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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
June 5, 1990     The Hinton News
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June 5, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2 " ][~Llll~M[la NellFII 'filial. Jlllne 5o 1~O . . mountain to the mines. Nine 9f~n Newspaper coai at2 1/2 tons per car desc.eoc~ed I f, om the mine to .awk, Nest IL> *.'.AL4 t'u '-"rmivm'*mm d ly. The engine and cars . . mi,e ro d were v.y =all. ;...o- ' ! RE II T]0NS proportioned to the narrowne~: 0f • There were three entries dflve~ into the bed of coal, all of :~'~h " -- reached the 11 foot coal seam~@f~ich B started with four partings,"'~ In' I BeeJuse a recent survey found that The y R oy C. or~g averaging over eight inches~k~ [ HINTON NEWS is the favored source through the middle. One reac~[~ fi~ for th out of five for local news and ' ' inches of standstone but q~nVc~ advertising items, disappeared as the working:'~.;~1~ deeper into the mountain.~.",a~e~ a~ O SIGN ME UPs i ii driving l,500 feet the whole'I~1~,.op.t. * bed had but two partings, bothi~l~ one of two inches, two feet frJ~:~ me i ftlll y Ir of THE HINTON NEWS (52 [ top of the bed and one of one ~h,; lllulll}lit the low bllll~Imbscription rate 04 $11.50 . foot above the bottom of the ~ ~ ~(~ (In ~ato ruldents add 69 cents state tax.) I ~i!~'~i~ " :::~iii::::i::::i~ ii~i The entry driven the farthe~; I under the mountain shows but ~0n~ t~ : NBII~, , parting. '~ , Add ] Most of the coal from this mine was shipped to Portland, Mai'~e'~,~ 1i~ City State "~ Zlp l ?::..iii way of New York where it com~"~ R~ i u ce ~u,y ~t~ the ~um~r~ poses. The Virginia cor~umer~_: of Id O,~m.., ~ , this coal were the C. & O., the ~i~ ! TEAR' Plea!e& MAILalI°WTo:uPTHEt° 3 weekSHiNToNfOrdeliverYNEwS of the first copy II ginia Midland, and the Richn~,!~ p~ I " P.O. BOX 1000 I Continued on page ?:;.': ; Y L -- -- -- -- -- -- H/N--TO'-N' WV 25--95--1 ........ ' LETTER any other situation or entity from l- '"v°se Bus ;: • it..rlr- Summers County Hospital that if ~:~ EDITO known or found out could be con- I I '~i:51~. ~(- R n Bud & i: * =nt.;.,. n.-.atlnns strued as a pay off or conflict of "Jar S' inr~r st, thu il gal? ,r: ........... I really do notbelieve that I will I Bloom :: t supp0~ that t snoulo De conma- . ___.~ ............. recelve the answer to thls or any ~ e,-eu, glu~on tot pumsnmen~, smna- • ' ,i.i:" • -- e''" uestio sabeutthe other questlon that I have requested I R Lngalon a~dngq~ .)nJ . an answer to. One person, a non educed:; ~ummor~ tmunty~osplram aria never ~.~: .~ c: i~ _ . political citizen voice vdone, never. g.tting mmnvers, but there may come I VE STOOD I 1/3 : • .. THUS FAR HA :.~,,~ a time when other C~ti~n~ of Sum- ALONE ASKING QUESTIONS, IF mars County wish they had de-W~, ,lJ,OW T.R RIIMM~.R~ I WEBBS FLORISt::: manded the answers also before all C()UNTY-HOsPiT2TO-B-E-L'OS is lost. WE LOOSE TOGETHER? I & GREENHOUSE~:: I am aware ..... or am under the im- Yours- stray," " I On the 4-lane ?: ~ ::,,: pression that two of" the three ~um- nidA~z R fire n~ Mnt~.n • Leo ......... on ......... I CRAB ORCHARD, mars Cot~ty Commissioners on theRoute 86 Box 20-A I 255-7411 • -.i~ Board of Trustees of The Summers-Tu,~,~;n-'Branch WV 25969 County Hospital is not ILLEGAL ....r...r, BUT I THER UNETtIICAL. I be- lieve with these two Commissioners having the power to install who ever they wish on the Hospital Board, and theee two Commissioners being TWO FIFTHS OF THE THREE FIFTHSleast legal numberrequired to pass or defeat a matter before the bWrd, with thil much power over Summers County Hospital's l~6m'd of Trustees, maybe the two Commi~[loners in question do not have to shoulder the blame for the Hdspitars problems, EQALLY THEY CAN NOT DIVORCE THEM- SELVES FROM THE MISDIREC- TION EITHER. Section 1Vindemnification of The By.laws of The Summers County Hospital raises many questions. You may be told that there is no pay for sorvingas a Summers County Hospital Board of Trustees Mem- ber, OK. ~ this is true, then why would a person serve? Reimburse- ment is pert of the definition ofin- demnifleatim . QUESTION: Are any of the Summern County Hospital Board of Trustees Members receiving money, gratuities, or reimbursement in any shape forint, or fashion under any nanle for services Ten- d rad as Trustee, facsimile, or oth- erwise, or receiving m~ney under To Bs In World Guiness Records To all of your readers: There Sea 7 year old who is dying of cancer. His last wish is to be in the World Guine Records as having the most Get Well Cards. Can you all pIease help make his last wish came true. Thank God my chil d will see many wi hes corns true. Send your cards to: Craig Shergold do Children's Wish Foundation Suite I00 32 Parimeter East Atlanta, Ca. 30346 Thanks, Mrs.. ne Clamps Route 86, Box 85 Jumping Branch, W.Va: 25969 PET MISSING MISSING FROM THE AVIB AREA. White M dePersian Cat. Last April 12th po iably taken to another location. $26.00 REWARD for it's return or whereabouts. Con- ta~/Davl~/t~mphrtu, 161 Pleasant St. Phone 466.2189. Letters am welcome, but only a ~lect|on will be published. Prefer. once will be given to letters of 300 words or less. Longer letters may bc shortened or rejected. I~tters must be signed and must include an ad- droM and phone number. The te]e. phone number will not be published. libel. i with]tel& Address them to Letters to the Editor, P, O. Box 1000, Hinton, WV 25951, I l [] l t ! t t