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4 - Hinton News Tues. June 4, 1991
The Hinton News
Published Tuesday
By The
Hlnton Publishing Corporation
210 Second Avenue
Hlnton, W Ve. 25951
C.€ UnW
Fred Long
Publisher - Editor
Pho (3O4) 466-0005
USPS 246-180
By Carder ,eaJlcriptlona By Mall
25€ Dally $z.
U. S. PB¢ lguillcm
I1 I/mmt in klvmm
Second CIm Postage Paid At Hlnton, WV
I I II Ill
Articies submitted to the Hintop
News must reach the office by Fri.
day noon in order to be considered
for publication in the following'rues.
day paper, Please include you r n ame
and a phone number where you can
be reached during business hours.
The Hinton News reserves the right
to edit any material and regrets that
articles cannot be returned.
Items for the Community Bulletin
Board must reach the of]co by Mon-
day noon in order to be considered
for publication in that week's paper.
"" -'Round Hinton
" By: Shirley Garten JolHffe
". May 27, Memorial Day, saw the
'=. following people with birthdays:
.,. Luther G. Wills, Sr., Vernon
,, Richmond, Meadow Creek, Dorothy
, Reed of Hinton, Kimberly Gwinn of
. Meadow Creek, William Wayne Fox
' and Jason Cole, 8.
"' May 28, Mattie Fruman, Ethel
:: Vandall, of Sandstone, and Curtis
" Meadows of Hinton had birthdays.
" May 29, Andrea Johnson, 11,
: Junior Meadows, Forest Hill, had
" birthdays and William and Elaine
- Fox of Marie announced their 26th
May 30, Tom Yancey, 63, of
Keatley Springs, Mary Jane Martin
Wycle of Forest Hill, Jimmy Young
ofPipestem, Janie Wycle, Forest Hill
all had birthdays. Twins Nathan and
JessicaTrout, 5, had birthdays. Jodie
Mann, 14, of Pence Springs, alsohad
Mr. & Mrs. Moody Young
Celebrates 50th
Wedding Anniversary
a birthday on the 30th. step great grandchildren.
May 31, Lindsay Marie Brown, 4, They received many m:@ cards
of Hungarfs Creek, Waid.Neelyf and gft.
Pipestem Creek, Jordan Martin of Guests were recewed between
The children of Moody and Vide
Young honored their parents with a
reception on Apr. 13th., at Martha's
Chapel Church on Madams Creek.
The couple were married Apr. 10,
1941 on Madams Creek by the Rev.
E.G. Scarborough.
Mr. Young's parents were the
former John and Ethel Moore Young.
Mrs. Young's parents were the for-
mer Andy and Lucretia Bennett
The couple have three living chil-
dren, Dean and Billy Joe Young and
Betty Jane Lane. They have four
grandchildren, four step grandchil. ,
dren, two great grandchildren and 2
2:00 and 4:00 o'clock.
The cake was baked and served
by Mary Newsome. Marion Davis,
Hilda Pizzino and Erma Meadows
assisted with serving.
Rock Camp, Dreama Adkins of
Sandstone, Larry Fox of Southside,
and Dabble Crawford, 36, of Forest
Hill had birthdays.
June 1, Barbara Bennett of
Keatley Springs had a birthday.
Anyone who has anything to
announce call 466-5787.
Air Force Staff Sgt. Stephen W.
Hudson, an electrical technician, has
arrived for duty at Seymour Johnson
Air Force Base, N.C.
The sergeant is the son of Phyllis
R. Hudson of Hinton.
He is a 1980 graduate of Hinton
High School.
All class reunion of Green Sulphur
District High School (Sandstone
High School) Sat. July 20th at the
School Gymnasium. Registration at
10:00 A.M.
Meal time 12:00 noon.
Everyone is requested to bring a
covered dish according to number in
your party, eating utensils will be
furnished. Drinks to be sold by
Summers County Band members.
Brinyour yearbook, class photos
etc. to share with your classmates.
Any questions call Hobart Adkins
President - 466-3825.
