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6 - Hinton News Tues. June 4, 1991
BPW Holds April Meeting
The Hinton Business and Profee-
"sional Women's Club met on Apr.
30th., at the Summers County Ca-
'reer Center. This was the last din-
her that the Food Service students
catered for the 1990-91 BPW club
year. The students and Mr. Bob
Mazzella did a wonderful job with
every meal and the club members
truly enjoyed and appreciated the
good service and good food.
Mrs. Elizabeth Bare called the
meeting to order with the Club Col-
lect and Flag Salute. She then intro-
duced the guest speaker, Regina
Eclde, State Farm Insurance agent.
:Mrs. Eckle spoke on the various
pension plans available. She handed
out print outs that compared the
different pension plans and how
these plans could help a working
person plan and save for retirement.
The Mar. minutes were read and
approved and the treasurer's report
was given. The members discussed
the success of the Blood Analysis
Clinic and the financial outcome.
Mrs. I ire announced the May
meeting #ould be held at the Moose
Club and that the 1991-92 theme
wouldbeBPW: Key toAdvancemont.
A committee was setup to eelact a
Maid of Honor for the Water Festi-
val, and members were asked to
think about ways that the BPW club
could help with the Water Festival
this summer.
The meeting was adjourned with
the Benediction. Twenty-two mem-
bers and four gueets were present:
Millie Meador, India Brown, Frances
Davis, Mettle Jean Cooper, Mary
Garrison, MildredMeador, Elizabeth
Huffman, Elizabeth Bare, Jeanie
Kraft, Clara Mann, Patsy Hedrick,
Judy Gore, Hazel Davideon, Jane
Humphries, Gloria Meadows, Betty
Woodrum, Frances Bowman, Jean
Pack, Donna Pivont, Ruth Pivont,
Cleo Mathews, Amy Mann, Regina
Eckle, Nadine Woodrum, Shirla
Ballard, and Donna Mock.
Help With Junior/Senior Prom
Bill Cooley adds just the right touch.
Mr. Mazzella watchful eye as student prepare trays.-
Two classes at the Summers
County Career Center were instru-
mental in hel ping to make thisyear's
Hinton High School Junior/Senior
Prom a memorable event.
Mr. Steve Lilly, Building Con-
struction teacher, and class were
responsible for building and paint-
ing the beautiful bridges and lattice
work placed throughout the deco-
rated areas of the prom,
Preparing and serving delicious
food and refreshments was the con-
tribution made by the Food Service
Lonnie Allen
Son Returns
Marine CPL. Lonnie Allen, has
returned home after duty aboard
the landing ship the U.S.S. Guam.
He has been in Saudi Arabia for nine
months. He is stationed at Cherry
Point, N.C.
He was met at the Cherry Point
Marine Bass by all of his immediate
Lonnie really appreciated all the
mail and all the support from his
family and friends in and around
Hinton. As Lonnie's parents - we'd
like to say! Welcome Home! a job
well Done.
To ion ni e and all the others troops
who fought in The Middle East.
Class under the direction of Mr.
Robert Mazzella. These teachers and
students would like to thank Mrs.
Wands Davis and all the junior class
sponsors for allowing them to utilize
their skills and be a part of this
year's prom.
l l
Will not stick or fade
Michelle Steele
Erin Steele
2 Sisters Turn 1
Year Older
Michelle Lynn Steele daughter of
Johnny and Lynnae Steele of Br-
idgeview, II. celebratedher 1st. birth-
day on Feb. 2, (Groundhog's Day).
She shares her birthday with
Grandma Bell also of Bridgevlew.
And of course a cute Groundhog cake
was made by Grandma to add a fun
touch to her 1st. party.
Grandma Lottie Steele of Hinton
sent Michelle a beautiful card and
gift. Michelle misses her and wishes
she could have been there to cele-
brate along with Michelle's 2 older
sisters, Erin and Amber.
Happy 1st. Birthday Michelle ! !
We Love You!!
Erin Dawn Steele, daughter of
Johnny and Lynnae Steele cele-
brated her 8th birthday on Mar. 8. A
cute kitten cake was made by
Grandma Bell of Bridgeview, 11. This
was chosen because of our newly
acquired Persian, Muffin. A family
party was given along with a seper-
ate party with her friends from
Erin had a very exciting and fun
8th birthday. Two parties she will
never forget.
The birthday cards and gifts sent
especially by Grandma L. Steele of
Hinton always brighten up her day.
She's growing up so fast.
Happy 8th Birthday, Erin ! ! !
We Love You!!!
Building Construction Class.
The first practical phonograph was
Invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison.
1 -8X10
8 Jumbo Wallets
Persons under 18 must be accompanied by parent.
.Thurs. June 6 10:00 - 4:30
Retired School
Employees Meet
The Summers County Association
of Retired School Employees met
Apr. 20 in the Board of Education
Conference Room. Coffee and do-
nuts were served by Frances Lively
and the hostess commitee as mem-
bers enjoyed a fellowship period.
