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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
April 20, 1999     The Hinton News
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April 20, 1999
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4 - Hinton NeWs Tues. April 20, 1999 I The Hinton News PubUnmd TuW T Hlnton Pubileldnil 0orlmmtlon 210 Second Avmw Hinton, W Vii. 1 Phone (304) 486-0005 Frank Spkr, m. W. Fred Long, Publ. - Ed. USPS 24S,,1 M By C.,m# ow mmmtm,mpw Im simml co, LNtw pm 40¢  dwWVmmNem,ilmli&apos; mtm Itm, PWmBtmy mmmm0 ttd POITMAI Smt  amtlm te tmtmb mmil mdimm. P.rd Pom P H H WV --Articles mbmittecl to tbe Hinton Newm must nmch the  by Fri- day n in order to be mnstdemd for publication In the following Ttms- day paper. Please includm your name and a phone number wbem you caa be reached durinz budnem bourn. The Hinton News reserves the right to edit any material aml regrm tim! articles cannot be returm Items for the Cmmuaz D-, Board must reh tbe oflmby 11 am Monday in order to be €onsidered for publication in that week's paper. /: Robert Kyle Burns Birth Announced Bobby and Shelly Burns are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Robert Kyle Burns. Kyle was born on Jan. 9, 1999, at Raleigh General Hospital. He weighed 7.04 pounds and was 19 1/2 inches in length. Kyle's maternal grandparents are David and Karen Quisenberry of Hiuton and Cherie and CliaHe Frazee of Craigsville. His paternal grandparents are Sam and Barbara Burns of Sam Black. Kyle's Aunt Heather and Uncle Brian Dempsey live in Rale/gh, N.C. His Uncle Len Hanger lives in Beckley but works in Hinton. Kyle's Uncle Bill and AuntAmanda Burns just had a new baby named Macey so now Kyle has a playmate. We would like to thank everyone from Hinton for the great  and for the many people who came to the hospital for the long wait to see me and to support Nana and Papa. Marie Friendship Club Holds Monthly Meeting The Marie Fellowship Club held its monthly meeting on Apr. 5th. The evening meal was shared with members of the Rurita_n Club. ARer dinner the two clubs held their separate meetings. President Doris Yatos, called the meeting to order. The treasurer's report and the minutes of the previous meeting were given. On- going projects such as assistance to local nursing homes and preparation for the u-coming dinner on April 24th. were discussed. The Friendship Club annual spring dinner will be held on April 24th. at the Marie Ruritan Building. Dinner will be served from 4-7 p. m. Following the business meeting, Marianne Estepp and her daughter, Meredith Mahmey showc! several examples of their Ukrainian Easb,r egg c.llection, Some of the intricately decorated eggs had bccn made by M.rianne's mother over 50 year ago. Meredith then gave a demonstration of how this type of lblk art i. done, I,.st, scw;ral mcmlxrs m(xlcled I.h,:ir t,;astcr honnets. The bonnet worn by Eh,ine Kidd waM v,,t:d to ). ,h. )m,t |','nt:r bat. 