Guests from out of town: Lester
and Ann Bennett, Dayton, Tenn.;
Raymond and Jo Farley, Peebles,
Oh.; Tommy, Andy and John Farley,
Elyria, Oh.; Stanley and Betty Far-
ley, Poland, Oh.; Margaret Ryan,
Lori Humphries and Amanda Skid-
more, Covington, Va.; Dean and
Amelia Young, Seguin, Tx.; Lloyd
Bennett, Ripley, W.Va.; Louise
Smith, Columbus, Oh.; Josephine
Bolen, Daniels, W.Va.; Connie, Amy,
and Anna Forren, Oak Hill, W.Va.;
Marvin and Marilyn Farley, Fay-
etteville, W.Va.
Mohawk 4-H
..... Club .
By Tara Scott
The Mohawk 4-H Club met Tues.
May 7 at Lick Creek Baptist Church
at 7:00 p.m. At 7:10 p.m. the meeting
was called to order. We sang West
Virginia Boys and Girls. We also
said the 4-H pledge.
Devotions and program were
called for. They were not read or
presented at this meeting.
Roll call was called for and car-
ried out.Secretary Stacy Martin read
previous minutes.
Old business was called for. We
discussed previous skating parties.
New business was called for. We
talked about camp and O.M.C.,Older
Members Conference.
Project demonstrations were
Meeting was adjourned. Next
meeting will be Tues. June 4, at 7:00
L , f
Boxing returns to the schedule with veteran
broadcaster AI Albert and former Lightweight
Champion Sean O'Grady.
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Deborah Lilly Brian Luk
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell G. Lilly of
Nimitz are proud to announce the
engagement and forthcoming mar-
riage of their daughter, Deborah
Faye, to Brian Todd Lusk, n of Mr.
& Mrs. Lanta Lusk of Cyclone.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
Hinton High School and a graduate
of Concord College with a B.S. de-
gree in Travel Industry Manage-
Her fianceis a graduate of Oceana
High School and a graduate of Con-
cord College with a B.S. degree in
Physical Education.
Both will be employed by the Giles
County Board of Education.
The couple will be married July
27, at 4:00 P.M. in an open church
ceremony at the Bluestone Baptist
Church at Jumping Branch, W,V.
The couple will reside in Nar.
rows, Va.
Named To Dean's
Mrs. Lena Anderson, Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs at Beckley
College has announced the "Dean's
List for the Spring 1991 semester.
The following local students have
earned a =3.25 or better average
while carrying 12 or more semester
hours: Penny M.K. Cole, Jumping
Branch; Basil Lee Garten, Hinton;
and Brenda Lee Wills, Nimitz.
Bingo every Thurs. night, start-
ing at 7:00 P.M. at the Moose Lodge.
Concession available. Mini and
maxi jackpot.
Children can play i f accom panie d
by an adult.
H.H.S. Tri-Hi-Y Members Attend
Youth In Government
Six members of the Hinton High
School Tri Hi Y took part in the
annual Youth and Government ac-
tivites held in Charleston Apr. 19-
21. Four of the girls served as dele-
gates, and two as members of the
press. Pictured left to right first row:
Jackie Jeffries, club treasurer,
daughter of Magistrate Bill Jeffries
of Hinton. Jessica Reich, daughter
dArlene Reich of Hinton, and Stuart
The Consumer Advocacy and
Advisory Council for persons with
disabilities will meet on June 11, at
6:00 PM at Mountain State Center
for Independent Living, 329 Prince
St., Beckley, WV.
For more information call 255-
0122 or 1-800-545-2245.
Reich of Phoenix Arizona. Cheryl
Lowry, club president, daughter of
Steven and Debra Lowry of Hinton.
Top row: MelissaWilliams, daugh-
ter of Jimmy and Brenda Williams,
Paige Gwinn, club vice-president,
daughter of Philip and Lynn Gwinn
of Green Sulphur Springs and Kelly
Lester, daughter of Jack and K]ista
Lester of Hinton.
