 1-"-1- w-: "~" ........ ~ -- learned I have always bought or ,.,~,=~w~ ,~u,,. ~ ,,-,"~,'s ........
excep~ me ms~ o.e w,,w~, m~ .,~ lot and now •ne is ¢nre'm~ng ¢o gal'- • " " " "" - ;; ............... I during ~ 'tl~ifctim~. Agthm~t is | i .i l
e ~nor~ Mr raulconer, continuing ]n Lne
final hearin- And that is what the ..... Whatkindof d rs from school groups because I • " • ~ an obstmcfionornarrowingo~_b~¢ | , : .,~(
s. manse my wages urn. e
same n wspa er, said: ~ :i-'~
lawmaster ordered me to do Inmv , .... a ..... !, .... ~r~.~ ....... 1,,,,wused to have to sell them myselfbut ~lr,~r, An~',,,~r,~-,xx~-,~,~ P
• - .................. a ......... . ............... ~=,*~=,,,,~.=x'~ =W-d ~,e e~-losio,~ ~,,','u,',',~A f~v~ I small airpassagcsinth¢lungs. An [
o~inion that was to harass me The ~. .... ,.. ~,,~. o1~,,~ .1o¢o,~di,~= vnuv never agmn. ~ urge al! rlln~on real- ~ --- ._.. --v ............
la~wmaster ordered mo to do things n'ghtsT " " -- " "-- dealt•NOT .l~yforthe, rorders_m SCI.~DTffI~OF'~%ERVICE :::l:h:::t~e~hnei:t~;e:::st:::~ |asthma attack IypicaIly prod,cs |
[ symptoms of chest tightness, | -
before the Judge signed the order, I Willard Richmond mmre unul mey receive ~t. It • FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1990 the round house andther; ma" have [ breathlessness, wheezing (a ,~tn¢ | ! ',.~
wonder if that waslegal? I-|in=, W•Va. 25951 obvioust.hatMr•Al:enlsn tdolngto Hinton, WV (Wed.>: been an even "~eaterl°ss °fli~e and I whist['lng sound), and coughi?, l °
ao anymmg aoou~ l~, ~' . •
Smcerely, • I
- cul0 S aul. Xa ,SS;Aug.St,22;sept se, ,
flntl Gun ITeasu dl u BrianWetzel 19"Oct"&""N "&'" "'~ It was also pomted out by one [~ugs~l~_e$~gCI ;''~
, ~1 Z'~,OV /lG,anG uec
209 1/2 Miller Ave " " " rail official that if the accident had i environment such as grass ,, pd | ' : ii
HonorableHarleyO.Staggers, Jr. and restraints. You know yourself ~ ...... ,,,, ..... "~. 5 & 12. occurredfiveminutesbeforeitwould [ pollen. Foods such as shell~'.sh, |
• " e " W hi n D C ninon, , ~o~ax ..... "e
U.S. House of Representatives that cram m as ngto , .., A representative will be at the ~a-- be~- ~a ,~,, .. ~. o.~ o I chocolate, and eggs have rcp~rt: I : :
1504 Longworth House Office arises from the disintegration of .... Summers County Memorial Build-"" -~.- •'~" .-:~. ..... ":'" ~:","
...... • ., --- -- _ re,gn ,waspass, nga me [edlycausexlasthmadcaUacks.! 'n-| i' E
fldin family values, the epidemic of drug In First &J •
Bu g " g ' am• Street(basement) .