'rh. meeting w.H chm,d with the I,ord's I'raycr. (:IIUItCil, FAMII,Y & CI.AHS ItEUNION INFi)RMATION SOU(;i IT Tla ,,,nm.,r. (:mmt.y (Wit will I.: imldmlsiny n. n,hh.nd.m l,o our 1:!9! (',.I..dar .f I",wmts that will i.,:lmh i.l'.rmaLim, on reLY cla.., ch.r,:h .," l'.mily r,,nilhn. Tim ,.l.rm.ti.,, will .I.. I. Idac,l on -., .ffwi.l wol,,il.o, WWW H tllll Illl,l'll( vb.ccH|i 'l% hnv,, .y,mr hl'.rmntion ii.q,.h.d, l'h.m., nt.t,, ,J.l.,, .f.v,qit. I,mv,, iJ.,',, &. iJ.m,, nllllil.r lind ,..II lhl, Vi;;rt,or (',,qiJ.or Ill. 4#;(; h4(| or .,-,I t. ,..,.,,,rs (:VII. P ()i It.x . lq. I lidr,fb WV 2fdff 1 lh,milh., i Celebrates 94th. Birthday Pictured above on her 94th. birthday is Dora Tracy Allen, great, great grandson, Ryan Allen Moten, daughter, Alice Mae Harris: grandson, designating five generations. Garland Hugh Harris, Jr., great granddaughter, On March 25th., 1999, Dora Boone Moten was honored with a surprise party in celebration of her 94th. birthday at the Summers County Continuance Care Center. Tables were decorated with balloons, bunnies, baskets, candles and two sheet cakes decorated with pink and lilac roses and happy birthday Dora written on each. Fourteen family members representing five generations Dora has only two living sisters: Mrs. Wanie Bowden, who celebrated her 98th. birthday on December 30th. 1999, and lives in Cedar Grove, W. VA.; Mrs. Hallie McClung, who celebrated her 89th. birthday on March 15th. 1999 and lives in Quinwood, W. VA. Dora always loved to be outside gardening and grew the most" beautiful flowers and roses. She was an excellent cook, immaculate attended to help her celebrate her housekeeper and attended the First special day. Staff members and Baptist Church in Hinton. special friends also joined in the fun. Family members attending the Dora was the daughter of Andrew and Alice Boone of Judson. She was born on a beautiful day on March 25, 1905. She had an interesting and happy childhood with six sisters and eight brothers. Needless to say, there was never a dull moment, but as time passed, one by one, each married and left the nest to make a home of their own. Finally it was Dora's turn, so on October 12th., 1927, she married Earl Moten and they established special celebration included: Her son, Earl Ray Me!an and his wife, Wands of Peterstown; her daughter, Alice Mae Moten Harris and her husband, Hugh, of Alderson; grandson, Garland Hugh Harris, Jr. and his wife, Sharon; grandson, Jerry Lee Harris; granddaughter, Shells Harris; grandson, David Michael Harris and his wife, Barbara; great granddaughters: Tracy Allen, Laurel Alderson, Stacy Harris, and Holli Harris; great their home in Hinton. They had one grandson, Caleb Harris; great, great daughter, Alice Mae Moten Harris grandson, Ryan Allen, all of and one pon,.Earl Ray M0t, Alderson. ; I)ora hs lived throgt sixteen ! toattendbutlendingbest presidents, Struggled through the wishes were: great grandsons: great depression era., and world war Shawn Harris, Larry Harris, of two when jobs were few and food was Charleston, W. VA.; great rationed. Many items, such as a granddaughter, Leslie Harris Reid simple box ofjello, was unavailable and husband, Russell Reid; great, and all items containing metal, such great, grandsons: McGuire Reed, as a piano, ceased being made. Noah Reid, all of White Sulphur Springs; (which makes another five generations); great, great grandson: John Allen of Alderson. After enjoying delicious refreshments and opening many gifts, Dora