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Home of estival
Volmne 97 No. 1 Hinton, Wrist Virginia Tuesday April 20, 1999 40 Cents
Giving Back to their Community ...... "
: "::::
With the completion of 1-64 at day, they continue to be there noted that in 1967, the death of her ::!iii!iiiii:iii!iiiiii:iiii:::!i:i::::i
.xx-..::: : . :.
Sandstone in the late 1980% came whenever needed. They are truly parents necessitated their move
a steady stream of interstate ambassadors of good 11, always back to Sandstone where thefve ;ii:/;/ .....
travelers pouring into Summers available to do whatever is remained eversince. .::::::t>.:.::::
County. Faced with the need to have necessary to help us promote The building which houses the iiiii{iiiiiii: :i: i;i: .......... :..: ....
a means to greet them, the Summers Summers County." Visitor Center was built about 1935 ........
County Convention & Visitors The Boyd's, married in 1948, took after the completion of Route 20. It
Bureau approached Charlie and up residence that same year at was originally a 2 story structure
Janis Boyd, owners of a prime piece Sandstone as business associates of which housed a restaurant, operated
of property near the exit the CVB J.C. and Mary Honaker, Mrs. Boyd's by Wills Huddleston Cales, and a
hoped to use as a Visitors Center. parents• In 1955, Charlie purchased feed store. The ground floor had a
Without hesitation, the Boyd's a building and property at Green large garage with two apartments
agreed to open up their property to Sulphur Springs from Mrs. Virginia overhead, One facing the railroad
be used as a welcome center, free of Boggs and was subsequently tracks and one facing the New River.
char. "They were so excited and appointed as Postmaster. He then The first occupants of the
ready to help," recalls Hinton Mayor added a general store on the other apartments were Wills Huddleston
Jim Leslie. "They ran over and side of the post office, named Boyd's Cales, who also ran the restaurant,
immediately started to clean it up, Cash Store, and continued to and Irvin and Marie Maddy, who
do necessary repairs and offer their operate both until his retirement as were married in 1938. Remodeling
assistance to us in anyway. To this Postmaster in 1989. Mrs. Boyd of the building was done by Arnold
Campbell in 1984, which altered the
building by removing the top story
Mr. Boyd.says in addition to the
restaurant and feed store, the
building has been used for various
types of other businesses throughout
the years, including a craft shop,
office for stone industry, an
electronics repair shop, and
equipment storage.
Visitor Center employees praise
the Boyd's who they say are always
eager to lend a helping hand and
..ertoo0000.tot00,kto,o,00. Mini Mall Opens In
fascinated by the quaintness and
beauty of the area. "We are truly '
.fr ,t o. h tJa,)A our .
Downtown Hinton
Hinton man, convicted in law because he took the Fifth said, choking on the words, he A nearly one hundred year old Davis during a recent interview•
October on three felony counts of Amendment• learned that his children had been building, located at the corner of 2nd "For five years ] looked at that
delivering marijuana to a police He also complained that Special turned out of their home by their Avenue and Temple Street in beautiful, decaying, empty building
undercover informant in 1996, last Prosecutor Steve Dolly never mother to become wards of the state, downtown Hinton, has taken on a when I was stopped at the traffic
week, was denied a motion for a new received any authorization from the The children had no one to turn new life over the past few months, light. I could vision it filled with
trial and was ordered to complete a County Commission to assist to but him, he said. He had a good The old four story building, that life. In talking with local residents
60-day evaluation prior to final County Prosecutor Mike Turner job working for the railroad, an formerly housed the Western Auto and downtown merchants, almost
sentencing, with the case load, and that during engineer for CSX Transportation, Store, has been renovated and now everyone mentioned the need for a
James William "Magoo the Oct. trial, when questioning Fox, and between his family and his job, contains several spaces which have good crafters and antique mallin the
Leftridge, 52, appeared in Circuit he forgot one of his questions and he said, he didn't have time to deal been rented out to individuals who downtown area.
Court Monday where his attorney, the judge would not permit the court in drugs, are displaying and selling different "I was very pleased when I was
Steve Hunter, unsuccessfully argued recorder to read it back, saying if he "I made $250 every day, your types of crafts, antiques, able to purchase the building and try
several grounds for a new trial, couldn't remember it, it wasn't honor. What reason," he asked, collectables, and other memorabilia, to make it happen he continued.