Hank Williams, Jr. - Pure Hank
Tour <J1 with special guests Shenan-
doah and Pirates of the Mississippi.
will be appearing on Fri.June 14 at
7:30 P.M. at the Coliseum Char-
leston Civic Center. Ticket Prices:
$19.50 - All seats reserved.
For ticket purchase call Ticket-
master Charleston Area 342-5757,
Huntington Area 523-5757, toll free
in W.Va. 1-800-877-1212.
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Certificate of Deposit thru you Local Bank or
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Our competent staff has been professionally trained to assist
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Our reputation Is built on serving families like yours and we
pledge that we will merit the confidence you have placed in us.
Feel free to contact us for answers to any questions you might
have.., now or in the future.
130 Temple St., Hinton
Phone 466-1179
That Blessings May Shine on You...
Run St Church
Superendem, Alice #yar.
Sunday School 10, Morning wor-
lh 11.
llWok, ewkt Church
N. Buco Cmvdl, J.. Pastor:
Sunday Service: Joe McBride
Sug., Sunday School 9:45 am.
Mom Wohip, am. You.
flowhip, S:45pm. Evening Sv
lot 7 pro. Wednesday Soevloo
790pro. Prayer Min 0 and Bi
Study. C
Lowll Wllieml, Pastor: Sun¢ie
10 a.rft Morning Wonhip
11 Lm. each Sunday. Pray
nmQng Wed. al 7 p.m. B Y F
Sunday at 5 p.m.
ilr=k,i i1 Church
Pastor Oanl Harem: EQ,r(
Cyr, Sunday Scho Suped
tandmL, Sun.Schord 10 a.m
Momk, Worship 11 a.m. Eve
nlng Sarvk 7p.nt Prays 0 Tuas. at 7:30 p.m.Wed
Sorvlce 7 p.m.
CCvaq eaplst
Red Sulphur: v. Rick Hork
son, Sunday 10 A.M
MoIng Womhilb 11.XX) A.M
Ewntag Womhlp 7:30 P.M. Wed
noGy Wohip 7:30 P.M.
Ray. Nalhanlol Johnson: Sunda
Subeo, E. G. Crmord, SUI,
ILm. Morning Worlhtp Every Sun
Qty. Preaching 1st. and 31
Sundays at 11 &m. and 6 p.m.
Pastor Robert L Moore: 9:45 &m
Chu¢ SchoQ 11 .m. Mornb
Wmhlp. SO p.m. S Y F. 7X
p.m. Evlklg Wohip. 7 p.m
Wedn Mid - Wek Servoo
Cheetnm Gn)ee
pt: Benny dkm. Superln;en,
Qmt: towel Bennett Sunda
I0 a.m. Morning Womhll:
11 Itm. gvonln 0 7:3(:
W=d. Eying Svlm 70 p.m.
Co'e Chq
(Pgu Bami Church) John S
Aklrmun. Pastor: 10 Im. Sunda
hooL eubL Kyie KInzw. 11 &m
Momin0 WoAMp. 6 p.m., S Y F ?
p.m. Ewmlng Wor Wed. 7p.m
Pmy tng.
. FnmwI
Two mlkl rth o( or
thaAU Reid. Sunday SChoo 1C
Lm, Baptk Yoth League 6 p.m
Emlql 7 p.m. '
Rnll eqxllt chur
Sund-y School 9"A5 Lm. eruc,
Rtchman, SU. Morning Wor.
ship t 1 -.m., Evunl Sutvk 7:0(:
i p.n Mkl Week Sek 70 V
Rm Nm Chch
i Pm Joa F. Elate:
2ml. • 4th. SUaW 110, Sun.
day Nigh| 7:!10,1€. • d. Sunda
At MeUtedht Church Al
8:30 P.M. krvk Mbg.
