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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
May 20, 2003     The Hinton News
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May 20, 2003
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12 - Hinton News Tues. May 20, 2003 10THANNUAL C&O REUNION DEADLINE SET FOR MAY 31S'E The 10th. Annual C&O Reunion will be held Saturday, June 7th. at Bluestone Park in Hinton. Reservations should be made as soon as possible with Janie McDowell of Beckley. Deadline is May 31st., in order to ascertain number attending for meals furnished by Nora Lester, who will cater the reunion again this year. Didn't •receive a notice? For further information, call Janie McDowell'252-2793, Bobby Wheeler 466-1121, Tom Clinebel1466-3363 or Frances Hunter 466-1644. JONES REuirION The descendants of William Ed" Jones and Bertie Thompson Jones will be having their Annual Family Reunion Sat. May 24th. at Calvary Baptist Church picnic shelter, Red Sulphur Springs. All relatives and friends are invited to come. Bring yourself, family and your covered dish specialities for an afternoon of fellowship and fun. Meet 12:00 noon. Dinner at 1:00. Plan on staying for awhile and enjoy family togetherness. SEEKING VOLUNTEERS The Summers County Soup Kitchen urgently needs volunteers to cook and serve. Come help please! Ritz Theatre X MEN 2 X MEN UNITMD Fri: 6 & 8:30, Sot: 5 & 7:30, Sun: 6 Adm: $oomdh ! C01tIG $00N: DADDY ARE -FG GOSPEL SING There will be a gospel sing at the Mary Jane Church on Streeter Read, May 24th. at 7:00 P.M. Singers will be: The Pertenders and The Happy Travelers. Pastor, Larry Bolen. • BLUESTONE LAKE GARDEN CLUB The Bluestone Lake Garden Club will hold a brunch meeting on June • 9th. at 10:00 a.m. at the Talcott Ruritan Clubhouse, Hilldale Community Center. The theme will be "Summers Mountains." There will be a program, collection of dues payments and election of officers. SCREENING Vision, hearing, speech, language, and developmental screening for children, birth to 5 years of age not enrolled in kindergarten, will be conducted on June 3rd., at Hinton Area Elementary from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. To make an appointment call Martha Morgan, Summers County Schools, 466-6000 to make an appointment. LOOKING FOR CLASSMATES The Hinton High School Class of 1973 is looking for the addresses of the following classmates: Brenda Ramsey, Richard Ayers, Randy Cox, Maxine Ford, Marilyn Gore, Wendy Cox, Jerry Parker, Nancy Weikle Rose, Lee Moyer, and Karen Shumate Harpold. Anyone knowing the addresses of these classmates is asked to call: Susan Goins at 466-4445, or Debbie Bragg at 466-2317. MEETING CANCELLED The special meeting of the New River Parkway Authority that was scheduled for the Summers County Memorial Building on Tuesday, May 20th., has been cancelled. The meeting will not be rescheduled. PUBLIC NOTICE There will be a meeting of the Training and Performance Committee of the Region I Workforce Investment Board on Wednesday, May 28th., at 10:00 A.M. at the Division of Rehabilitation Services, 707 South Oakwood Avenue, Conference Room, Beckley, WV. GRAHAM HOUSE DINNER There will be a dinner at the Graham House on June 8th. from 12:00 to 2:30 PM. Menu consists of: Steak, Potatoes, Green beans, Peas, Mac & Cheese, Salad, Dessert and Drink. Cost: $8.00 Adults and $4.00 Children. Call 466-2117 for tickets. LOOKING FOR INFO ON CEMETERIES The Summers County Historial Society would like information on Cemeteries and/or Corrections of the current S.C.H. Cemetery Book. We are compiling a supplement for publication. Please send your information to: Mr. Billy Joe Edwards, HC, 78 Box 13, Truie, WV. 25988. Closing date is July 1st. 2003. THE PET PROJECT Pet Sitting Service *Personalized, loving in home pet care. *Make your home look "Lived In" *Free Interview 660-7774 Adm. FrL - Sat. $5.00 Children 10 & under- $2.00 Sun. $9.00 a Car Load Flea Market Every Sun. XMEN2 X MEN UNITED P;.us Biker Boys Edward R. Lilly, DC 466-3696 Hours: Mon. - Wed. - Fri. 9:00 to 12:00 - 2:00 to 5:00 Tues. - Thurs. 9:00 to 12:00 Address: 916 Greenbrier Drive, Bellepoint/Hinton, WV. Insurances: Most Insurances Accepted i.e. Workers Comp, PEIA, WVa Medicaid Vary Reasonable Rates: Everyone Can Afford Care Services Offered: Various Therapies, Lab Screenings, In Office X-RayS, Thermal Evaluations, Computerized, Vitamin/Mineral Deficiency Evaluations and Recommendations and More. Pipestem Resort State Park Executive Chef Eric Stalnaker invites you to a night of fine dining at one of the states' finest gournet restaurants• Chef Eric's many talents include the finest in American and European cuisine, along with an expertise in pastries and desserts. For that special night out, enjoy the serene and secluded atmosphere in the Mountain Creek Dining Room located at the bottom of the aerial tram in Pipestem Resort State Park. Treat 00hat specialsomeone to an evening of exquisite taste. Open May thru October May we suggest reservations by calling 1-304-466-1800 ext. 387 Sunday - Saturday - - 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm If you shop anywhere else, you'll spend too much! We're a Different Kind of Grocery Store! No club card needed • No membership fees Just great prices you can count on, everyday! Steakhouse Instant ht C Cowboy Billy Baked Beans 8 Lb. 16 Oz. Borden Cheese Sin, les 12 Oz. Coburn Farms 1 Lb. Pkg. Hargis House Steak Sauce  !!it i 1 z Del Pino Elbow 16 Oz. caroni Asst• Soft Drink 16 Oz. Wylwood Corn on the Cob 12 Ct. 6 Pk. I J. Hi cl_ClS Potato Chips (r . Del, Salads ! I  I/ Cole Slaw ! Visit our website at HINTON, WV 206 Main Street Prices Good May 18, 2003 Food Pricesl thr u May 31, 2003