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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
March 12, 1991     The Hinton News
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March 12, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 - Hinton News Tues. March 12, 1991 RITCH REAL ESTATE SERVICES AND APPRAISALS Farms, Residential, Vacation and Commercial Properties Member MLS Autrey Ritch, Broker GRI, Certified Real Estate Appraiser 5th Ave. &amp; Commercial St. Hinton, WV 25951 304-466-1111 or 466-0736 Call and List With Us Todayl LEGAL NOTICE I..GAL NOTICE TIlE SUMMERS COUNTY COMMISSION has acceptod an applisatlon fl*om the City of Hinton to annex, by minor heufldory udustmunt, certain POP" e aolning the City, and popularly known as the Bluestone Dam, and the a-me property more elg'lfl- ]y dasarthsd as follows: PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF HINTON, W. VA. November 1984 BEGINNING at ths mdst/ng muthweatorn rpo- rata limits of the CIW of Hinton, Rid point is leeated wlth the nmmai low water mark on the wsoterly bank of New River apprmd matoly ! 100 fe. helow Binegono Dam; thence hm said heginning point due wt to the West Virginia Dapertmant ofHilways r/ght-ol'-wa7 on tha east sida of 84ata Route 20;, thence with the Highway right-of.way 1700 feet mmm or i to a pnt 00 fi,et above the upotraam fan of tho eunerota structure of BI Dam; them tmoln8 New River parallol ta the e ofthedam 2500 Ibot to o point; thce in u north-north east ditlan 2400 feet more or len to • point in the mntofu mad leading to U. S. Govemmont property as shown on "City of Hintan Map No. l 1; Summars County, W. Vs. Off'so of Aes- so/"; and along the math line of U. S. Goverrlment property between Parcel 6 and Pardi 6,2; thones san- tinuing between the paeesls and with the tor of said mad 430 fsat moru or ls to the pea,ant sarlrata limits; thonce with tim IN'orGnt eecporato limits in a win, tom dlrortion 2100 feet mora or Is, lmsaln8 the east edofNew vor at 1126/'sat m or le. to the point of BEGINNIG. The snm of this Imce is 0.2 eq, slim more or le. The Commies/on has wdored s lmbik  to he hold on this uppllsation on AwIi !, 1991 ut I:S0 ILm in the County Cemmisalon masting room in the Sum. mers County CourthotmL Smnmars Count7 Commiesion Lonnie R. Mulltns, nt HN Mar. 12, 19 SENIOR NEWS ACTIVITIES AT THE HINTON SENIOR CENTER Located onthe corner of Second Ave. and Summers St. Partially funded by the W. Va. Commission on Aging 1Venu: Hot dog, chili/slaw/onions, green beans, pear halves, bun, milk/ butter. Thurs. Mar. 14 Menu: Beef stew, potatoes/carrot/ tomato, kale greens, pineapple chunks, crackers, milk/butter. Activities: Bingo for prizes after lunch. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 9:00 until 12:00. Fri. Mar. 15 Menu: Baked ham, glazed sweet potatoes, cinnamon applesauce, banana, rolls, milk/butter. Activities: Gosepl sing at 11:15. Mon. Mar. 18 Menu: meatball/spaghetti sauce, glazed carrots, pears, bread, milk/ butter. Activities: Bible Study at 11:15, Tues. Mar. 19 Menu: Brown beans/onions, kale greens, sliced peaches, cornbread, milk/butter. Menu changes may occur due to the unavailability of certain foods or due to circumstances beyond our control. Scheduled Bus Trips Mar. 22  Mercer Mall. Pence Springs to Hinton Mar. 20. HOME REPAIR PROGRAM The Summers County Council on Aging is currently accepting appli- cation for the home repair program which is scheduled to begin in third week of June and will end the first week of Aug. The program is spon- sored by the W. Vs. Missions, under the directions of Carl Martin, This program is able to