Qre Ih ctuch
Dan Sm, pmw. Sunday
Suhoo110 Lm.. Morning Wohtp
t o Lm. sunday E a:o¢
rffio Iy I Jr. Pmlo:Sun-
1o e.m. is. s. supt
M Rye. Wom SVm
Sum/l Evdng at 7:0€
P.M. 2nd. and 4th. Sundays. Mld
Wwk Pray Seedoo An0 Yoh
Mdlng Btch Wednday at 7:00
Come to Church
Indian I11 Bopti Church
Steve Ho,Jock, Pastor: 8. S.
SupL Jamas Koatiay. Sunday
School 10 A.M. Clas.e, for al
age€ Worship. SerVice, 11 A.M.
and 7 P.M. Evy Sunday. Praye
Meatng Wed. 7 P.M.
Judon Fmvli bptiet
Pastor Pat Kounlm: Sunday
School 10,'00 o' clock. Every
Sunday, Servkm Sunday Night
At 7.'00 o' dock..Pat Koune,
Sunday School Superintendent.
Keeuq Swings Baptiet
Sunday School t0 A.M., Harold
M, &oetntondorn.
Law Cm Baptet Church
Fimt and third Sunday 11:00
am., Second and Forlh Sunday
a 7:00 pro.. Wednasday rhl
Servk 7:00 pro., Sunday School
10.O am. Pastor, Andy Howdoch
Ud{ Creek Baptist Church
Sunday School at 10 am. Praach-
tng Servico$.11 am. Every Sun-
day. Prayer Meeting Wednesday i
7 wn. Roy. Torn McGraw, Pastor. !
WoN Cmk
Independent Baptist Church. Off
Rt. 12 on the Little Wolf Crek
Road. Pastor, Donald L Hannah:
Sunday School Superintendent.
WayrBrown W, Sundayschool
10:00 am. Wohip Sarvk 11 .'00
am. Sun. Evening Sorvkm 7pm.
Youth Ming Wedrmday 6:30
AMid Week stm/ico Wed. 7 prn.
Pastor J. L. Jonas: Sun.10 am.
Sunday Schod ; 11 am., Morning
Worship; 7 pro. Evlml Worship;
7 pro. Wed., Mid Week Bloie Study
end Prayer MeeSng.
Ray. William Cartel: Sunday
School Superintendent Mm. E. E.
Johron. Sunday School 10Lm.
Ivory Sunday. Pray myico
Wednesday 6.'30. Wohlp Iv-
ice third Sunday at 11 Lrrt
IBL Calvary Fmewll
elalm Church. Sunday .School
10.'00Lm., Preaching 11.'00a.m.,
Prear, hing Sunday Nht 7:00
;).m., Prayer Meeting Wednsday
7:00. Pastor E, R. Buc Tyme
New Salem Bt Church
Paslor I. E. Hal€hot: Sunday
8choo 10.'00. Church 11 .'00 Fun-
Nim= IMlom
Bapd¢ Church Pastor Amend
0OOpM: S. S. Superintendent
roy Bra. SurW Scbe 945..
ornlng Wmhlp and Children
hurch 11 &m. Sunday Morning.
Evening Sunday Worship 7:30,
Prayer Meeting and You Meet-
iag 7:30 Wednesday.
Plrm Grow
Pastor W. C. Sampson: Sunday
SchoolSupt., Bill Haw, Sunday
10 &fit Morning Worlhlp
11:00 A.M. Wednesday Ewming
Rhon¢l/Anna tkmodat
!Stw, WV. Svlcemq2nd.,
4th. and h. urdy w,*p
at 7:00 p.m.
RIw, Valley
R 12 Foreat Hill Road, Bill Jan-
kint Pastor: 10 &m. ,Sunday
Inlw 11 Lm. Morning Wet.
ship. 7:30 Ixm. Evening Service.
7 p.m, Yotflh Fellowship Thur.
n,m ctm Iy
Bap, Roy Lm Honak, Jr..
Proof: Sun. 10 A.M. Wor-
ship 11 A.M. each Sun-
day. Praye Service, Sev.
k, Youth M Wed. 7 p.m.
D. L. Stalnaker, Pastor: 10 a.m.
Sunday School classes for all
ages. Richard I-Ioloran Superin-
tendent 11 a.m. Morning Wor-
snip. 7 P.M. Night Service.
