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8 - Hinton News Tues. March 11, 2003
The Prentenders, a lip sync,
Week of March 10th. thru 14th. Gospel Group, will be, at Freedom
BREAKFAST Baptist Church on Powley's Creek,
• Monday, March 10th. Fruit Sat. March 15th. at 7:00 p.m. The
Muffin w/jelly or honey, Choice of group features Jamie Lilly, Ricky
cereal, Choiceofl00%juice, Variety Bass, Robbie Bass and Stephen
cold milk. Buskus.
Tuesday, March llth. Everyone is invited to attend.
Cinnamon glazed biscuit, Granola LEGAL NOTICE
Bar, 100% orange juice, Variety cold
Wednesday, March 12th. APPALACHIAN REGIONAL
Choice of Cereal, Cheese toast,
Variety 100% juice, Variety cold Amt. June 30, 2002
milk. Ata
Thursday, March 13th. Pop Cash $ 5631
Accounts receivable, net $2,061,015
Tart, Flapjack w/syrup, 100% apple Inventory $158,992
juice, variety cold milk. Total CurrentAseets $2,788.658
Property, Plant and Equipment $771,326
Friday, March 14th. Breakfast Other Assets ,754
pizza, Choice uf cereal, Choice of TotaIAssets $3,648,738
Linbil/tiea And Net Assets
100% juice, Variety cold milk. Current Liabilities
LUNCH Acco,nts payable $283.443
Other accrued expenses ' $110,254
Monday, March 10th. Super Deferred revenue $49,118
Dog on Bun, Chili/slaw/onions/relish Unrestricted Net Assets $3,223,923
if you want! Krisp seasoned fries, Total Liabilities And Net Assets $3,646,738
Baked Beans, Oatmeal/Raisin U-et,iotd ......
Net patient service revenue $12,148,090
cookie, Red juicy apple, Variety cold Oth .... enue $1,061,778
milk, Water available. Total Revenue $13,209,868
Tuesday, March 11tb. Finger Salarise and wages $5,680,010
lickin' chicken strips, new Mac & Employee benefits $1,507,864
Prefee•ienal foe• $115,102
cheese, Warm bread sticks Suppli .... doth .... penses $4,198,116
Carroteenies & Celery sticks and Depreciation $385,213
Provider tax $265,221
non-fat dip, Fruit mix, Red jiggly Prevision forbad debts $769,350
jello, Variety• cold milk, Water TotaIZpenses $12,920,876
Increase In Net Assets $288,992
available, Balance, Beginning Of Year $2,934,931
j,,:', Wednesday, March 12th. lnInetAssets $288.992
Balance, End Of Year $3,223,923
i,:_. Scramin' steamin' chili, Cornbread Summers County Appalachian Regional Hospital
muffins, Sweet yellow golden corn, i• partofAppalachian Regional Healthcare, Inc. which
is a not-for-profit corporation. Details supporting the
Cinnamon Krispie cookie, Variety contents of these statements are available for public
fresh fruit to choose from! Variety inepecti .... d copying at the Office of the West
Virginia Health Care Authority, 100 Dee Drive, Suite
cold milk, "Chili Feat @ SMS & 201,Charleeten, WestVirginia, 25311,duringregular
SCHS, Water avaialble, bueiness h .... 9:00 .... to 5:00 p ..... y business
day. There is a charge for copying.
Thursday, March 13th. Pork HN March 11
stir fry over fluffy seasoned rice, LEGAL NOTICE
Student chooses from a Romaine
salad w/silvers of fresh kale, red NOTICE OF.TRUSTEE SALE
Notice i• hereby given that by virtue of that certain
cabbage, carrot curls, topped w/ Deed of Trust dated May 12, 1999, executed by Virgil
chopped eggs and a hint of shredded Z. Riddell and Angela S. Bowyer, unto d. Michael
Anderson, Substitute Trustee, of record in the Office
cheese with Non-fat dressing (or) of the Clerk of the Co,nty Commi,ian ofsammere
Cottage cheece and pineapple County,Woetvirginia, in'Pru•tDoedBoek164atVage
738, the makers of the Nots and vbligation secured
- chunks, Fresh made cinammon roll, thereby having failed to pay the same as provided for
:', Y Variety cold milk, Water available, under the terms of said Nots and Deed of'lu•t, and
default not cured within the terms of said note and
b, Friday, March 14th. Thick DoedofTru•t,theholderoftheSotshavingdoclared
.". hearty vegetable beef soup, Oyster the whole thereof to be due and payable and having
requested the undersigned, in writing, to make sale
" : or saltine crackers, Peanut butter of the real eetats described in said Deed of Truet, I
, , will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on
" and jelly sandwich, Power packed Monday, March 28, 2003, at I0:00 ..... f that day at
' " trail mix w/mini marshmellows, thefcontdooroftheCourthouseofSummersCounty,
Hint•n, West Virginia, the following described real
"" sunflower seeds, & pretzels, Juicy estatsto-wit:
Tangerine, Variety cold milk, Water l of those two certain lots or parcels of land,
together with any improvements thereon and
available, privileges and eppurtenancos thereunto belonging,
- - situate, lying and being on the waters ofthe Groenbrier
River, west of the Town of Alderoen, in Talcott District,
, To Conduct SU .miners County, West
Virginia, being more particularly described as Lots
*,. " . m No.321 and 322 of the Wolf Creek Corporation
'l00raining 00porty, as shown upena revised map or plat of a
,r." : .... : portlon of the uid proporty, ae shown ulm a revised
., "' by N. Eugene Kelley, L.L.S., and .....
