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Hinton, West Virginia
March 26, 1991     The Hinton News
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March 26, 1991
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i 4 - Hinton News Tues. March 26, 1991 i The Hinton News Published Tuesday By The Hinton Publishing Corporation 210 Second Avenue Hlnton, W Vs. 25951 Frmk Spew GOha&apos;il Mimw Fred Long Publisher - Editor Phone (304) 466-0005 USPS 246-180 By Carder Subscrlptlons By Mall 25¢ Dally s1so ym plus 7r. IW It= U. & Pmt aegumu P4qutrs Paymemln Advice Second CI Postage Paid At Hinton, WV I I Articles submitted to the Hinton News must reach the office by Fri- day noon in order to be considered for publication in the following Tues- day paper. Please include your name and a phone number where you can be reached during business hours. The Hinton News reserves the right to edit any material and regrets that articles cannot be returned. Items for the Community Bulletin Board must reach the ofice by Mon- day noon in order to be considered for publication in that week's paper. u Chance Worth Celebrates Second Birthday Gregory Channing =Chance" Worth celebrated his second birth- day, on Sun. Mar. 24th. =Chance  is the son of Greg and Teresa Ann Worth, of Mt. Airy, N. C. His mater- nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Butts, Jr. of Hinton, W.Va. and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John L. Worth, of Mt. Airy, N.C. =Chance  celebrated with a party attended by family members and friends. KIM KESSLER Local Student Honored Kimberly Grace Kessler, daugh- ter of Joe and Sylvia Kessler of Hinton, has been named to the first semester dean's list of honor stu- : dents at Hollins College in Roanoke, : Vs. To attain this distinction, students must earn at least a 3.4 average on a 4.0 grading scale. Kessler, a gradu- ate of Hinton High School, is a fresh- man. Founded in 1842 as Virginia's first chartered women's college, Hollins will celebrate its sesquicentennial as a leader in liberal arts education in 1992. With nationally recognized programs in creative writing and ' psychology, Hollins emphasizes : teaching with a prestigious faculty and small classes. Hollinsis ranked among top liberal arts colleges by the Carnegie Foundation and is : included in Barron's 300: Best Buys in College Education. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Ross T() C :lebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Rose of White Oak will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Sun. Mar. 31. They were married in Summers County in 1941. They settled in White Oak where they jointly oper- ated a successful lumber and timber business. Mrs. Rose is the former Gaye Pauline Bringegar of Shsckley Hill. The couples four sons, 3 daugh- ters, grand children and great grand- children are hosting an open recep- tion in their parents honor. The cele- bration will be held on Sun. Mar. 31, from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. in the W.Va. Room of the Raleigh County Armory Civic Center. AWARENESS GROUP WHAT: Meeting of the BLUE- FIELD/PRINCETON HEAD IN- JURY AWAREN ESS GROUP of the WV Head Injury Foundation, Inc. WHEN: Tues. Apr. 9 6:30-8:00pm. WHERE: So. Hills Regional Re- hab. Hospital, Ist Floor Conf. Rm. Princeton, WV. PROGRAM: FAMILY SHARING TIME. For more information, please contact Bonnie Dorsey Shorter at (304) 487-8000. Card of Thanks Mrs. Virginia Mann, would like 00to:expre00 appreciati0n to her friends and neighbors for the kindness shown her during the loss