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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
May 20, 2003     The Hinton News
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May 20, 2003
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Comment THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY r Now Accepting Applications For All Positions Stop by the Dairy Queen for an Application By Tim Adkins To all the readers, the first thing j  I would like to ask this week is how many of you received a ticket for I parking against the flow of traffic or a- meter violations or any other type n of parking violation? The reason I am asking this is, I bet the tractor . and trailer that parks on a regular . basis on Route 20, between 2nd. and 4th. Avenue on Temple Street, in  front of the JCPenney's Store, .,, blocking traffic on a state highway,  has never received a ticket. Like I said, if you are not going to enforce : ALL of the parking violations; don't : enforce any of them. : . Now let's discuss some of the -Jhiring practices of the current administration and the Hinton Police Civil Service Board. If all the readers will remember in past issues of the Hinton News, both Pat Jordan and Bob Wheeler were criticized for their services to the Civil Service Commission. Things were said, such as, the police officers were too young, they weren't from Hinton or Summers County , and they weren't African American .,' or a female. As you are aware, there were three of six applicants presented to City Council for £ approval of employment by the current Hinton Police Civil Service  Commission. t' Now I have done my homework :' on this matter and I know that three ; of these applicants are from s Summers County'; and the other  three applicants, that were hired,  are not from Summers County.  Pat Jordan and Bob Wheeler were '. criticized and ridiculed for doing this  exact same thing. Now why is it .s. uddenly OK to use these hiring -practices, when it was not in the past? Iql tell you why! Because you 4r cannot discriminate against someone for their age, residence, race or gender. The proper protocol for l s employment of a police officer is, w s first an individual must fill out an application, conduct an interview, . perform and pass a physical fitness w test, as well as, a physical from a .. medical doctor, pass a physiological " evaluation, and have a criminal background conducted. * I believe the three individuals that the current adninistr(tfQ hired'cere dohsb cig"'t l , physiological evaluation and criminal background. I also know .." from past experience, being the " administrator for the Hinton Police ,e " Department, that it takes quite - some time for the results of these two evaluations to be completed and returned to the employer. For this reason I ask; why are two . of these men already performing the  duties of a law enforcement officer .before these evaluations are , completed? Two of these young men , have absolutely no training in law , enforcement while the third young man has received an injury from a unshot. r I believe it is in the best interest of the City of Hinton to take into consideration the liability that they are not only placing on these young men, but also the liability to the City of Hinton. It has been my past r experience that a certified officer always accompanies a new officer #r until he has received training from r r the West Virginia State Police Academy as a law enforcement officer. Why is Carlos Fernandez, acting r f Chief of Police, who lives in Monroe County, and is a retired FBI Agent r and has experience in law enforcement not answering calls and allowing these young men to r r jeopardize their lives and others by r trying to protect our community r when they have not received the r proper training? Does this make sense to you, when Assistant Chief of Police, Jimmy Wills was willing, r r able, trained and certified to take charge of the department, in which, he had several },ears of law enforcement experience. But, it breaks my heart to say, "Jimmy r Wills has also resigned.  The City of Hinton not only lost Jimmy Wills' leadership skills, but also his many r years of experience. He will be missed. r Let's discuss the house at 310 6th. r Avenue. When Mayor Mathews first took ' office, she had issues with this house being provided as an incentive to r r recruit police officers to the City of ,. Hinton because of the low pay scale. The officers that lived in that house were talked about and discussed as " if they were not even human. They  were photographed, spied-on and their personal lives were a monthly $, ,- topic of public conversation at the Council Meetings.  This house was purchased by the i, r city from HUD for $1 because it was to be used for exactly what it was " being used %r; to be an incentive to " recruit officers due to the low .reponse of applicants for the position of Hinton Police Officer. Residents from the 6th. Avenue area appreciated the officers living on their block and even attended meetings saying so. However, the constant harassment by Mayor Mathews and certain other individuals became so tremendous that these officers were forced to move. If it was so terrible for the officers to live in this house under the previous administration, why did Mayor Mathews, just last week, reissue the house to keep a trained officer from quitting? Why did Mathews argue about this matter for months, almost a year, and turn around and do the very same thing she condemned? It is a matter of getting rid of the ones you don't like and keeping the ones you do. I