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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
July 1, 2003     The Hinton News
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July 1, 2003
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8 - Hinton News Tues. July 1, 2003 JOHN HENRY DAYS Flea, liar.ket,raft Sale, and ; Foccl Vendors The John Henry Days Commmitte e iS erganizing the flea market and craft sale for Saturday, July 127h• and Sunday July 13th. This will be held along Route 3 at Talcott. If yo,, wish more information or would like an appiication cal 466-3321 or 466- 3334. We will also need food vendors. QUARTERLY MEETING The Region 1 Workforce Inveatmen Board Youth Council will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday , July !7th., at 2:00 p.m. in the conference room of the WORK4WV Career Center, 812 Northside, Summersville, W. VA. A tour of the center will begin at 2:00p.m. and the meeting at 2:30 p.m. - DR. W. H. PERRINE Eyeglasses Hearing Aids Houses &amp; Apartmonts For Ront or Salo 466-2020 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS AND BENEFICIARIES OF THE WITHIN DECEASED PERSONS: I have before me the settlements of the within persons which shall go before the Summers County Commission the 21st. day of July, 2003. Peggy Louise Comer, Dora A. Gore, John Fletcher Harvey, Rebecca Elizabeth Jarrett, Eddie Arnold Johnson, George Thomu Meadows, John H. Minton and Loreine Gwinn Saundere. the Prepod Settlements ofSandrs Feamster as Administratrix of the estate of Russell Lee Buckland; Randall R. Ward as Administrator of the estate of Kreggory Don Ward and Proposed Settlement of Basil Bacham (Executor of the estate of Chariety Lok Badmm, deceased) for the estate of.alice B. Farley. Any person having an interest may appear at specified place or else may be forever barred from asserting such interest. Given under my hans this let. day of July, 2003. I have before me the Final Accounting of Joyce E. Fox as Guardian of the estate of Jonathan Fox, Minor and Wanda J. Cafes as Guardian of the estate of Joseph Wesley Gill, Minor. Norms Lilly Fiduciary Supervisor HN July 1 LEGAL NOTICE Clerk of Summers County Commission P. O. Box 97 Hinton, WV 25951 CIVIL SERVICE APPLICATION DEPUTY SHERIFF Applications for the Civil Service Examination for the position of Summers County Deputy Sheriff will be available beginning, July 1, 2003. Application packages shall be received from and returned to Mary Both Merritt, Clerk of Summers County Commission, Office of the County Clerk, Summers County Courthosue, Hinton, WV. 25951. All perosne interested in this position must make apl:lication by July 18, 2003. Physical Agility toot will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 9, 2003 at the Summers County High School Track by the Summers County Sheriff's Department. Persons successfully completing the Physical Agility test will be notified of the time, date and location of the Civil Service Examination. The Summers County Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Discrimination is prohibited due to race, color, religion, sex, orientation or national JOHN HENRY DAYS 4 MILE RUN and 1 MILE FUN WALK The John Henry Days 4 MILE RUN and 1 MILE FUN WALK is scheduled for Saturday, July 12, 2003 in Talcott, West Virginia. The race will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the FUN WALK will begin at 8:05 a.m. Both events will begin at the Greenbrier River Bridge in Talcott. Registration is $10.00 for the 4 MILE RUN and $5.00 for the 1 MILE FUN WALK. Runners and walkers may register beginning at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, July 12. Entry forms may be picked up in the Talcott area at the following locations: Dillon's Superette, Talcott Station, Thimble and Plow and Lowell Market• Entry forms may be obtained in Hinton at either the Summers County Visitors Center or the Summers County Extension Office. This 2003 John Henry Days event is being sponsored by the First Community Bank, proudly Serving the citizens of Summers County. 2003 WHITT/CROOK REUNION Friday, July 4th. - Pig Roast: 6 P.M. - Please bring your drinks. Music and dancing. Saturday, July 5th. - 12Noon- Picnic. (bring food, bread, desserts & drinks) 1:30 P.M. - Horseshoe & Rifle/Pistol Shoot competitions. 