• " • .LrU~ ar~c1 . time, and it would have also been [ ningoro, thcrt~sofcx |
Wa,qhington, DC 20515 abuse among disenchanted and dis- at 12"30 PM on the dates shown er I .o= ~,,~g~co.~.,c,oo:::'~
' " . ...... " " " d ailed with possible loss of life. " " " '
}L.: HR 4225 (Hughes(, HR 995 enrrancmsea persons, and the ae- T~..-~4-~ ,-~ above. ~ =Veteran railroad men here de ~i~ | : ~ l~
(Smith) and HR 467 (Feighan) nial of reasonable opportunities for eJ LJL~b.[~=~ - l Asthma symptom pm~ I i :.~
" ADDITIONAL SPONSORS clare that Tuesday's wreck that
Dear Cong,-ssman St~ers- persons to be self-reliant and era- " ............. I andtrcatmcntmaybcachievcdt~hh | : "]~
"" "~=' " - ....... Ada'"on-~ •- --ors fo- "~^ 'r"-e clalmea T.rle liVeS oI i;nree l-line.on
It is my understanding that you ployed. Thecrlmlnal useolgunslsa m~, =' ~"~ " " ""= ~" ............ ¢+~. ........... :~ .... [ anum~rofprcscripdonmcdicinc& |
........ Babe Ruth ~-'esns P ~eant held ......... " ................. ~.~
areamemberoftbeHouseJudiciarybyproductofmuchdeeperfllswathm ....... ~- ~t~ _ . . in a11 their eYn~rience i Theophyllin~causcs mu s | h
Committee, which will take up a the fabric ofour country. Itmaybe .... recently in Hinton were: Big Kiss "",:;~ ~,', "'~- ~.. • ". - • | around the air passages to relax, | : o
. :.~.~ ~ • that Con es can do nothing to A ttnng m not just because God Video, Coast to Coast Motel, Luther rL~. ta~man, t]wmmn~ngmeer improving thc flow of air into fnd | = . .It
cramepa.t.,+,. ~ter th~smonth.The gre .................................... for tha Hi-ton division said "Ihave
,h,,,,,,~f,~o'no, a~,~H o~,,m,,~.r£~ le~islatemoralitvandstoodnese, but wans~;outt~oawa.s]~ecause~m Wi||s,~eighborhooavmee, anamain "' --v -, -o ' ' ' " " " l out of ~c lungs. AdrenalineO~pi- | " i .ft.
..................... "~ ............. - . - .'- :'- • -.- ;,,s~ "'Phe ~-'oximate conse-uence of ~,.A.~ seen a number el wrecks Dut thls IS
are likely to be considered by the outlawmgthenghtsofthemw-ama- JF ..... r- -~ ...... . ..... [ ncphrine)andadmnalm.likemt~ii. | : o
committee this summer. Be advised ing citizen to own and possess fire- this prop~,tmn, argmng f~m the These sponsors were inadvertlym~lw=~i.ll~e~V:th::=l:sionwere. ~ cincssuch as metaproter~nol ~'so | 4 I~
that I consider it contrary to the arms for legitimate purposes in a .greater to thelese, w asthi~ng omitted from the previous hst of I~.~M.~,.~-IA/41~, ~w ~ae~ ,, ~',~ I increase the size of ak passe,F• | i-.'e
..... ~s not true ••cause P,J~uxL,J~ nas s nears =,,,~ ....................... ,~s-- ~ . :,]~
interests of all law abiding W.Va. mmgmded attempt to take guns out ................ po . ~o ~ w~ w=i,1~nt ~f T-llnt~n [ and usually cause rapid improve. |
sa](l 1~, 2~I~'lU'llaff~ C0Ula no[ tea ~ J ...................
sportsmen, huntersandcitizensthat of the hands of a relatively small . ," ..... " ~ - ~"~'~,~'., "I~,~ ~'.~I~ "Off ~, 11ivo: o ,~ [ mcmofairflow. Anothcrgmupof |
• n l~ ross It Was true " ........... ~' ............. "~s~ i mcd~h cani~o?B~r | i ,~.~
• " ~ s ~s wren The so a~ly say un .
the Treasury Secretary be gwen the number of crlm nal g
..... " ...~t~k ~h**~ R*-~t ,~¢ ~11 the q~RTTq~T ""~'~l~'~-r-~rff [ 46, had spent most of his life in [ flow arc ~ streroids, wl~h |
power to outlaw the possession of cure as worse than the msea~. ~t~ ~'~" ~':',:"~_"2L''~.". -_ ." ..... ~. ~ Ilflllli:" [[ I Hinton
semi.automatic rifles at the stroke seemslikelytoleaveuslaw-abiding ana,_d_~TIGE; .and the t~c~ence ol , _ ~, [ ~, : ........ } include prcdnisone, becta~n- | -{ .~
..... ~IST(YI'LI~ will be given you in ~ "1 tsraKemancrre,,~.mcnmona, age I I : ""
ofa pen because any particular fire-arm maynot meet the government's i~omes.C'tizens unprotected m our own addition". ~ 54,wasbornatNew, near Abraham,. I C romolyn, so~.' So.m~ | ::'*
...... , ..... r .... ,..^.wona~r;e.n .... ee.. It is the fine dream of the greatest Tood~bm~h bd~tles were the first Raleigh County, and had been a [ givcn to chronic asthmatics I :i J
G~llnlglon el sporc A reqmremen~ ~.~.,e...~ ,t~ .~ 8-" -, u
. : ........ " .... t.~ .... t--~--n ~rese-t an"---n ofthepoeta,thatHell, becomesues- oomm~ndalp¢oductm~doo[nylon, seven year resident of the So th
o! a r, mrt'y t~u) say oacKgrounu m- um,c~ ~ . eu _ p~ ,. . ~"t~.= ,^.. ;. ,.. t....~,..^a ,,.,,.....,~, ~.., ,~.,. wh|©h was patented in 1937. Side across New River from Hinton. |.,vent asthma attacks, i
ve~igation prior to any transfer era law~ and other Big Brother legisla .... , *~ ............ s ..... • ....