docleaning, paint. ing, and minor home repairs. W. Vs. Missions will purchase the materi- als required for any approved Appli- cation. Persons interested in apply- ing for minor repairs may call the Hinton Senior Center at 466-4019. SPECIAL BUS TRIP To Richwood Ramp Feast The Summers County Council on Aging will take buses to Richwood Apr. 6, to a Ramp Dinner. In order to help cover expenses for bus use, we will have to charge $4.00 per person for transportation. Each person will be responsible for purchasing their 0wn dinner. This the the 53rd obser- vance of the Feast of the Ramson.  The menu consists of fried potatoes, ham, bacon, brown and white beans, ramps, cornbread, desmn'ta, and sassafras tea. 321-3rd Ave. 466-1100 o June McGrag', Broker Madams Creek Log home SBR-4A-plus t0 more. New River - .creage I acre L000 6th. Ave. 4 BIL 18,500 Avis $ BR 30,000 148 Pleasant. 3 BR. Forest Hill - 3BR. 20,000 Madams Creek - 40A 18,000 GreenbrierRiver - log home 3 lots. 45,000 Madams Creek - Farm-53A. 4o,000 Bluestone Park Area-50A as,ooo Rt. 20- to Pipestem 2 BR. 28,500. Bowling Haynes: income Prop. Theatre BIdg. Apt. Bldg. income Prop. 1420 Greenb "-, Y1"i. -Sale Pending  ' I,J I I JONES REALTY .F.sch Office Independently Owned 466-4246 I RL86-Box99 Jumplr Branch, WV 25969 R. Eugene Jones, Jr., Broker WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? I have out of state buyers looking for property - I need more listings of all types, especially "Homes with acreages" l "Farms". Call me=to,, day & we'll discuss tt* sale of your propertyl I LEGAL NOTICE MOUNTAINEER GAS COMPANY PUBLIC NOTICE OF CHANGE IN TARIFF Mountaineer Gas Company, a public utility, has filed with the Public Service Commission of West Virignia a tariff containing charges in Rules end Reguletimm end in rtain provisions of service ¢laesi- flsatiaes for furnlehing ges sarvice to 200,000 custom. ere in the sauntisa of Barbour, Boone, Brooke, Lewis. Cslmll, Marslmil,Clay,Putnam. Gel mar, Moreor, Grant, Graanbrior, Kanawhe, Lincoln, Fayetta, Marion, Mommgelia, Male% Jkson, Minend, Rmulolph, Ohle, Hancock, Pmtm, Weave. Raleigh, Logan, lmne, Calhoun, Summers. Monroe, ylor, Doddridg Up shut, Tucker, Wayne, Miv4o, Woad, Wire, Wyoming, end McDowell. The proposed chas will become effective April 1,1  1, unle otherwim ordared by the public Sorvisa Commiesin The revisions am intandod to be revenue neutral. A coPY of this tariff, as well as • mprasontative of the Company to provide any informutlon requested eoneorningtt, Is available to all ctmtomere, prospective customers, or their agents ut Mountaineer Gas Company's artless in Charleston, tiuntington, Beck- Icy, Wheoling und Elkine, West Virginia. A sap of this tariff is also available for public InelcUon at the Office of the Executive Sretary or the Public Service Commission, 201 Brooks Street, Cheflastm% West Virginia. Anyone desiring to protest the changes contained tn this tariffshould do sain writing at least rwe (5) days prior to the effective data ofApril l. 1991. All protests slumkl he uddresaed to Executive So¢retary, Public Sorvi Commieslon of West Virginia, 201 Brooks Strut, Charleston, West Virginie 25301. Susan J. Rigp Counea] HN Mar. 12.19 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO REDEEM TO John David Lglll dhe Landmark Ftwniture Compor at. 1, Bt 303; Hintm, WV 25961 (Or. bd AvL) You will take notice that  & Cindy Smith, the purchasar of the feBewing real satat .684 Auee, sittmtoin Fornet Hill Dtetrt, Summers County, Wmt Viqginla, wh/ch was returned dolinquout in thme ofJ. D. LBeLIe dlm Lmlmark Fumitut Company, and was said by the Shortffof Summers County, Wut Virgin t-, at