tried for fourteen months to get pay raises for the Hinton Police Officers and Mayor Mathews would always say: "It' s not in the budget." Yet, Acting Chief Fernandez asked for raises for the Police Officers at his first Council Meeting and his request was granted. I think if Mayor Mathews has issues with certain individuals of the Hinton Police Department, she should not punish the whol e police department. I don't want to sound like I am criticizing these new police officers. I havemet one of them and he seems to be a fine young man. But for the life of me, I cannot understand why Mayor Mathews allows the lives of these young men and the citizens of Hinton to be put in harms way, yet she seems driven to harass former trained and qualified Police Officers, placing the City of Hinton in the position it is in today; which is limited protection for you, me and our children during this time of terrorism and turmoil. Stay tuned next week for more of, "The Other Side of the Story." Miracle Mile to Raise Funds For St. Jude Children's Research Hosptial Arietta DuPre will serve as coordinator of the Miracle Mile walk-A-Thon to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Talcott Elementary School and The Historic Pence Springs Resort will sponsor the event, scheduled for May 31, 2003. This event will be held At the flea market grounds in Pence Springs, WV and will begin at 9:00 AM. By participating in or attending the event, you will help raise funds for the internationally recognized hospital. These funds will help St. Jude in its ongoing fight against childhood catastrophic diseases. Our event will be a sponsored "lap"walk. Residents and businesses from the surrounding area can either sponsor so much $ per lap or just sponsor a child for $5.00, $10.00 or more for participation in the event. Many of the students from Talcott Elementary will participate in this event and the students would like to challenge other students from Summers County, Monroe County and Greebrier County to participate with this important event. The Pence Springs Resort would like to challenge anyone in the tourism industry to participate or bring his or her children to participate. Sponsor forms are available for anyone interested. Please call Arietta at 304-445-2100 or 304-832- 6138 for information. "Our goal in holding this event is to help any child that is stricken with diseases like cancer, AIDS and sickle cell anemia." St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is a world leader in the fight against these diseases and they have helped many children in West Virginia with no regard to race, religion, or ability- to pay. The late entertainer, Danny Thomas, founded St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis Tennessee. The hospital is an internationally recognized biomedical research center dedicated to finding cures for catastrophic diseases of childhood. The hospital's work is supported through funds raised by the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC), ALSAC covers all costs not covered by insurance for medical treatment rendered at St. Jude: Families without insurance are never asked to pay. Show your support by participating in this important event. Please call 30@445-2100 or 304- 832-6138 for more information. Zakary Ross Hicks To Celebrate 3rd. Birthday Zakary Ross Hicks will be 3 on Tuesday, May 6th. He is the son of Chris and Michelle Hicks of Hinton. He is the grandson of Darrell and Janet Hicks of Whitehall, Ohio, and Paul and Jewel Adkins of Pipestem. Zakary would also like to announce the birth of his little brother, Mason Garrett Hicks who was born on April 5th. 2003. He was born at RGH at 8:19 p.m. weighing in at 6 pounds 8 oz. Tues. May 20, 2003 Hinton News - Call Anytime Toll Free 1.888-229-7541 Haileg's Restauran00 Catering 313 3rd. Avenue, Hinton Ph:466-6600 We have a full breakfast menu available all day. We also have bagels w/cream cheese, Danish and Steak Biscuits have been added to the menu. We have fresh baked goods and fudge daily! Door Prizes 50150 1St., ' 2nd.& 3rd. Place MAY 24, 9:00 AM WILLOWWOOD GOLF COURSE STOP BY OR CALL TO REGISTER 466-3220 $25.00 ENTRY FEE I00AII00V CU[FN HOME OF THOSE DELICIOUS HOT DOGS/ On the Hinton By-Pass Below Bluestone Dam Ph: 466-1700 Jarrell's Exxon "Your Full-Service Service Station" 466-0133 TI RES TI RES TI RES Winter Tire Sale ALL TIRES." FREE MOUNT FREE BA/.NCE FREE TIRE VAZ YES KUMHO TIRES." $5.00 OFF EACH TIRE KUMHO 795 ROAD HAZ4RD Note: Road Hazard on Passenger Tires Only. First 50% Tread Free Replacement. °, I Tim Ward We're drivers too. Are You Fed Up With DirecTV or Cable? Ran dy "s Sate Iiite i 1 or 2 Receivers Dish301 We Have ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, FX, UPN, and WB We Also Have Sky Angel- 36 Christian Channels Call For Details! Seafood Buffet FRIDAY NIGHT 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm EXAMPLE ,/Clam Chowder v" Fried Oysters • t" Broiled Flounder J Fried Clams ,/Fried Cod J Seafood Salad J Stuffed Crab / Fried Shrimp J Peel-n-Eat Shrimp ,/Hushpuppies ./Fried Catfish J Steamed Spiced Shrimp ,/Oysters on the 1/2 Shell ¢' Broiled Catfish 4' Carved Roast Beef 4' Assorted Vegetables ,/Salads ¢" Desserts $16.95 per person (Beverage - Tax - Gratuity - are not included) Some items may be substituted without notice SUNDAY BUFFET 11:30 am to 4:00 pm Carved Ham/Carved Roast Beef Assortment of Entrees (Fish - Fowl - Pasta) Assortment of Hot Vegetables Soup / Desserts / Salad $8.95 per person Bluestone Dining Room (304) 466-1800 ext. 368 3-S & W Corporation Pipestem Resort State Park t