7:00 P.M. Awards: Quilt drawing; music & dancing. Location: Ronnie Crook's @ Blue Jay Six Rd./ 119 Crook Ln., Cool Ridge, WV. 25825. (304) 763=4142. Adams A- Storage origin. Applications for Deputy Sheriff'must be 18 years old and not more than 4S years old on date p . . appllcamn. HN July i,8 .... ' LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF THE FILING OF ESTATE ACCOUNTS I have before me the following deceased persons and the accounts of the fiduciaries of their estates: Decedeqt: Anel Alvis Bennett, Fiduciary: Mary Houchins, HC 76, Box 59, Jumping Branch, WV.; Decedent: Everett Lee Chattin; Fiduciary: Frances Jean Chattin, PO Box 34, Talcett, W.; Decedent: Viola Ruth Davis; Fiduciary: Ernest Eugene Davis, 515 Cedar Ave., Hinton, WV.; Decedent: Betty Ann Fix; Fiduciary: Robert S. Fix; 136 Starling St., Princeton, WV.; Decedent: Kathryn Suzanne Keffer; Fiduciary: Rethryn D. Keaton, RR2, Box 177, Lewisburs, W.; Decedent: George Henry Ruff, Fiduciary: Carmella Denise Gill, PO Box 332, Hinten, WV.; Decedent: Marguerite Jane Swoveland; Fiduciary: Gerald G. Swoveland, RR # 1 Box 145, Hinten, WV.; Decedent: Lillian biae Turner, Fidudary: Kenneth D. Turner, HC 76 Box 113, Nimitz, WV. All persons having a claim against the estate of any of the above-named d persons, whether due or not, are notified to eraibif ssme with vouchers thereof, legally verified, to the fiduciary of such deceased persons as shown within 45 days of the publication hereof or no later than August 15, 2003; or if not so exhibited to such fiduciary by that date, to exhibit the same at the offi'of the undersigned fiduciary supervisor within 90 days or not later than September 29, 2003; otherwise any or all such claims may by law be excluded from all benefits ofuid estate. All beneficiaries ofid estate may appear either before the above named fiduciary by the date first shown or thereafter before the fiduciary supervisor by the date shown to examine chime and otherwise protect their interest. Given under my hand this 1st. day of July, 2003. Norms Lilly Fiduciary Supervisor for Summers County County Clerk's Office HN July 1, 8 IIi r NOTICE PLEASE - ' OUR PUBLICATION POLICY ...does not permit us to publish items of commercial nature which would be classified as paid advertising. Higher newsprint and other costs; plus longer press runs for circulation; dictate that strict editorial judgement must prevail. Unsolicited items which enter this office become our Property, but can usually be retrieved upon publication. Publisher reserves dght to reject or cancel any advertisement at any time. Cancellations will not be accepted by publisher after the closing date. The closing date and the deadline for placing business advertisements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. The closing date and the deadline for placing classified advertisements is Monday at 11:00 a.m. Publisher not bound by any terms or conditions, pdnted or otherwise, appeanng on order blanks, advertiser's forms or copy instructions when in conflict with terms and conditions on publisher's rate card or policies. Advertiser and advertising agency will indemnify and hold harmless this newspaper; its officers, agents, employees and contractors, for all contents supplied to publisher, including text; representations and illustrations of advertisements pd'ntad, and for any claims arising from contt including, but not limited to defamation,,.ivasion of pdvacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and in the case of a prepnnted insert, daficient postage. This newspaper shall not be liable for failure to pdnt, pub(ish,0r!cimulate all or any part of any issue in which an advertisement accepted by the pvblisher is contained if failure is due to acts of God or government, strikes, accidents, lack of newsprint or other circumstances ,beyond our control. MIHOW PROGRAM IN NEED. The MIHOW Program is in need of Maternity clothes. If you have anything to donate please call 466- 2226 and ask for Peggy or Pam. Teen Issues Days at Summers Middle School sponsored by the CAC 4/29-30/03. FINGERPRINTING Fingerprinting for Criminal Background Checks wilI be done on Tuesdays at the Hinton Detachment of the West Virginia