the sal ibr dolinquent  made on the Gth day el'Nw0mbor. 1989, has cequsatod that you be notified that o dd for eueh ml state will he mado ' him un or uflec, the first day ofAp¢il, lg01, ae prnvided by law, un balbra that day you redeem sth real astato. The amount you will have ta pay to redsm on the lust day, March thirty-ring, will he as foUows: Amotmt paid ehertffat oaiu. with intant to Mah 31, 1991. .50 Amount of ttsa paid on the ptxy since the sale, with intere to March Sl, 1991, Amount paid for smay and ralrt, 38.16 Amount paid fee pmparntton e( list of thou, to he sl, and f arntlon and sarvisa of the notice, . S..50 TOTAL $ 133.18 You may rlaem at any time befora March 31, 1991, by paying the shove total kms shy unoarned interasL Given under my hand this 25Oh day of January, 19ill. Baarn N. Cart Clerk of the Cmm Conrtff Summers County, West Vistnts HN Mar. 12. 19,26 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i:i:i i::::i:i:::: !i i i :::::   i iii.::.i// .i i,::.:::.:.i.i:ii::;/:;:i:i:!::!:::i::.i: Re000000!e00il ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::'.:::::::.:.:,:.:.:.:.:.:,.:,:.:,:+:.:.:...,.......... ..,., .... ........... EASY PRICE TO LIVE WITH 1 1/2 story, brick home; full basement and detached ga- rage; assumable VA Loan; $37,500. APARTMENT BUILDING Good investment; 2 units with private entrances; fully oecu. pied;  $16,500. FOR INVESTORS 2-story, brick apartment building in Hinton Historical District; fully occupied; ,20,000. 201 MAIN STRE__.__.,  On,llL£ p£I'I,1||I- .ot; CI' "-- " ..' ,U00. A REAL GEM. Spacious tri-level home with two-car, built-in garage; large, level lot in lowe Bellepoint area; shown by appointment; $9s,000. 136 CROSS STREET 1 1/2-story, frame home; full basement; good condition... 20's. ACREAGE 9.24 a,, q' 6 acres cleared LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY TIlE WEST VIRGINIA DEPKitTMENT OF TITANS- PORTATiON, DIVISION OF ItlGIIWAYS AT ITS OFFICE IN ROOM A-148, BUILDING FIVE, CAPI- TOL COMPLEX, CIIARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA, UNTIL 10 A.M. TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1991 AND SAID PROPOSALS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED AND READ IMMEDIATELY TIIEREAFIT FOR TIIE CONSTRUCTION OF "/'lie FOLLOWING PROJECT ON STATE IIIGIIWAYS: * STATE PROJECT $345-20-12.G0 SUMMERS COUNTY " LOCATION: 3.5 MILES OF IIINTON CITY ST 2 ON WV 20 ......... TYPE OF WORK: RESURF (!.i'), DR, SHL PROPOSALS W ILL BE RECE WED FROM PRE- QUALIFIED CONTRACTORS ONLY. EACII PRO. POSAL MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BYA BID BOND. CASIIIF.RS CIIECK OR CERTIFIED CIIECK FOR $£)0.00 OR 5% OF TOTAL BID, WIIICIIEVER IS GREATER. PROPOSALS AND BID BONDS MUST lie SUBMrI'rED ON STATS STANDARD FORMS WIIICI! MAYBE O BTAINED AT TI I E CI IARLESTON OFFICE. TIlE RIGIIT IS RESERVED TO REJECT ANY OR ALL PROPOSALS. "TIIESE ARE PROJECTS ON WIIICll ANY CONTRACTOR WITll A CATEGORY "W" PRE. QUALIFiCATiON RATING MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO BID. TIlE WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TILN SPORTATION, DIVISION OFH IGIIWAYS RE. SFA{VES TI 1E RICdIT TO DEFER, DELAY OR POST. PONE FROM TIME TO TIME TIlE DATE FOR RECEIVING AND PUBLICLY OPENING PROPOS- ALS FOR ANY PROJECT DESIGNATED IN Tills ADVERTISEMENT, WITIIOUT TIlE NECESSITY OF RENEWING SUCII ADVERTISEMENT. ALL BIDDERS IIOLDING VALID BIDDING PROPOS- ALS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF SUCll DEFERMENT, DELAY OR POSTPONEMENT AND TIlE DATE TI SAT PROPOSALS WILL BE RECE[VED AND pUB. LICLY OPENED. TIlE WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DMSION