San{l/tom Bqzlet Church
Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday
School Supt. BHI Dean. Sunday
School 10 A.M.. Morning Worship
11 A.M., Evening Servtcas 7.'00
P.M.. Wed. Prayer Meeting and
Youth Meeting 7 P.M.
Taloott. Fimt Sun. Servlco 11A,M..
Sunday at 3:00 P.M.
Second Baptist Church
212 Jarce St., Ray. Matthew
Sauna, SoNicos 2rid, & 4th.
Sunday 11 KM., Pray Service
Wednesday 6.'30. Sunday Scho
earth Sunday g.'30, Mr. Ja.'w
Nickolas Supt. Mrs. Edith Gooda,
Torq Church
Robert Combt. Pastor: Sunday
School, 10 &m. Melvin Wilbnz.
Supt. Preaching Serdoas at 11:00
a,m. every Sunday.
ulmxl 8,ptet Church
Pastor A. Angell, Jr.: S. 8. - 10:00.
Sunday Worship - 11.'00, Supt..
Rudy Nlen Stevenson, Asistant
SUP(. Rebecca. RloBible
Study Sunday Evening 7.'00 .
Yoh Meatir 7.'00 Sunday.
St Patrk Catholic Church.
Mass Schedu, Sunday 9 a.m.
Community Chdstim
Paslor Doug Hatcher: Worship
Services Sun. 11 tin. and 7.00
.m. Bible Study 10 a,m. Wed.
7:00 p.m.
Rrst lm Church
Eddie Via, Minister: Sunday
School 9:45 A.M., Morning Wor-
ship 11:00 KM., Sunday Evening
Bible Study, Sunday 6:00 Youth
Meetings 5.0
1621 SU St. Minbter, PhH-
llp stra|ti$: Sunday Morning Bible
Study 10 &m. Sunday Morning
Wohip Service 10".45 aL.t Sun-
day Evening San4oe 7.'00 P.M.
Wednesday Evening Service 7
Lay Church el Ctwlat
Sunday 10.'00, Bible Study 10>5,
Evening Sunday 700 p.m., Wed-
neaday Bibte Study 70 P.M.
Shoclday Hill
Tug Creek Road, Sunday Wor-
ship 11 A.M. Sunday Evening 6:30
P.M, Wednasday Senam 7.'30
11 &m. Flint Third Sundays,
Hob,/Communion 11 &m.. Sec-
ond and Fourth Sundap.
Ikslelnt ch,l
MllW MemodalChurch School 10
a.m. Morning Worlhip 11 a.m.
Ewnlng Service 7:30 EM. U M Y
F Wednoaday 6 p.m.
P! MethodlaC Clmrch
Hon.WVGInld F, Doon, Min-
w: Sunday ,School 9:45 A.M.,
Morning Wohip 11 0 A.M. ChM
care avallabb: Moments with chH.
oen, WedneJay Prayer Virgil
11:00 /kM.- 1:00 P.M, In the
Satluaty. Wednoeday Youth
Club. 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.. For
Jmwee at Tree
Iv. Cartlon Wilson, Pastor: Serv-
ices 9 am. Sun. School 10 am
Minister. Hubert Groves: Sam
Groves. Lay Leader. Study: 9:45,
Worship 11 am.
Red Sulphur. Marshall Fowler
Pastor: Service every 2nd Sun-
day 7 pin every 4th Sunday 1 t
Jane lilrm¢iel
Pastor Reno H. Richmond: Sun-
day School loam Morning Wor.
ship 11 am. Evening Prayer
Meeting 7.'30 pro.
Methodlat Charge
Rick Beam: First Sunday & 3rd.
Sunday, BrooMyn 9:15. Mt. Zion
10:15 A.M., Sand Knob lt:30
P.M., Nirrdtz d. and 4th. Sun-
day. Bethel 9.'30. Pluto Marlha
Chapel 11:00. Madams Creek.