was ready for a well deserved rest. Many thanks to he staff and friends of the Summers County Continuous Care Center for their help in making this special and memorial day possible. Aerobics at 221 CARD OF THANKS The family of Margaret Grose Martin of Hinton would like to give • special thanks to Dr. Steve Richman and the staff of Summers County Hospital for their kindness during her illness and her death. We would also like to thank everyone at Ronald Meadows Funeral Home, Riverside Floral, Hinton Floral, and the pastors Travis Hocum and Robbie Merritt for thetr special words. Also each and ever]lone for their food, gifta, a support. We are very sony that we do not have an address for everyone. We would like the most of all 1o thank God for giving us this very special parson for 62 wonderful years. She was loved and chedshad by everyone. Thanks Family Rev. Ray Martin, 35 Years Married WHAT WE BELIEVE at Riverview Chapel SOME POINTS TO PONDER: ALL LIVING BELIEVERS ARE CALLED SAINTS . This is clear from 2 Car.l:1 and 13:13. Also Philip.hi and many others Scriptures. The Bible presents a 3-fold view of SanctlflcaUon. 1. INSTANTANEOUS SANCTIFICATION: Heb.10:10: "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." 2. PROGRESSIVE SANCTIFICATION: 2 Car. 3:18 "But weall, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spidt of the Lord." 3. COMPLETE AND FINAL SANCTIFICATION: Philip. 3:21 "Who shall change our vile body, tar body of humiliation) that it might be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He Is able even to subdue all things unto Himself." ALL BELIEVERS ARE PRIESTS: In the Old Testament the priesthood was limited to men only from the tribe of Levi. However, in the New Testament all be/levers both men snd women are described as priests. In I Pet. 2 believers are referred to as priests In 2 ways. 1. A HOLY PRIESTHOOD verse 5 "Ye also as lively (or living) stones ere built up a spiritual house, and holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by JeSus Christ. See also Heb. 13:15. This priesthood is Godward. 2. A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD: verse 9: "But ye are s chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and holy nation, a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." This is msnward, n !osUmony of our changed lives See I Pet. 3:15 RIVERVIEW CHAPEL, Corner of 16th & Temple, Hlnton. W. VA. For furlhor Information call 466-0950 or 466-5423. For free Bible Course call 466-5423. IN THE LIBRARY Well I did it again! Let National Library Week which was April 11 - 17 slide right past with no hoopla on my part. It is difficult for those of us who come to work in the Library every day to remember this special week-- for us EVERY week is Library Week. To celebrate we: - see an average of 10.5 people per hour during the 54 hours per week that the Library is open - coordinate the tutoring of 7 - 10 adult literacy students each week - host children ages 3 - 5 years old Tuesdays from 10:30 - 11:30 for story hour. Last week this group toured the Library and talked about all the wonderful things there and how to find them as well as how to take care of Library books, tapes, etc. - monitor the use of the Internet