OP HIGAY IAEBY NOTIFIES ALL BIIN)F, Ra THAT IT WILL AFFIRMATIVELY INSUR THAT IN ANY CON- TRACT E INTO PURSUANT TO THIS AD- VERTISEMENT, MINORITY BUSINESS PRISES WILL BE AFFORDED PULL OPPORTU- NITY TO SUBMIT BIDS IN RESPONSE TO THIS INVITATION END WILL NOT B DISCRIMINATED AGAINST ON THE GROUNDS OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX OR NATIONAL ORIGIN IN CON- SIDERATION FOR AN AWARD. WEST VIRGINIA DEPNT OF TRANS- PORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAY JAMES J. HA/Y BUSINESE MANAGER HN Mar. 12, 19 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON Entored by the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMI ElaN OF WEST VIRGINIA, In the Ctt7 of Cton on the 28th day of Febatary, 1991. M.C. CASE NO. RY-WES, INC., a ¢orpomlilm, l.kaw,, County, filed an application for a ,mgifleato of'ewsn. lense and nzsaity to moo no s ,mmon art/or by motor vehicle in the tranoportoUon,of-- asphalt, asphalt l'eduets, smvel, vol preduta, and other Iow-lp mmoditiea batwsan pe/m and phons in Grmmbri, Monm Pahmtoe, and Summers Countim, on the mm hand, and pefmta end phtcsa In West Virginia, on the othor hand. Ratm: 81.15 per toa for the first mile $0.12 p ton for each mile t Waiting tlm $40.00  h0,r IT IS ORDERED that the upplimt give notlsa of the filing of,mid applisatlan by puldlsl a coPY of this order or in • mwslmp', , qualified by the Secretary of 8tat, Imbllabed sol of gnaRl drcul- Uon in h of the Counties of Orsabinr, Mu', Pmtae, Raleigh and mmm, mak due re- turn to this Commission of pmpor eortisattlo of publimtion within tm (10) days of sth pldtsat. Anyone du/dng to make oltion to mid applimon must do so in walt/hi within tea (10) days  the pubfication of mid notisa, t P. O. Bat 812; G'usaton, West Virginia 2k. Said wrltton eb must t u lumrinll lfa hem, Ingle dsalred, and the ptt. satant should appear at mid heetin8 to p¢otort stated intqsk Ino p¢otsats are retve the Commisdon may grant the rltmst without n henrin I . A True Copy, Tut Howard M. Cunningham Effi.utive Secretary HN Mur. 12 BINGO Bingo every Thurs. night, start- ing at 7:00 P.M. at the Moose Lodge. Concession avaialble. Mni and maxi jackpot. Children can play if accompanied by an adult. Rt. i Box 86 Ballard, WaVa. 24918 FOREST HILL AREA ON RT. 12- Beautiful 3 br., brick home, modern kitchen, dining room, large family room, and 3 full baths. Lots of closet space. 1 large cedar closet. Play room or garage with paved drive- way. Oil furnace, commercial heat pump, and fireplace. Brick pump house and small barn. This super quality brick home contains 26,035 sq. ft. and is situated on 3 1/2 acres level land in a very desirable location with all modern con- veniences. Call today. Price 9,000. MARIE AREA 3 Br., house, livingroom, kitchen with built-in cabinets, Large bath, utility room, pantry. Restored throughout, 3/4 basement, front porch. Wood or coal heat. Aluminum siding. Situated on I acre lot. Paved driveway, utility build- rag, wood shed, fruit trees, and good garden spot on hardtop read in very good location. All selling for $32,000. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime Paul "Buddy" Light Broker & Auctioneer Licensed No. 478 Gloria J. Meadows, Sales Assoc. 