Hunter complained that the state important enough to ask. "would I have to sell marijuana? He Jeff Davis, a native Hinton "I'm encouraged by the reception
failed to provide him with full He also argued that LeflTidge had had none, he said, and was glad to resident who moved away for a few I've received and it seems like as
disclosure of the deal they made grounds for a new trial because he see the cleanup, years, returned to the area with a soon as the word got out about what
witbqpolice informant Roger L. Fox was not permitted to offer an But Leftridge was heard on tape strong sense of devotion and we were doing here, people came to
Jr. to use a wire and make drugbuys entrapment defense, making a drug trade with Fox and dedication to helping redevelop look at and rent spaces.
that resulted in 34 people being "I'm sorry about this," Leftridge the conviction cost him his railroad Hinton, especially the downtown "One lady stopped in the middle
indicted in Nov. 1997. told Circuit Judge Robert Irons after job and he faces a three to 15 year area.
Hunter complained that he was seeing the motion denied. "1996 was prison term• "I can remember this town when , ,
unable to properly cress-examine a badyearforme•" Lefridge will remain free on his the streets were so crowded that all Award Created in Honor
Fox about his past run-ins with the That year, the father of seven $i0,000 bend until a bed opens at a the people couldn't walk on the
======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== ii!ii!::::iq::iii:@i!ii::iiiii::..!;::::ili state correctional facility for the 60- sidewalks; when the stores were
$5.k.:.>...r.@:!:!:::::: ::t:.,::¢ :::::: (.:::::::::'::::;: ::::::::::::::::::::: :i::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: :::: :!: 8 :::i::: Si-@ :::. :: $: :!:::<:'?.$:!:::.
:s.:::>::::-,:,:,:.:::::" ::::::; ..................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..................... .............................................. -s::::.:::-:.:.::.:.:,.:.....: ..... da evaluation and Irons filled with various shops and eating
..................... ' ............. ' of Prominent Educator
============================================================================================================================ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: encouraged him to seek substance places and I'm sure there are many
:" ::::'2;.:::.;:::::!;j::: :£,:: ::: :,'-" "' "'," " "".-:;;.:-::::::: :: ::::: ::: : ::: : : ::: -::::::::::::::::: W:::::::::::.: : :." ".:,:.::.:i,:.:.> .'..: .'.::
;:i:!t;i:!it:i!tti::!i;i!:!ttttsi:iss!:!sis!;s;:!:t;:it!it.!t! abuse counseling in the meantime, others with the same memories" said
Natzonal Bank of Summers Changes Everette G
Name To City Natzonal Bank £:,:. °:::e':
:¢.:.,.:;::::::::y::..:.:::;::::::$:?:.,?;. ., ,::.. ..:.
• 'i!:'-';'.':.'..:.',:.:..':-'.:.:.:. ::@ ::.>.!. ::: . ':':" : i :: :'::: ,
..... ::!t.@.i.;!.i;:i;::t.,"; ..... : ". ::,:i.i.i: Sc e :s a new High
j The National Bank of Summers Freedom Checking account which is award that will be presented to a
President Joe Blankenship absolutely free. In addition, senior at the Senior High Awards
announced today that beginning customers will soon have access to Assembly on May 20th. "The Best
April 23rd., the bank will be all of the services of City's other All Around Senior Boy will be
introducing a new product line and affiliates including: a full-service presented in honor of the late
!i taking on a new name - City broker dealer for investments, an prominent Summers County
iiii::i::iiiiiiii!!::i:!:i:: ........................................................................................ .: ....................................................... National Bank. insurance company that offers a educator Everette Garfield
Charlie and Janis Boyd, above, owners of the building which
. h0use - th=SgOne,visri.Cent er. .• -', .......
New Trial Denied Hinton Man
The former Western Auto building on the corner of 2nd Ave. and Temple St., vacant for the past
several years, opened its doors last Thursday, after weeks of renovation, to become Hinton's first
Downtown Mini-Mall. The building features numerous antiques and collectables.
of the street and just thanked me for
pulling down the old torn curtains
from the upstairs windows and
another told me how great it is to
see lights on in the building again.