Mr. Albert Lively, president, was
in charge of the meeting which
opened with an invocation by Janie
Mann, the Flag Salute, and the sing-
ing of =America" led by Margaret
Guest speaker was, Mr. D.E.
Tassos, who talked about the Sum-
mers County school system's pres-
ent situation and plans for the fu-
ture. Agift ofappreciation was given
to Mr. Tassos to remind him of his
many friends in the organization.
• Mr. Lively presented information
concerning the employment of an
executive director for the state or-
ganization and asked members to
vote on the issue.
He announced that the Spring
Workshop would be held on June 5
at the Holiday Inn at Oak Hill. All
committee chairmen or co-chairmen
are to attend. The Leadership Con-
ference will be held at the Sheraton
Martinsburg Inn on May 8-9.
Mr. Lively reported that the re-
tirement bills in the recent legisla-
tive session were not brought out of
committee. He urged members to
contact legislators and make their
opinions known.
The group will meet at Pipestem
State Park on May 11 for the annual
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Perdue, Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Alder-
Located on the corner of
Second Ave. and Summers St.
Partially funded by the W.Va.
Commission on Aging
Wed. June 5
Menu: Pork chops, mashed pota-
toes, broccoli, sliced peaches.
Thurs. June 6
Menu: Potato soup, turkey Sand-
wich, kale greens, sliced pineapple,
cracker. Activities: Bingo for prizes
after lunch.
Fri. June 7
Menu: Baked chicken, mashed
potatoes, mixed veg. ice cream. Ac-
tivities: Gospel sing at 11:15.
Monthly birthday party for seniors
observing birthdays in June.
Mon. June 10
Menu: Meatloaf/gravy, buttered
rice, green beans, fruit cocktail, bis-
cuits. Activities: Bible study at 11:15.
Summers County Council on Aging
Board of Directors meeting at 1:00
Tues. June 11
Menu: Ham salad sandwich,
tomato soup, baked potato, pear
Menu changes may occur due to
the unavailability of foods or due to
circumstances beyond our control.
Scheduled Bus Trips
Mercer Mall June 21
Pence Springs to Hinton 5--19
Blood Pressure Clinic
Hinton Center-- 12-19-26
Sandstone Center - 12
Kroger 13
Squat " l)ance -- Pence
Springs Senior Center
The monthly squai (,
held at 7:00 p.m. June 7th
Pence Springs Senior Cent
admissions, music by t) Ray,
All ages admitted, r f :,:
be served. This ac
by the GreeTbri., :
Senior Citizens Cub :
mers Coy.
son, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lively,
Juanita M. Basham, Eleanor Mead-
ows, Jessie Smith, Juanita A.
Basham, Janie Mann, Robert Via,
Pauline W. Fife, Margaret Woodrum,
Mary Neely, Florence Meadows,
Emma Wise, Raymond Fox and D.E.
Invited To Meeting
SURPLUS r (. r:
APPLIC¢ Tlr ''
Please be advi,,.i ,
mers County Council on i.,.,
the Summers County Servi:. : r,
cil will be taking ap;,"
Surplus Food on the 5th -r, ' ,
June, at the following area. Jura,
5th and 7th. 9 am until 3 pm tint.
area residents Summers County
Services Council. Under 60.
Over 60 June 5th and 6th 9 a
until 3 pm Hinton Senior Center. Ail
seniors must reapply for a new crd
Talcott Fire department-Sand
stone Senior Center-Jumping
Branch Senior Center, Pipestem
Ruritan Community Building, will
be taking applications on June 5
9:00 until 12:00.
TheEighthAnnuaISystems-Wide . -. -, 0
Auxiliary Meeting of the Appalchian
Regional Heathcare met Apr. 24 &
25 in Lexington, Ky. Since Summers
County Hospital is now under the
management of A.R.H., the hospital
Auxiliary was invited to be repre-
The meeting was held at the
Springs Inn Motel in Lexington and
all of the A.R.H. hospitals were rep-
Jeannie Chase, Assistant Vice
President for Administration coor-
dinated the meeting. Robert L.
Johnson, President of A.R.H. wel-
comed the group.
During the two day sessions, a
very informative and educational
program was presented. Group ses-
sions were led by Doris Rosenbaum,
Vice Chairperson of the Kentucky
Hospital Association on "Expanding
Your Horizons'.
Pat Arnold, University of Ken-
tucky Gift Shop Manager/Secretary
of Gift Shop Managers Association,
"Shop Talk." Rev. Thomas Schuler,
Chaplain Consultant/Community
Liaison A.R.H., =How to magnify
Your Life. Willena S. Beagle, R.D.
Director of Education-A.R.H. Nu-
trition The Life Preserver For YouF
Carolyn Hopkins, Image Consult-
ant 'Tour image, It's Impact," The
Changing Role of the Volunteer."
Those attending were entertained
with a Tea and also a Reception with
A.R.H. headquarters employees.
Attending from Summers County
Hospital Auxiliary were: Marie
Maddy, President and Ruth Tho-
mas, Secretary.
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The largest and fastest growing retail Auto Parts Chain in the south e
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