486-1925 Aftor 4 PA LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF ESTATE ACCOUNTS To the Creditors and lneflciarisa of the within deeead peraons: I have before me the following decsasad persons and the accounts of the fiduciaries of their estate Deedont: Lillian Crawferd, Fiduciary: lIoward Crawford, Rt. 1, Bea 218, Hinton, WV; Decedont: James McKinney, Fiduciary: Carolyn McKin ney, RL I, Box 99, Ilinton, WV; Decedent: Geer Bashes. ldu- mr'y: Lemon Basham,RL 8G, l]z6l. JumpingBranch, WV; Decedent: Christine Lilly, Pidudary: Lacy Lane, P. O. Box S&3, Shady Spring, WV; Mitchell, Fiduciary: Doris Mihell, 506 Manor Dr. Beddey, WV, Any permn having a claim against the estate of uny named person are notified to ahibit same, with loSdly varified vouchers, to rxl.. wiu 78days, or n0t later than May 19,1991, or to sup'-i. "sat with n 120 days, at addrmss below, not later than July 3, i 991 ; othorwisa any er all such claims may be excluded from all boneflts /" said saiata. All heneflciarisa of said estate may appear before fiduciary or supervisor by dates shown to examine claims end protect their interest€ G/van under my hand this 25oh day of February, 1991. Ruth Noble F/duciary Supervisor, County Clerk's Office IlN Mar, 5, 12 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE IUBLIC AUCTION In compliance with a certain trust deed executed by Juck ll. Bowles to William D. Levine and Samuel J. St Clair as Substitute Trustees for JIM WALTERS IlOMES, INC., bearing date Mey 5, 1989, and re- cerdod in theOoftheClerkofthe County Commis- sion o f Sum mers Cunty, Wt Viq0nia, in Trust Deed Book 121 ut Page 492, dofau]t havn been made in the payment of the debt thiraby urnd, the under. signed either of where may uct, at the mqueot of the banefi¢lary will sail at public action ut the front doer of the esurthoueaotSummera County on Friday March 22, 1991, at Hintmh West Virginia, at l.q)0 P2. the following doacrihed real satata BEGINNING ut a 22 inch Beech st a f'¢e omor on the South ride of Laurel Creek, corner to Claude Hicks and Robert Dick; thence with said Dkk and uisting fonsa up tim Mountain a 16 dagrNs 59'too 34 inch leaning whlta k at turn in/'ansa below cliff; Tium santinuin with said Dick up the Mountain S. 32 do 3W W., E70.30 ft to u creel md ut u turned out Double Lynn on the Wsat sido of ridge above a fiat; S. 12 dagrm 00'W., 928.57 feet to a 40 irh Chestnut Oakon top ofeR/dge; and S. I dogrne42. E.,62L01 feet to a steel rod set in old fanes, corner to mid Dick and Raymond J. Mnyor; thonee with said Moyor N. SI dqre 27' W., 237.7 feat a a 30 inch Chestnut Oak; S. a4 dognms 31' W., 374.3 feet to a 28 inch Chestnut Oak ( Found Marked); a 83 dog,ms 9" W,,'747.36 feet to a 16 inch Poplar (Found Market) on the North bank of a branch; and N.  do 12 W., 596.45 feat to S 8tool rod sat at a Chsatnut stump corner to mid Mayor and Elbort (EB) Ward; thenes with said Ward N. 34 d,qp, mm 15' W., 423.40 font to a "X chisoled in a fork at Palls in bran<h und N. 64 degrs 61' E., .20 feet to an 8 inch Io'nn (Marked by said Ward); thence around the Hill|ida running with a line marked reesntiy by mid Ward N. 5 dqrs 46' E., 128.35 feet and N. 17 daSs/' W. 06. ft to a mm post in fence mar spdn, thence with said femm N. 26 degrees 16' E., 438.91 feat; N 26 d 31' E., 401.43 feet to a Triple Clmn, in mid fg N.  degrees 12" E., 48.39 feet to n f'ked IS In,h whito onk in ea/d fim; N. 32 degrs ' E., 415.0@ fret to a Double Whlto Oak in said fence and N. 2 dograss 24' E., g48.18 feast to a steel red sat at muth end of Draw Bars in said Fansa ( As shown by mid Ward); thensa 8. 68 du 01 E., 248.75 feet to a I0 inch Hemlock (Marked) as pointed out and qraed to by Prnnk Ward on 4.23-79; thunsa N.  degree 0' E., 124.4'/feet to an Ill inch ycamom on the South Bank of Laursl Creek, corner to said Ward and Claude HickK thence with mid Hicks and up Laund Creek with the Cantm" Line thereof K 72 d 3T E., 152.80 feat; S. 99 d,qffeas 85' E., 111.96 feet; S. 42 dagnma ST E., I0 feet; 8.  dagrsea 24'., I0. fnot; 8. 