of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Petry. Does Easter lnean beans to your kids? If you agree that Easter should do more for your children than raise their blood sugar level, we invite you and your family to experience the true miracle of Easter in The Ascension Episcopal Church. The Ascension Episcopal Church, Temple and 5th Ave., Hinton 'Round Hinton By: Shirley Garten Jolliffa Mar. 16,birthdaysinchded Linda Maya, 31, ofEllieon, Jackie Cole, 29, David Bragg, Hinton, Hattie Lawson, 98, and Bonnie Ward, 32 of Beech Run. Mar. 18 birthdays were Tom Plumley, United States Marine Corps, on the way home fl'om Saudi Arabia, Zachary Meritt, Patty Wil- 'liam and Anthony Ayere, 59, of Hinton. Twins Nina and Noah Gill, were 7, ofHinton. Anniversexiee that day included Joe and Susan Lively of Nimi, celebrated their first anniversary. Mar. 19, Sherri Haskins was 16. She lives in Hinton. Kristen Keaton of Bel]epoint was also 16. Johnny Paul Wills of Nimitz was 6. Greg Cart was 18. Lisa Dawn Long of Madams Creek, Jackie Bennett of Madams Creek, Larry and Sharon Gill of Nimitz had birthdays also. Anniversaries included Roger and Katrica Rolbusky now of Rowina, Oh. Mar. 15, Boyd and Razalse Mar- tin, had their 54th anniversary which they didn't announce until Mar. 20. On Mar. 20, Tim Cole was 12, Anna Kristen Ball was 4, Billy Rae Vandall of White Sulphur Springs, Angie Richmond Halstead was 19 of Shady Springs, formerly of Pluto; all had birthdays. Mar. 22, Boyd Martin, 74, of Hinton, Wendall Bowles, 75, Edith Coffman of Hinton House was 80, Clayton Thompson of Pipeetem, Burr Lane, 17, of Madams Creek and Louise Harvey of Hinton all had birthdays. Lest week Frances Wilfong was 74. She lives in Bellepoint. Anyone with anything to an- nounce, please call 466-5787 before 8:00 P.M. Engagement Announced The engagement and forthcom- ing marriage of Bertie Meadows and Bruce Grubb is being announced. Bertie .is the daughter of Glenna Meadows of Buck Rt. Hinton. Bruceis the son ofEarldine Grubb of Talcott. Bertie is employed at Summers County Care Center. Bruce is em- ployed by Mountaineer Saniration of Hinton and a member of U.S. Army Reserves. Bertie Meadows An open church wedding is being planned for Apr. 13 at 2:00 at Little Wolf Creek Church with reception to follow at the Talcott Volunteer Fire Dept. Revival- April 8, 1991 Sandstone Baptist Church 7:00 p.m. Guest Speaker Pastor Philip Lilly of Standford Baptist Church. Everyone Welcome Pastor Eddie Johnson Celebrates First Birthday Blair Alexander Rodgers cele- brated this first birthday Feb. 6th. Blair is the son of John and Karen Rodgers of San Antonio, Tx. A birth- day party was given for him and enjoyed by family and friends. Mrs. Rosie Halloran of Vice'a, Tx., for- merly of Talcott, W.Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Deacon of Rome, Pa. Paternal grandparents are Mrs. Ida B. Rodgers and the late Bill Rodgers, Sr. of Berclair, Tx. Preneed Funeral Planning Certificate of Deposit thru you Local Bank or Forethought Life Ins. Co. Our competent staff has been professionally trained to assist you In funeral planning, as well as counsel and help you or those you love through the funeral experience. Our reputation is built on serving families like yours and we pledge that we will merit the confidence you have placed in us. Feel free to contact us for answers to any questions you might have.., now or in the future. RONALD MEADOWS FUNER LA ........ PARLORS00 '""'" ........ 