"ro~,icted" firearm is uncalled for tion bear more than a coincidental aggrandizementofHeaven;thatthe
as i• the seven round ]imitation on resemblanc• to th• fascism of pre- problem of Evil is to receive its final
~ne capacity. Ask any W. Vs. World War It Europe. A disarmed solution, and Good alone, Per•sin
farmer dealing with varmints in his Amarican people are at the mercy of dogma taught that AHRIMANand
chicken or turkey flock or among his a fascist government to an extent his subordinate ministers of Evil
~mlves or ~heep if seven rounds is not possible today. You stand as a wereatlast, bymeansofaRedeemer
|mffldent. The banning of any fire- defenderofourlawfulrights.ltruat and Mediator, to be reconciled with
arm to which a bayonet can be at- you have the moral courage to de- Deity, and all Evil to end.
lathed without alteration i• stupid• fend them. But unfortunately, the ph_iloso-
Youknowthatbayonetequipedfire- Very truly yours, pher forgets all the laws of •quill.
arm• are not the weapons of choice Joseph Aucremanne bruim, andseekstoabeorbthe Light
among criminals in the U.S, I• the in a splender without shadow, and
government in fear of a bayonet SENIOR CITIZENS TRAINS- movement in an absolute re•pose
PORTATION AVAILABLE that wouldbe the ceesation oflife. So
chm'p ~om unhappy citizens7 This
r~uirement is so ridiculous as to The Summers CounW Senior long as there shall be a visible light,
cause wonderment at the mental Citizens Programs is conducting a there will be a shadow proportional
stabilityofthepersonsdraftingthat survey to determine if. there is a tothisLight, andwhateverisillumi.
need for transportation services to nated will cast its cone ofshadow.
particular provision.
Without addressing the particu, seniors in the BeUepoint, Talcott, Repose will never be happiness, if
lar provisions of the above refer- Pence Springs, Forest Hill and sur- it is not balanced by an analogous
• need bills, I can assure you that the roundingare~. The••service•would and contrary movement. This is the
actions of all W. Vs. legislators in include shopping and nutrition pro- immutable law of nature, the El•r-
the House and in the Senate are gram services in the Hinton area on nalWilloftheJusticewhichisGOD.
und•rcarefulscrutinyinourhomes-the flrst and third Fri. ofeach month. Bernice Charlton Gill
tat•. It appears that onc4Pagain cer- Senior Citizen~ interested in re- Box 29, Pluto Rt., Madams Creek
tain special interest groups dedi- ceiving this service may call 466- Hinton, West Vs. 25951
cared to the destruction of tradi- 4019 for more information or to Otherwise Known As Walking
lionel American values are attempt- express their interest. Short
ing to whip the Senate and House of
Representatives into an irrational CONCERT
frenzy. As you well know the avails-
bilityoffirearms has much lees to do Tommy Page wall" be appearing" For ticket purcha~ call Ticket,
with the nature and extent of crime Wed. July 18 at 7:30 P.M. at the master Charleston Area 342-5757
in~mcietythanthedistintegrationof MunicipalAuditorium.Ticketprices: or toll free in W.V~, Oh., and Ky.,1-
traditional, social and moral values $14.50. All Seats Reserved. 800-877-1212.
Room Air Conditioner ::
Come in and
see for yourself
Come in and
see for yourself
F dlyS g/Pa "
rien ervice/No Waitin rk|ng Lot Across Street :,
Temple St., Downtown Hinton Phone 466-2211
• .~ Rf
:? IRa