57 &,,ms 30' E., 2CJ2 fit and S. if/dqrnss lll'E.. 201.92 feet to the end of femmon South Bank of mid Laurel Chink; them with mid Pan & 33 de- Weas 4ll' E., 48.25 feet to the point of 13EGINNING. is 91.82 a contained in this survey; however them is zged and ruorved an), portion of the Followin two parcels which may leo within the 912 m. to-wit: 1) 18 m 40 pes (n,yed toRohert ]L Dstwilqr, Jr. by Barbarn N. Can, by Dead datad July 1G, 176 of r4amrd In Deed Bek 123 at PNp if/3 of the afros of the Cqk of the County CommlsMon of Summers County, Wmt Vir. 2) 12 m 80 poles eonveyed to 8aivatore Ferra by Barbara N. Cart, by Dd dotod August 12; 1976 of msal in Deed Bsak 14 ut pq 99,in the Ofll of the Clerk of the Count)" Commission of Summers County, West Vllnin. Terms of,ale: Cash. WILLIAM D. LEVINE SagUEL J. ST CLAIR 8ubotltu Trnes • HN Ib. 28,Mar. 5,12 CLOTHING SALE The Hinton Senior Citizens is having a "spring cleaning" sale from the clothes closet. Large bags of cloth- ing and misoellanous items are available for $1.00 a bag. A lot of good used clothing, and pieces suit- able for quilts, is available at this  sale. Rt. 1 Box 86 Ballard, W.Va. 24918 BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 BR., house, with living room, bath, kitchen, utility room, sewing room or den, storm windows and doors %,tove =ny O Out b,',!mlude r "' .g r)om, cel- lar, s_ . ouilding, grape ha__,ocated on approxi- mately 2 acres of land or 8 lots. Near Greenbrier River with river rights. Only $28,000.00. Reduced to $25,000.00.$21,000.00. TALCOTT AREA - Beautiful 3 BR., Home. Large LR., comb. DR., and Kitchen with built in ( birch cabinets), 2 full baths, full size finished basement with den or family room, car- peted throughout, wood and elect, heat, city water, cable T.V. Plus satellite dish, paved driveway, carport, patio. Brick & wood paneling. Plus much more in a very good location with large lot. Price reduced to $58,000.00. PIPESTEM AREA - Between Pipestem State Park and Bluestone Dam. 11 acres land with house, 2 car new 3rage, 2 or 3 bedrooms. h,t .,i 1,%3t, fin- ished ba s¢" ql,.." Modern kitchen ...ook, bath and fu 11}'. Wood stove, hard- wcc-and carpeted floors, new furnace. Very nice in a popu- lar location offU.S Rt. 20. Only $35,000.00. PENCE SPRINGS AREA- on Greenbrier River. Extra nice 2 BR., furnished camp with front room, family room, kitchen, bath, electric and wood or coal heat. Situated on large mostly level lot. 130 ft. front and all the way back to river with good fishing and boating. Also utility building, shade trees, picnic tables, etc. This is the camp you must see to appreciate. ALDERSON BLUE SULPHUR AREA - Greenbrier County. 110 A. farm secluded with rough roads and gates before entry but worth the effort after you ge _., with good pasture. ,.,y of water, Muddy Creek running through property. Some tim- her. Plenty of wildlife. Priced only ... $41,000. FORESTHILLA- Monroe County line..Beautiful 2 story 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 BR, LR, DR, FR, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base- ment. Completely remodeled, situated on approx. 30 acres of beautiful level to rolling land with stocked fish ponds. Developed springs. 5 acres woodland with large trees, barn, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft shop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop. Excellent location with hard- top road frontage. This might be the one you have been look- ing for. You must see to appre- ciate the quality. Call today. Priced... $98,000. BALLENGEE AREA MONROE COUNTY Approximately 30 acres land, with barn and other outbuild- ings ( in need of repair) situ- ated on hardtop road with lots- of road frontage. Plenty of water with Big Stoney Creek running through property. App. 20 acres cleared, bal- anced with bottom of rolling land. App. 10 acres of wood- lend and planted pine trees. Lots of deer and wild turkey. Only $28,000.00. CREEN SULPHUR SAND- STONE AREA- on Rt. 20 near 1-64 interchange. 