computer so that the average 10 folks per day who wish to use it all get a turn. Last week we especially enjoyed helping a mother who was unfamiliar with the Internet e mail her daughter who is working in Antarctica (got to see the beautiful pictures which came back?) - check out an average of 100 books each day - check in and shelve 100 books per day (THAT's the hard part) - sign up an average of two people a day for library cards - add approximately 10 new books to the computer each day and delete the old, tired and unloved ones - help folks make an average of 35 copies each day on the copy machine There were some especially desperate folks last week needing tax forms as April 15 approached? - send and receive FAXes for patrons - host groups who need to use our TV/satellite to access a continuing education class - And most fun of all - search for the answers to peoples' research questions. At least this is the most fun when we can find the answers! (I did read with horror about the person in Salt Lake City who took a gun to the genealogy library there and shot two people dead because he couldn't get the information he wanted.) - Finally and especially important, sent out a letter to the Friends reminding them that the Library with the help of the Kiwanis Club is planning a GIANT YARD SALE to be held in the Court House park (or Memorial Building if it rains) on May 8th beginning at 8:00AM. Members of the Friends and Kiwanis (and anyone else who wants to) are being asked to donate spectacular yard sale items. Proceeds from the sale will be used to help sponsor Friends of the Library projects such as the Summer Reading Program and to increase the Kiwanis club's scholarship fund. Call the Library at 466-4490 if you have something you could donate to the sale? No adult size clothes please. No books - save those for the Library's book sale which comes up in the fall. EMT-MINING CLASS HHS CLASS OF 1979 There will be an EMT Mining HHS Class of 1979 Plans are class at the Mine Health & Safety being finalized for our 20-year Administration starting March 7th. reunion. Anyone who is interested thru May 16th. Room C-123. or has the addresses of classmates, This class will be held on Sundays please contact: Tami Vaughn Wi from 8:00 A. M. - 5:00 P.M. at 466-1741, Debb/e Hicks Jones at For additional information call 466-5234 or Sarah Ritter Wheby at (304) 256-4712 ext. 312 or 330. 466-0105. Temple St. Swimsuit season is approaching fast. Are you ready to be seen in yours? Join us at the Summers County Community Wellness Center every Wednesday at 4:00 p. m. or 4:45 p. m. for energetic aerobics. We will work on losing those extra pounds, toning up and imprdving our cardiovascular fitness. Each aerobics class lasts 45 minutes. The first one is geared toward beginners, and the second class is geared toward the advanced exerciser. Please choose the best one for your abilities. Everyone is invited to parhdipae. Please contact your physician before beginning any exercise program. Remember to bring drinking water, and wear supportive sneakers. A donation is requested from those attending the aerobics classes. We'll be looking for you! i RONALD MEADOWS FUNERAL PARLORS, INC. 130 TEMPLE ST., HINTON, WV. 