130 Temple St., Hinton Phone 466-1179 I That Blessings May Shine on You... BAPTIST Beech Run Sepdat Church Superintendent0  Bowy Sunday Scho 10. Morning w. ahtp 1. Bau=at  Chur N. Brace Craswoll, Jr., Pastor: Sunday S4m4co: Joe McBride Sup/,. Sunday School 9:45 am. Morning Worship, 11 am. Youth tellowl.htp.f1:45 pm. Evonlng SeN. k, 7 pro. Wednday Servlce,i 7.'0Opm. Prayer Meeting end B.rOIo Study. mr C.. Lynn Meddy, Pastor: Sunda Seho 10 Lm. Momthg Wohlr 11 €111. eackt Sunday. Evonln( SeWtON, 8und/I 7 p.m. Pmy mNing Wed. at 7 p.m. B Y Sunday at S p.m. Breelm aapu Church PUor Darrell Hanv: Edwa Cyrus, Sunday Scho Supedn t(m., Sun.School 10 Lm MomkJ Womhip 11 Lm. Eve n Sen:e 7p.m. Praye Melng Tu. at 7:30 p.m.Wed Servk 7 p.m. Calvary Baptist Church Red Sulphur: R. Risk Hend son, Sunday School 10 A.M Momlng Wonlhlp 11:00 A.M Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. Wed needay Worship 7:30 P,M. Comon P. Natheniai Johnton: Sunda Schoo E. G. Cmwford, Supt. 11 a.m. Morning Womhip Ever/Sun day. Pro@chins I|L end 3rd Sund at 11 l.m. told 6 p.f Cenlm PaalOr ROOe L Mooe: 9:45 a.rn Church Sch0c4. 11 s.m. knl WorlNp. 6:30 p.m. B Y F. 7:0( p.m. Emnlng Womlp. ? p.m Wedn Mm - We Servk:o Ctmmt Grove Pastor: Benny Alien. Superbten. dent:  Ikmt Sunda Sdx, 10 Lm. Mmnl Wor=hll: 11 am. EvoNng S4tvlce 7:3( Wed. Evening 8endoe 7:3O p.m. ¢ook'a Chapel Ogu  Chu) John s, Adnm, Pastor: 10 a.m. Sunds) Scho. 8q. Kyie KirJor. 11Lm  Moml Worahll II Im., B Y F  Rmmv. Rmmiti Two mliel noah M  o the Ma Ro. Sund hoo4 lC • m. Baptlal Youth LN0ue 6 p.m Evenlng smdces 7 p.m. Flt BapU Chwch Sunday Schoo4 ti':4S ,.m. Bruce mchmo. Supt Mom Wor. ehlp t I a.nt.EwNn98mlm7 ).m. Mid Week 84'k 700 p.m. Fom HII Ilaptiet Church Pmo¢ Joa iL Elwdo: 2rid, & 41t md/11:00, Sun- day Nlgh Sen4ce 7:00, Wednas. day NIgM 7:30. llLa3rd.Sunday m4cel A1Matllodbt Chun:h J ao P.M. S Mln 0. ! Church Din Spends, Pas. Sund SchooHO Lm.. Momlrl Wmhip   :oo a.m. Stmy Evening S ).m. W. Evening 7:00 p.m. Orlffi Oreek Eden Ray Hsrd J., Pmt.Su de/School 10 a.m. S. S. Supl. MeW nm. W AI 11:00 AM 1ILL, 1, Iml fh. Sundays Evonlng mwlcm at 7:00 P.M. 2nd. wld 4th, . Mid Wwk alw Svloo And Youth Mell Earn WWy at ?X)o P.M. • Come to Church Indian kills Sellet Church Steve k, Pastor: S.S. Sup(. Jan'm= Keatley. Sunday School 10 A.M. Clause for ag a(s. Worlhtp. m/tco. 11A.M. and 7 P.M. Eery Sunday. Prayer : Meeting Wed. 7 P.M. Jurbon Fraewfll BllSt Church Pastor Pat Kour,r.e: Sunday School 10.O0 o' dock. Every Sunday. Sorvtcu Sunday Night At 7.'00 o' clook..Pal Kounse. Sunday Schoo Superintendent. KUoy Swtn BapU Church Sunday School 10 A.M., Harold Meeks, Stoadntendent. LaurM Creak Baptist Church Rrst and third Sunday at 11:00 lute, Sacond and Forth Sunday at 7:00 pin., Wedn(rsday rghl S4rv 7:00 i., Sunday School 10:00 am. Pastor, Andy Howdoc Uck Creak Baptist Church Sunday School at 10 am. Preaoh- ing Sevlcas.11 am. Every Sun- day. Prayer Meeting Wodnasday 7 pro. Fiev. Tom McGraw, Pastor. UtSe Wolf Independent Botbt Church, Off R1. 12 on the Utile WOW Creek Road. Pastor, Donak:l L. Hannah: Sunday School Superintendent, Wayne Browning. Sunday Schoo I0:00 Ira. Worshlp Servk: 11.'00 am. Sun.Evening SenAce 7pro. Youth Meeting Wednesday 6,'30 m.Mtd Week Sefvico Wed. 7 pm. Msedew Cnmk Pastr J, L. Jomm: Sun.10 am. Sunday Scho ; 11 a, Morning Worship; 7 pro. Evening WorShip; 7 pro. Wed., Mid Week Bibie study wrd Pmy=r Meeting. Mek)w ¢mek R4v. Wdliam Cane: Sunday Sctmol Supedntonckmt Mrs. E. E. Johneen, Sunday Schoo 10Lm, I Sunday, Prayer service Wednesday 6:30. Womhtp corv- k thkd Sunday at 11 ILm. 181. Calvmy Fmewll Bpli= Church. Sunday Schoo tO:00a.m.,Pmaching 11:00Lm., Preaching Sunday Night 7:00 ).m., Pm Mlng Wodnlday 70., Pastor E. R. Buck Tymo New Salem 8811t Church Pastor I. E. Hatch.: Sunday 10:00. Churd111:00 Fun- amonud. NIm Mh.dmy B4=ti Church Pastor Arnold s. s. supewer. <oy 8ra, Sundw Scho=a:4s, MOmin Worship erKI Children ;hutch 11 m. Sunday Morning. i_ve, so, woip 7 0. ml Meeting and Youth M- !lag 7:30 Wrday. Pine Orove Pamor W. 0. Semlon: Sunday Schoc$ul., m,  Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11o &M. Wedn Evening ,mce 70 p.m. Rhndl nl Mlmmbd Ctrch • .  