"All I can say is THANK YOU to
the people and businesses of the
area who have supported us and we,
the vendors of Hinton's downtown
mini-mall and "Yesterday's Best"
welcome your visit" Davis concluded.
Michelle Robinson and Jarrod Gore, above, Summers
County High School sophomores, will participate this week
in the WV CARES program at Marshall University.
Two Selected for W. Vs.
CARES Program
Summers County High School opportunities, the students will
sophomores Michelle Robinson and
Jarrod Gore have been selected to
participate in the WV CARES
(Career Academy Resources
Enhancement Symposia) program
at Marshall University from April
Sonsored by the W. Va.
Un4'v.ersity Extension Service, this
wogram is designed to increase the
postsecondary attendance rate
among W. Vs. youth•
-' Every high school in W. Vs. was
invited to select two sophomores as
participants in a new program which
will expand the students vision of
th, e future. After participating in a
(Carefully planned three day
elosure to postsecondary
return to their local communities to
share the information with other
The students attending WV
CARES will have the opportunity for
extensive exploration of themselves,
careers and educational options and
planning. They will work with
college faculty to garner information
on their chosen career goals and how
to attain these goals.
Jarrod and Michelle are being
sponsored by the Hinton Moose
Lodge• Michelle is the daughter of
Wilma Robinson of Hinton and Lee
Smith of Alexandria, Virginia.
Jarrod is the son of Tony Gore of
Talcott and Janie and Andre Mann,
also of Talcott.
As was previously announced last
year, National Bank of Summers'
holding company, Horizon Bancorp,
merged with - City Holding
Company. Now, in an effort to create
a true statewide banking presence
for the bank's customers, National
Bank of Summers and other former'
Horizon Bancorp. affiliates are
taking on the City National Bank
City National Bank is the lead
bank of City Holding, now a $2.7
billion West Wtrginia-based company
that is increasingly recognized by
the entire industry for a wide range
of innovative, technology-based
products and services.
=Local decision-making will
continue and you can expect to see
the same familiar faces at the same
familiar places that you have
enjoyed banking with over the
years," Blankenahip said. plus, now
our customers will be able to bank
at 59 other City National Bank
offices throughout West Virginia, as
well as two locatious in Ohio.
Plus, the bank is introducing a
new product line that includes a
complete line of products and an
internet company that offers a
special internet access package rate
to City customers.
There are many exciting
opportunities that lie ahead for the
National Bank of Summers as a part
of West Virginia's third largest
banking network/ Blankenship
said. "And even though the bank
win be gaining many more products
and offering customers the
opportunity for statewide banking,
th'ey will still maintain a local
presence, with their local staff who
will still make financial decisions
based on their knowledge and
understanding of local needs," he
Blankenship said he believes
• customers will be pleased by all the
advantages that will be theirs as
customers of City National Bank
and that folks will soon see why City
National Bank truly is "all the bank
you need.
For more information about City
National Bank, check out the web
site at
Mr. Crawford attended
elementary school in Monroe,
Fayette and Summers counties and
was a member of the first
graduating class at the former
Lincoln School in Hinton in 1923.
Mr. Crawford attended West
Virginia State College and was a
member of the football team that
won the National Championship of
Negro Colleges. He was graduated
from W• Vs. State with a bachelor of
science degree.
Mr. Crawford later obtained a
.master's degree and completed
postgraduate work at Ohio State
From 1945 to 1963, he served as
principal of both Lincoln High
School and Lincoln Elementary
School. Upon Lincoln High School's
closure in 1963, he became the first
Black teacher at Hinton 'High
School, heading the math
department and teaching science
before retiring in 1970. Mr,
Crawford died March 18, 1999 at age
For almost half a century the
While the crafters and antique
mall may be new to downtown
Hinton, it is not a new concept. The
surrounding cities of Beckley,
Princeton and Bluefield each boast
of similar establishments that have
enhanced their communities.
faculty has presented The Betty
Bare Award to "The Best All Around
Senior Girl."
Thefaculty also selects the
recipients of The Kiwanis Award, the
outstanding senior boy or girl based
on leadership, character, and service
to the school; The Mary Bernice
Cundiff recipient, for good
citizenship; The Citizenship Medal
and Award recipients; and The
Women's Club recipients, the senior
boy and girl who best personify the
trait of courtesy.