State Police between 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. effective July 1st. Please call 466- 2800 prior to arrival to confirm availability. PiCNiC TABLES New River Woods Inc. 117 - 5th. Ave. Never promise more than you can perform. '" , --Publilius Syrus ** Rapid ,Rooter 466-31134 253-2419 We Also DoElectrical and Renoldlng Now! ATTENTION TRANE CUSTOMERS For all your heating and air conditioning needs, including warranty work, extended warranties, or general service and maintenance, please call us. CHJt, DIB fMrf84PittSf$, tll¢,, *Free Estimates (Installation Only) "100% Financing With Approved Credit ( No Down Payment) *Residential/Commercial  " *Heat Pumps *Central Air Conditioning *Gas Furnaces/Boilers *Gas & Wood Fireplaces *Generators *Oil Furnaces WV002743 It's Hard to Stop a Trane 24 Hour Emergency Service www.childersente rp rises.corn 255-2107 / 645-4871 1-800-224-7017 We also service all other brands. 466-0543 Exchanging Hands Consignment Dickies Nursing Scrubs "Newly Remolded'. "I 2 pc. set in solid colors $24.00 Spectrum printed tops at $10.00 SUN. - TUES. CLOSED Wed.- Frl. 10 - 5 / Sat. 10 - 2 311 Va. Ave. Rich Creek. Va. Ph: 540-726-7112 Storage Space Now Available Hilldale - Hinton Ph: 466-5990 / 466-5706 Flea Market Opening in the Spring: Fri., Sat., & Sun. I H U GE YARD SALE I JULY ] - 4 - 5 @ INDIAN MILLS, VVV :BETWEEN HINTON ANDETERSTOWN | TURN OFF RT. 12 ONTO ,INDIAN tLS RD. 2 1/2 MILES ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES - GLASSWARE - TOOLS- MISC. GALORE THiS IS A HUGE SALE - RAIN OR SHINE I Friday Afternoon, July 4th, 2:59 pm Auction inside at the air conditioned Gov. Underwood Youth Center at the state fair of West Virginia in Lewisburg ANNUAL 4th of July ANTIQUE, ESTATE & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION featuring items from the estate of the late Emmett Ba//ard, esqu f ,e ,p.'.ur Spr's, t, ioraoe Co., ;'%: r INFO will be posted as items are received. :i}iii}:!i;!ji]:i:!i!iiii ii: ....: :: '...!ii]::!i:i! ii:?.!:, -.... !:iji. ": 1989 PORSCHE 928S4, 5 speed sports car, vin # WPOJB0925KS860700 - 1982 Mercedes Benz diesel S/W, vin #WDBAB93AOCN007866!-sev. estate FIREARMS including, Colt pocket 9 MM Luger pistol series 90, Win. model 120 12 gauge 2 3/4 or 3 inch pump shotgUn, Ruger model 10/22 carbine 22 Ir w/scope, Win. model 94 30-30 rifle serial Marlin model 39A rifle cal. 22 sl &Ir micro groove, antique rabbit ear muzzle loading shotgun, Crossman 357 pellet rev., S & W model 79G ,!77 pe!!et PiSt0! , pattem glass pieces, approx. 50 i : ! :! iiiii:ii::iiiiiiiiiiili::ilili}i::i::i]iii:.::i::iii::ii:: i::iii:ii:} pcs. of CARNIVAL GLASS, i;!i:]iiii:}i;:i::!i]::!ii::::::i"i::! i !::!::::i;i::iii::iiiiii!!i::: includes Northwood and other good ::::::::::::::::::::::: ............. :: ......... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*: pcsJ, plus many more collectibles & i!i ii antiques, Mueller Bros. art glass Ii:iiiii:iii table lamp, Maytag oil cans, old Summers Co. WV History book by Miller - large 1930's Greenbrier County wall map, Greenbner Hotel co!!ect!b{es-Fr. M!nt ! 88 enz ,t,n, ,^,or m "* i' h'x  B  !94Err! 5 pc. Allis Chalmers farm toy set-modern style Bentwood arm chair, please see photo in gallery-Star hot dog model 40 serial 40002462 roller machine-nice Theramadof combination microwave/convection double stack kitchen oven-PLUS MORE TO BE ADDED TO THIS LIST SOON! Watch our WEBSITE for more info. soon. A 10% buyers premium is in effect for this auction. Cash, approved credit cards and checks. Everything sells ABSOLUTE! e info on web. .RI"VJ.RJBE Lo AUCTION cai (304) 445-2897 1-800-726-2897 or Randy S. Burdette, CAI.927 on acre lot. Private setting, full basm't, sun rooms and covered porch, carport. $98,000. :, "!::!," ! .... iii! #814 MARIE AREA - 2 br. furnished home on 2 acres. Private setting, pond, garden space, outbuilding. $49,500. #811 WAYSIDE-- 3 acre w/small one room cabin, adjoining creek. Private & mostly wooded-- $12,000. #778 36 ACRE FARM, Raleigh Co. - 10 minutes from Lester Square. Mix of pasture, hay fields and woodland. Fenced. 6 year old home. Private. View. $99,500. ." .... .j" !i".!ii!!