2 br., home with dining room and kitchen, lr, • • bath, den a ,utllty room. Enclose Sg,,? porch, patio and singse car garage. Situ- ated on 70 acres of land. 50 acres mountain land and approximately 20 acres cleared. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime Paul "Buddy, Light Broker & Auctioneer Licensed No. 478 Gloria J. Meadows, Sales ASsoc. 466-1925 After 4 PJd. E. "WHITEY" ELLISON REAL ESTATE Behind Summers County Hospital 46 Acres of woodland. Lot of Good Timber. New River Road 3 bedroom camp on big Lot 110 x 180 ft. Also has excess to 400 ft. of River Bank. Commercial Property for sale - Income producing. Downtown Hinton. Restau- rant - club site. Residence above. Reasonably priced. 38 acres more or less, five bedroom home, built in kitchen, hardwood and par- quet floors. Good well, rea- sonable access. Sandstone area. Four to five bedroom home, level lot, on hard top, family room, two story, many fea- tures including walkin clos- ets and master bath-bedroom suite. Sandstone. Modern three bedroom, two bath mobile home on four wooded acres, good game, trout stream nearby , secluded with reasonable access. Meadow Creek. Twenty acres, woodland Ramp Road. Good Price, w/ five level acres. Sandstone, on hardtop. Other properties available in the Sandstone-Meadow Creek areas include homes, home- sites and older farms. Call 466 - 0815 for further information. 5 ACRES BEHIND HOSPI- TAL Nice & Level. Border Walnut St. about 400 ft. Madams Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Moun- tain. Prime location/w big five room house. 2.5 Acres on Greenbrier River. Prime location - Great Fish- Shallow Area For Swim- PropertIis High Lend/ w Spring...-]Dasllent Invest- mane. Bellepoint Big building. Lot overlooking the dam. Taylor St. 3 Bedroom Brick, Nice Family Room. Nice Kitchen on Big lot. Pipestem Creek 3 bedroom House, bath. Good Well &'septic system on 3 Acre Lot, on Main Road. New River Road Nice 3 bedroom House or Camp. Nice Kitchen. Also big Living room with Fireplace. Lot Borders River. Greenbrier Drive 3 bedroom House, carpet. Can be occupied in 6 weeks. Must see to appreciate. Shown by appointment. State St. 7 Room House. Nice carpet. Priced to selL Must see to appreciate. We need small Farms. 25 to 30 acres, let us list your Place. Eldridge Ellison, Jr REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Burr Sales Person Phone 466-0815 Arlene Reich Sales Person Phone 466-5429 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant to Section 49-04 of the Wsat Virginia Uniform Commercial Code, the Nutimml Bmk of Summers will elt at Imblie sale to the highest on the 22rid day of March, 1991 ut I00 am., st Carrfs Auto Service st OG 8umm,m Street, Hi, WV, the following dcrflmd rspemmed vabide: 1985 Chrysler SW Serial No. IC3BCSgG9P The sale of the above described vkk will be made W ITIIOUT WARRANTY und the honk rzrv the right t (1) Bid at the public Ukg (2) Re¢t Bids at the public m]e; (3) Cou tinge suoh nala to ar other Urea and phwe by unnouneemont of sth continuance •t the time and The vehicle to he ld may be ln lihu, ch 2lot., 1991 botwean . a.m. and noon utGarts Auto Service at 206 Summers Strut, Hinton, WV. Dated this the 4th day of March, 1991 at Hinton, WV. NATIONAL BANK OP SUMMERS BY A. E. Bali Jr. Colleotinn Omsar HN Mar. 12, 19