25951 466-I 179 OR 1-800-538-9593 DAVID W. JOHNSON, MANAGER PRENEED FUNERAL PLANNING IS A WAY TO ASSURE COMPLETE FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS SO YOUR FAMILY WON,T • HAVE TO MAKE ALL THOSE DECISIONS. FUNDED THRU YOUR LOCAL BANK OR FORETHOUGHT LIFE INSURANCE CO. That Blessings May Shine on You... Come to Church ANGUCAN A. Ft. Hany B. 8ooi. IlL I k Comm Pmy. BAPTIST 11,O0 m. Evening eem m 700p.m. Mid Week Praye So#- I and SINe Sy 7:00 .m. D.m.  to m,ey aOe group. Numee/ava.  Ballot Clrc Dsn'il  P&Stor: S. S, SUM. James Kit. Sunday Scrol 10 a/. C4eem for I]1 ag. Wor- Ery Sunder. aw M Wed" ?um F,m W i p cha;e D4m. Su<y 10 ,, worship Swvx, 11 am, Ewm Seeks, 7 prn. Thum, ce 7 pro. Key Suny SCh 0 ar  M, Sontemt. PSIOr: M e SJ a/, S, S. Stef- Imeno: Mark Wa. S.S. 0 am., Momfn9 Woei 11 am., Evening S w::o 7  We. nht b4le iltudy 7 I>m. Ud  Saptiat Church Tr'y Orkw'aett, Paor: Sunday , al I0 am. ,.fvioe 11 am. Evlming . 7 Dm. W. night S atty. Utt WoN tt ttUt Chuh, Off . 12"o e L Wo Creek Ro. Pasts-, Joe . S. S. Sl.. Wlt 'owi, SunCy 10.o0 am. Worko Sv- Io 11 .'00 am, ,Jn. Evontng & Awma Ck,¢ 6 #. M  weak Se- ce Wed. 7 . P,ss@r Chp Jones: S.lO m. Sunday  ; 11 atn., Mormn WorshiD; 7  Evening Worship; 7 p l"numday, Mid Week Se PlSm" I. E, t.,laXc, h; ,,may 10:00. C, huro 11 .0 Fun- (,wtaL m Churm pastor Dma L. H4mn L s. Sthnte Morni Woho an Chn C,un 11 & Suy Morn9 Evonl Suy Wo¢h 6: Pryw Me  You Me- ino ZOO Ws4cy. Grow Surday SchoolSuX.. 1 ta. Sunday Sm 0 ant Moi Eonlr Soewc 7:3 SU, WV. ,Sv ovy 2nd., 41h. I h. ,uray tnr$  7: I. I. 12 tlSt Hill Rol. II J- ktnlk Pitor: 10 am. SJr14t' 11 .m Momi WorNtp.. 8 p, EwmlnO  690  a Je Cm W. P,,-kx: Sunda) So 10 sin,,, C4n M,'lin StJil=L Morrrt St kl 11 arrt M-  rvtce 7prrt D. L. Stldw, P: tO m Rtma  Sucm. ; PmloEdoJohneen: S S Su  Ekmed CaAee. Amem4 , S. $. 10 t. M'N ks 4.,OOlt. Wd. Prm.w U Second Op41ot Ctrc TalcL Pastor Ear Jacon. S4fv. ioe 1St & 3rd Sun.  11 am. S,ond Bpat Chur 212 James St,, Rev. k4m'tew Saunders, SarvK:es 2rid. & 4th. Sunday 11 &, Pray Serwc WedndzT 6:SO, Sunday SChoO each Sunday g:30. Mr. J Nic,olas Sul)t. Mrs Edrlh GooSe, it, Tnpa CP4e !BoOby Reed. Pastor: Sunday School 10 am. MoMn lams, i SupL Preaching Serves a/11:00 am. sery Suay. Uland Bapt Church Paslot:Cocil Cox. Sunday Sco SOor tendent: Ja R. Ci, Jr. Sunday School 0:00, Worsh© Soes at - 11:00. Evenn 9 Serv- ices 7.'00. Wee. se¢e ;n 7.00 War Ridge 'eewfll Baist Curc. Sunday School I0)0 ;tin., Morning W0es hi0  1 0 am., SunOay Evening 6:00 m., We:l. PraYer eeng 7 pro., ga, 'Community ChhtJn Wors Seoas Sun, 11 ar 6:0 pro. Sibto St 10 Rm. We:L 7.'00 m, Fit-| CtVil1.n Church Suray ScoO; g:45 am, ktonng Wcsh 11 0 am.. Sunday Eve- n o 81;e Suoy. Snday 600 Yoh Moelgs 6.' CHURCH OF CHRIST Hint 1621 Sumnts SL M init, Larry btamn,ton: Suy Moenin, Ol Su OJO a Soay ,iorng W¢ .v 0:0 am Sun. ay Eveng S 7,'00 W,nesdy Even, Se¢ 7 Lane Chuc of Chrmt at Mec B ,e Bt,$ ItuCy. g:gC; n. Wo,$, 10:30; Sun, evening. ?i. EPISCC)PAL Aaw Ep,.