h. , ,, at 7:00 p.m.  ratty RL 12 Forael Hill Road, Bill Jon- Ida, Pmtoc 10 am. Sunday SctmoL Oak Omm. SU- I 11 Lm. Morning Wor- sMp. 7:30 p.m. Evening Sen. 7 p.m. Youth Feaowship Thur. Ro= CpV Ml,moW Roy Lee Honaker, Jr.. Pastor. Jn. Ikoo110 A.M. Wor. Mtlp m4co 11A.M. eech Sun- day. Pray Swvlce. Bae Se Ioi, Youth Meeting Wed. 7p.m. Roilinsburg D. L. stalnaker, Pastor: 10 &m. Sunday Suhool classes for all ages. Richard Holloran Supenn- tendent t I a.nt Morning Wor- ship. 7 P.M. Night Seo¢ico. Sandatone Baptist Church Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday School SupL BUl Dean, Sunday School 10A.M. Morning Worship 11 A.M., Evening Services 7.'00 P.M., Wed. Prayer Meeting and Youth Meeting 7 P.M. Second Tak:ott, Fi4'st Sun. Service 11 A.M., Sunday at 3.'00 P.M. Second Balst Church 212 James St.. Rev. Matthew Saundors, Services 2rid. & 4th. Sunday 11 A.M.. Prayer Service Wednesday 6:30, Sunday Schood each Sunday 9:30, Mr. James Nickolas Supt. Mrs. Edith Goode, Assist. Teml Church Robert Combs. Pastor: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Melvin Williams, SNot. Preaching San/ices at 11.1)O a.m. every Sunday. Upland Septist Church Pastor A. Angait, Jr.: S. S. - 10:00, Sunday Worship - 11.'00, Supt., Rudy Nlen Stevenson, Asistant SupL Rebecca Romenelk)Se Study Sunday Evening 7.'00 . Youth Meetin, 7.'00 Sunda. CATHOLIC St Pstdck Cslho.€ Church. Mass Scheduie, Sundalf g a.m. CHRISTIAN Comrnuty Christian Pastor Doug Hatcher: WorShip S Sun. 11 a.m. end 7:00 3.m. Bible Study 10 .m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Rrst Chrietien Church Eddie Via, Minister: Sunday School 9:45 A.M., Morning Wor- ship 11:00 A.M.. Sunday Evening Bible Study, Sunday 6.'00 Youth Moatins 6,'00 CHURCH OF CHRIST HInton 1621 Surnmem St. Minister, Phi- lip strattis: Sunday Morning Bible Study 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Servlco 105 Lm. Sun- day Evening SeNice 7.'00 P,M. Evening Service 7 P.M, Lay Church of Christ Sunday 10.'00, Bible Study 10:45, Evening Sunday 7:00 p.m., Wed- nesday Blo Study 7.'00 P.M. 8he¢ldey Hill Tug Creek Road, Sunday Wor- ship 11KM. SundayEvenlng 6:30 P.M. WednmMy Sen4cas 7:30 P.M. 11 a, nt First and Third Sundays, Hot? Communion 11 ¢m., Sec. end and Fourth Sundap. METHODIST b,qm Miller Momodal Church Schoo 10 &m. Morning Worship 11 ¢.m. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. U M Y F Wednasday 6 p.m. Rmt United Metiwdt Church Hinton,WVGrak:lF. Dotson, Man- lale: Sunday School 9:45 A.M., MomingWorahlp 11:00A.M. Child catsavailable:Moments with chl dmn. Wednesday Prayer Virgil 11:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M. b the Satuay. Wednesday Youth Club, 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M., For Tfardr, portatiorl: 466-0544 James Chapel st TnJe Ray. Cadton Wilson, Pastor: Setv- rues 9 &m. Sun. School 10 a.m. Johnson Minister, Hubert Groves: Sam Groves, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45. Worship 11 a.m. Undside Red Sulphur. Marshall Fowlor Pastor: Servico every second Sunday 7 p.m. every fourth Sun- day 11 a.m. May