*, i' " ......... i. :!.t ::::.'::'.:  .' :::'!" "ii"ii } i:: >. #787 310 SUMMERS STREET. Historic 2 story home has been converted into 2 living units. Also has garage and apartment behind home. Selling entire package for $62,000. #812 PIPESTEM -- 3BR home on 1 level acres, 2 car garage & carport-- $73,000. 00ii::i:i i ..::/!}i""" ": #774 JUMPINGBRANCH: 3 BR, 2 bat.ha, Cape Cod style home on large lot. Central heat & A/C, sundeck, fireplace, custom kitohen. . $98,500. br., 2 story, corner lot w/new privacy fence. $39,500. % ....... ..,:.;]:::.,..-.!:?:. #804 PRI/ATE SCENIC FARM. Pipestem area, 221 acres of fenced pasture, hayfield and woodland. Great hunting, adjoining gov't, land near New River. Rustic contemporary home has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, rec. room and more. Panoramic views from the house overlooks several counties and into Virginia. A very private setting also has additional cabin, 2 log barns, log outbuildings and Shown by appointment this very unique and special property is an outstanding property. $475,000. Commercial Locabon. New floors;: roof, fenced, paved parking lob Good location few miles out of town on Rt. 3. River frontage; suitable for many types of businesses. 'Former Jubys Bldg." $315,000. #826 1104 WALNUT ST.: (Bellepoint) 3 br., brick on 6 lots. Ig. LR, with fireplace, basm't, , screened porch, sundeck, nice view. $99,500. #788 NIMITZ - 1 1/2 acre level lot with 3 br., 2 bath, home. 2 story detached garage. $54,000. #823 204 SUMMERS ST. - 3 story Brick apt. building, income producing. $39,900. #820 JUMPING BRANCH - across from J. B. School. Brick home with full basm't. Features 6 br., 4 baths, 2 kitchens and more. 2 acres of level land, oversized garage with breezeway. Too many features to list... Call for appointment. $350,000. #821 MARIE AREA - 3 br., 2 baths manufactured home, with log siding on I 1/2 acre lot. Nice home and country setting, 1 mile from river. Cellar and 2 storage bldgs., carport, paved driveway, sun deck and front porch. $89,500. #783 NEW RIVER ROAD - 2 story duplex, 1 unit rental, view of New River. $35,000. #818 MADAMS CREEK - 3 br. home0n targe lot, house sits on full basm't., wraparound sun deck, ga r.c't carport, out b u ildin c'O. ,sa bove ground )ool. "Parllike setting," with creek flowing thru property. $65,000. , ............ .::::::i  ................... #817 GREENBRIER DRIVE .- Beautiful older, 2 story brick home. View of Greenbrier River, from wraparound porch. 3 br., 3 baths, plus formal dining, spacious living room, den and custom kitchen. Full fenced yard, off street parking. "If you like quality older homes, thi one is special." $150,000. - #816 418 JAMES STREET - older 2 story home, needs work, $15,000. #766 HINTON BY-PASS, Prime; location on New River, this 46"  20' building would make a nic<t  business location or nice camp. Newly remodeled but needs some finish work....$32,000. #775- Older 2 story house, two: layer porches provide great view of New River & Hinton. S,-,ene d porch on back w/st.'ivin g Room, Kitche.,''pliances & 112 bath ,',-., If J? level. Upstairs : ii #786 PENCE SPRINGS. 13 room ranch style home on large level lot. Garage w/shed, storage iii, ..  iii:: i:: ::. .':<::!: :::::::,::.:: ":::-:i':: ." • #784 TRUE ROAD, PIPESTEM. : :.:  ! " private acre wooded lot, only 3 miles to Pipestem Resort Golf Course and Lodge. Full bsm't, 4 BR., 2 Baths, spacious kitchen, " den with fireplace. $99,500.  . f , bR ' utility room wZ v r ano dryer, large bath w/closet. Off street parking -- Ii approx. 90'x275' $36,000. , building.4brs. 11/2baths, family #781-FORESTHILL-3br.,2bath, #813 JUMPING BRANCH ;'!: room and more. Close to river but double wide on 3 plus acres. 2 car Commercial Building, Fenced no flooding. Garden space ..... detached garage. Very nice home. Lot, Paved Parking, 3-Phasl $59,000. Family room w/FP. $75,000. Power. $160,000. ?:r iq. Sales Associate Sales Associate J ([)TI ][IR,I[]LTJ i/ ; i..!.!.:.::" "":%:il  :: .......... ::::: -,'[ : :: ::i!!: ..'.::i : ":i iii! ;i;::iii::!;i:::" " , "  ::: ! i:: .::', iili :!!:iiiii:ii : :::" ":i:i:.".':i:ii:i:::" .:::?::  : [ '- :: , iiiiii;00 ,iil :00iiiiii ....... ::'?' -: Dianna :::::Bwan ............ R. Eugene Jones, Jr. Jennifer Kaleb 00lji Perdue Boone BROKER Gore Lively i [IL- 466-3046 466-4833 Ph: 466-4246 466-2331 573-6463 i?=