€l Ctmr¢. METHODIST Youth p,S' p Eve. an eUo mW. Ig Cek Loyal Wilim Peetor: Sunday 8moo110-m. Morning Womh 11 s.m. each Suhday. Prayo* mKln Wod. m ? p.m. S V F SU i S p.m. P  Mwnl: Eal WnL. Sun. 10 &m. Whlp  1 cm Eva, nlng Sowl Sun,m 6 p.m Pr Muen "rhum. m 70 p,m, Cam,/ Cm, Rod r. R. F.le I... 8, Schod o A.M. Mo¢lng Woeshlp '11 ;00 A.M. Emtn 0 Wlh 7:30 P.M. Wl. Wqhp 7:30 P.U, Rw. NaamWl Jd,s: Sunday a.m. Monn0 Wmsh Evy Sun- day. Pnmcs at  m. Stll M 11 Let ad S p.m. P G Kuha: S m. WnMdp. SlO p.m. S Y F. 7:00 xr Emmg  7  W M - We Chmm Gmm dent: Lowd . Sunday 10a. Mom Womhv 11 &ff E Sevk 7.'00 W. Emln0 Sok 7  p.m. (g kX ,' ) Jom S. Alklrm, Ps: 10 Lm. Sunday S(:h¢ SupL Tom Lan/. 11 iLm. Momkl Wohip. S m., O V F 7 pan. Ewmln0 WorahWl. 71xm. Pmym i|ng. RL 12 Fm$! Hill Std lt tO & 11 ar & 7 pm Wed n ,o 7  . Fmowtg Tvas mllee noah o AkSemon  meAXa Roa#. Sun Smoo tO = rn. Bi Y(xh LeqNo 0 p.m. Ewmtg  7 ixm. Rm emcr S,xy  o Lm. Once q  t s.nx.Sm'vtmT ,.m. Mid Wtk Sm 700 p.n,. r,m m sek cw P J y: swtm 7:OO. Omm SIS Chu Im nqW PmW. SunW .m. 'tMt.  ?:00 p. [d¢le HanV. Paw: 8un tom. Vew Smk i,,1111 Msry J  Ikmm OIh, s ChurCh Por R4mo H, Rk:tmod: Sun, A omrrn our. Ma0arm Schoo( 10  Morning Wors¢ Creek Road, 2 1/2 mike, Wlarc 11 am, Prayer Meetir, g 7:30 T',. A. Thornl:So, P ascot 4 i<llst Ctw0e SunCW  1000 am. Mor C, FrKlbn Mic Peetof: Firs & ir Worli 11:00 lu Evenr 3to. Sunday, BrOoCh 15. Mr.  730 pro. EDT. Wodrm. ZO 10:15arrSQndKfo11:30 d4y (TpmESTwle0 )m. NirfZ 2nd. at 4th. Sxl. Be- m 9:30. Plulo Martha ChAo 1602 TimllNe  PlstorRev. 11.. M'  Frank P,olWmm':SS¢ U Pastor,  a 31SU, 10 Lm. M'tt WhO 11 @t Ma. WV R 3. Rev. Rog 7 m Thuy. ?t,e and Ea am. Sn. Scr, o  0:,t5 am. WKL uO/7  0o Bb S;u<b/7 pm.  Church New Holm Pamor RoO I:trx. SS C C. Prum Mck. Past: Sunday IrW#zhipS4m,e 1 lJ%You Sctoo10an%Worsho l&3n;I 6W'Surynigwor. Sun. llam&4.Sun.l¢7:301n. ship 7  W4. ni' Way' o - mo# ?t Worrywart. ;. :f&nk MiC Paslor: Sunday t,a.10wPw)n'oting(oryfirst Sct = 11 m' Wo,rshD 2KI & Mo. 01 tl mo¢ffi 7 % 4,m &#n., loam& 1 Sun.m 7pen Ptilar o TnJ4h Churd T,-cott C Ax 6,' , astor, Oilo Sa. Gro4;4, Por: P Hil Me&Oows: Sur¢lr  10:00 s & 3 S=ndays: Wor© 10 am. Moin 0 W©   :00 am, am. Sun. SCtN 11  Wa0nee¢W Ol  7:{X)l>r C, ;r'an MC Prow: Suiy , I- Ping: Sur So'x 0 am, Wora'  Cay, 9:00 Lo's T 11 o0 Y&41hSun. ll afft&3rt. FaP/ Bil Hor. 4:00 J4JnO PRESBY'I'ERJAN  se,  ut Chur tm  PUen: John Cw,0arn-SySo'. Ram/.Por. S.S.100am, 7:45  Conny W', MomirS,,11:O011;C:xrPr& s ti. 60 0€; E. $., 70. Nol Rret IWemyled4m Ctrch A SirW Fe4ned.   Oasc, S"-y SWum , Sctoo9:4=,& ,rih 11:001J" On RL 12 NklU'FO¢ iL Aflkl- =rayv Meai W. 7:30 ¢,m. Pastor:. Eat1HSSO, Jr. S I 0 Ir 'a Ca U WofUl© 1 . Oom, ,?,oerlm, 10 & m. S t Schm Se,'K F PL 730 Im' .":45 I:., Cownunly Woe© ,,,,o,. R Memorial Kat tkim¢my ,  uu. . 4f4 ,.,,,,su .r,. BRIERS Inc. OTHERS FURNITURE x. Su  oo a Su 20g 2pd Rv|, ,0,.., 466-0691 Shocky Kdl. T (; Rd. , Sun. k.  So. 0 ,, ,, ,,,  ., BIG 4 DRUG ,.. .,,,,. .  STORE, inc 'i0  MO11" 't;PeSJMI0 !1am ng Wocs@ lam Sun. N,. 7 wv : , Compliments Nracn  T -. ,,,: sun  , F]IST RA'rIONAL cv,-E,w,,s,, BANK OF KI:NTON C fiftl Are for Posl V Ace be I trip to J fro] Sch pos 6,3 nat Wa Wh exp to [ eve: Hal Ac ant strc ( PU SU] ON AV] MC DIlq TH: SEt A,q" GR, AN] PE] PAl RE HA OR CO  AN EM Pot bro che Sev wa] will at: Me bea Act it tad 12:; ! chi] ba rail 11:( chi crs: pea but Cli 9:0t RO - 11 tar car c : Set Set am Ma 4:3 I the circ NC GC M£ HII EV AR FR SA SH AN AR