Jane Memorial Pastor RenD H. Richmond: Sun- day School 10 a.rn. Morning Worship 11 &m. Evening Prayer Meaning 7:30 P.M. MethOdist Charge Rick Beam: First Sunday & 3n:l. Sunday, Brooklyn 9:15. Mt. Zion 10:t5 A.M., Sand Knob 11:30 P.M., Nirnltz 2nd. and 4th. Sun- day. Sethal 9:30. Pluto Manha Chapel 1.1:00. Madams Creak. Mount PIsgch Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Church School 10:30 a.m. U M Y F Tuesday 5:30 P.M. New Hope C. Franklin Mick. Pastor: Sunday SChOOl 10 am, Worship 1st & 3rd Sun. 11 am & 4th Sun. at 7:30pm Oek Grove C. Franklin Mack, Pastor: Sqndy SChool at 11 am. Worship 2nd & 4th Sun., 10 am& 1 st Sun. at 7pm Tat©ell Charge C. Franklin Mic Pastor: Forest HiS, 1st & 3rd Sundays: Worship 10 am, Sun. School 11 am. Tdnay C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Sunday School 10 am, Worship services 2nd & 4th Sun. 11 am& 3rd Sun. PRESBYTERIAN reenvilie, 10 a.m. Sunday SChool. 7:45 p.m. , Community Worship Service Rrot Ireabytedan Church Rev.Rdoert H. Glaser: Sunday SChOOl 9:45 & Worship 1 t :00 am Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 P.M. Nan's Greenville, 10a.m. Sunday School 75 p.m., Cornmnb/ Worship Sarvico. Kallr at Loweg Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor. Worship Sevlcee held at 2:30 pm on lal. and 3rd. Sunday=. MrBlenny Ray, stewart McMunay. Pastor. Grassy Meadowl.10 a.m. Sun- day School. Worn hip Service held at 9 am on 2nd. and4th. Sundays. T'O"fH'ERS Hlnton Church of God 1301 SUrnlT4 St. Pastor Cecil Welch: Sunday School 10 am Morning Worship 11am Sunday Night 7 pm Wed. Night 7 pm Himon Gospel Tabernacle 102 Main Street. Lawrence Ben- netl, Pastor: Sunday School 10 am. Mornings WOrship 1100&m. Youth meeting 6:30 p.m. Even- gaitallc Sendce 7:30 P.M. Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 P.M, Jehovah'.= Wlln Sunday 10 am Public Talk. Sun- day 11 am Watchtower. Study Toaeda 710 pro. Thootc Schoo Tursday 8:30 pm Smvlce Mtg. JumMn¢ Bnuch Tab=rnm Ree. Elmo Alderman, St.. Pastor: David Moten, Supt. Sunday Schoo 9:45 a.m. Morning Wof ship 10:45 a.m. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Emlng Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service Wed. 7.'30 P.M. Lutheran Good Shepherd Lutheran Churct Becley, Sunday Worship 9:3C a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., 725 Dry Hill Road. 252-5820 or 252. 4793., Ray. Kenneth L. Fray Mount Olivet Church A community church, Madam= Creek Road, 2 I/2 miles, WiHiar A. Thorn. Pastor:. 466.429 Sunday School 10.'00 L m. Morn. tng Worship 11 .0 &m., Evening Service 7:30 p.m. EDT, Wednas. day ( 7p.m. EST.wlntor) Nmrene 1602 Tample St. PastorRev. Robert Wisernen: Sunday School 10 a.rn. Morning Worship 11 ,,m. Evangelist Sen'ice Sunday N)0hl 7 P.M. Thursday. Pray=r and Bbis Study 7 P.M. Pillar of Trulh Church AI Bargsr SWings, Pastor, Orvk Meadows: Sunday School 10.'00 A.M., Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.,Wednesday Bble Study7.C P.M. Rmt Chuch of God !Nora Keaton, Pastor: Sunday School 10 am, Morning Worship : 11 am, Evening Worship 7 pro. Wed. Evening Bible Study 7 pro. 215 Second Ave., Hinton. Rlvwvlew ChapeJ Speakers Harry Pilklngton: Sun- day, 9.'30 Lord's TaLde 11.'00 Family Bible Hour. 4:00 Junior Young People. 7:30. Evening Gmp Sece. HINTON NEWS 466-0005 BRIERS Inc. FURNITURE HinTon 209 2rid Rvs. 466-0691 BIG 4 DRUG STORE, Inc prcscriptioa od dr eeJJ founlaia service 466-2323 Compliments of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HINTON 466-2311 Member FDIC RONALD MEADOWS FUNERAL PARLORS 466-1179 130 Temple SL Hinton ,!