Mount Pi=h
Morning Worship 9.'30 amChurch
Sctmol 10.'30 am U M Y F Tuas.
day 5: prn.
New Hope
C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 am. Worship 1 st & 3rd
Sun. 11 am& 4th Sun,at 7:prn.
Oak Grove
C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Sunday
School at 11 am, Worship 2nd &
4th Sun., 10am& 1st 7pro
Talcott Charge
C. Franklin Mtc Pastor: Forest
Hilt, 1at & 3rd Sundays: Worship
lOam. Sun, School tl am.
C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 am, Worship serwcea
2nd & 4th Sun. 11 am& 3rd Sun.
G,'eanvllle, 10 am Sunday School.
7:45 prn, Community Worship
Rret Pltlbytedln Church
Ray.Robert H. Glaser: Sunday
School 9:45 & Wohip 11:CO am
Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 pm.
'eanville. I 0 am Sunday School
7:45 pro. Community Worship
ICdler It Lowell
. Stewart McMurray, Pastor.
Wohll Services held at 2:30 pm
Mi 1st and 3rd. Sundays.
Ray. Stewart McMurray. Pastor.
;Grassy Meedows,lO a.m. Sun-
day School. Worship Service held
at 9 am on 2nd. and 4th. Sundats.
Rret Chuch el God
Nora Keaton. Pastor: Sunday
School 10 am, Morning Worship
11 am, Evening Worship 7 1
iWed. Evening Bible Study 7 pro.
215 Second Ave.. Himon.
Hintun Chtech of God
1301 Surnn'rs St. Pastor Cecil
Wdch: Sunday Schoo 10 am
Morning Worship lam Sunday
Night 7 pm Wed. Night 7 pro.
HImon OocHl Tabomscb
102 Main Street, Ban-
natt. Pastor: Sunday School 10
am Morning Worship 11 .'00 am
Youth r,3oeting 6:30 pm Evangel-
Ilc S,Ice 7.'3010fn Bible Study
Wednasday 7:30 pro.
Johovch'e Witnmml
Sunday lOam Public Talk, Sun-
day 11 am Walchtow, Study
Tuesday 7:30 pro, Theaeratic
School Thursday 8:30 pm Servtc
Jumping Branch TabernaCle
Rev. Elmo Alderman, St., pastor:
David MCen. Supt. Sun. School
Worsh 10 45
9:45 am Morning ip :
am Youth Fellowship 6.'30 pm
Evening Worship 7:30 prn Prayer
Service Wed. 7:30 pro.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Beckley, Sunday Worship 9:3
am, Sunday Schod 11 am. 725
Dry Hill Road. 252-5820 or 252.
4793.. Ray. Kenneth L. Fray.
Mount Olivet Church
A community church, Madams
Creek Roa, 2 1/2 rnile, WilJiam
A. Thompson, Pastor: 466-4299,
Sunday School 10.'00 am Morn-
ing Worship 11 .'00 am, Evening
Service 7.30 prn EDT, Wedrm-
day (7 pm EST. winter).
1602 Te-Die St. PastorRov.
Robert Wiseman: Sunday Schoo
10 am Morning Worship 1t am
Evangeli Service Sunday Night
7 pm Thursday. Prayer and Ibkl
Study 7 pro.
Pilll of Truth Church
At Barger Springs, pastor, Orvfitle
Meadows: Sunday SchOOl 10:0C
am, Morning Worship 11:00 am,
Wednesday Bible Study 7.'00 prn
Rivervbw Chapel
Speakers Harry Pilklngton: Sun.
day, 9.'30 Lo's Table 11,'00
Family Bible How. 4,'00 Junior
Young People. 7:30. Evening
Gospel Service.
Run Ch
On Rt. 12 near Forest Hill. Ae4b
Pastor: Earl Hissom. Jr. SS 10 am
Mornin 9 Worship 11 am. 1
Service Fn. 7:30 prn. ,,,,
209 2rid Ave.
dr needs
foin serViCe
of the
Member FIZ[C
130 Temple St.
i i