''" "' MountainHeart Child Care being more particularly bounded and described by
Services, a program of the Wyoming survey of the said N. Eugene Kelley, as follows:
LOT NO 321 Beginning at an Iron Pipe set on the
!_ii County Opportunity Council, will be east line of a 40 foot etroet running through the Wolf
" Creek Corporation Property at the northern end of a
, conducting training on March lath., rvat- to the right at the intersection with a 30
" from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the foot etreat running east and west through the said
, property; thence running with the 40 foot street N 16-
;; Hinlon City Hall, Hinton, WV., for 30 E 62.21 feet to a stake at the southwest corner of
' Lot 322; thence leaving said street and with the south
i all family daycare providers, day line of Lot 322 S 73-54 E 147.65 feet to a etake at the
, Care center staff, and potential day southeast corner of Lot 322; thence through the
,:" care providers. The topic of the property, S 16.06 W 81.75 feet to an iron pipe set on
-. training will be BubiesAre Children the north line of the said 30 foot street; th .... with
the latter street N 76-00 W 123.95 feet to an iron pipe
'.- Too - The Special Concerns When set at th ..... ture of the street intersection; thence
with the said curvature, having a radiue of 23.93, arc
i:: Caring For Infants In Group Care of 38.64, chord N 29.45 W. 34.58 feet to the
'i: And The Importance of Nurturing BEGINNING, containing 12,429 square feet, more or
Care. LOT NO. 322: Beginning at a etake set at the
' northwest corner of LOt 321, on the east line of a 40
'e- The training meets the mandated foot street; thence running with the east line of said
"-- safety and health requirements for street, N 16-30 E 85 feet to an iron pipe set on the
north line of said street, a corner to proposed Lot 323;
",, state registered family day care thence leaving the street and through the property, S
", providers and state licensed day care 754 Z 147s feet to an iron pipe set at the rear of
said lot; thence S 16 06 W 85 feet to a etake set at the
, centers Certificates stating northeastcornerofLot321;thencewiththenorthline
" successful completion of each session of Lot 321, N 73-54 w 147.65 feet to the BEGINNING,
,. attended will be issued to each containing 12,575 feet, more or less.
And being the same property conveyed unto Virgil
participant. There is no charge for Z. Ridden, eingle, and An.gnla S. Bewyer, single, herein
,, the training and pre-registration is by Deed dated the 14th. day of April, 1996 from Wolf
Creek Corporation, a corporation, which said Deed is
e not necessary. Appropriate handouts of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County
Commission of Summers County, West Virginia, in
. will be available to all who Dcod Book183, atpage697, and alse in the Office of
" participate, the Clerk of the County Commission of Mnrea County,
," MountainHeart Child Care has West Virginia, in Deed Book 205, at page 110.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand paid on day of
. contracted services with the West *=Is suh to all unpaid property tax•e, restrictive
covenants, roeervatione, and easements.
Vrginia Department of Health and Gi ..... der my hand this 3rd. day of March ,
-: Human Resources, Office of Social 2003j.. MICHAEL ANDERSON,
Services since 1992 and offers case SUBSTmYrE TRUSTEE
management/brokering, application HS March 11, 18, 25
for day care services, day care
resources and referral, health and Postin 9
safety training to day care center 3t
! H
staff and family providers, loan and 00V|oun00am ear00
i grant program, and technical
assistance in Wyoming; Mercer,
, " McDowell, Monroe, Raleigh,
Fayette, Webster, Summers,
Nicholas, Pocahontas, Greenbrier
and Braxton Counties.
For additional information,
please call 682-8271 or 1-800-834-
7.- 7082.
,- " * N0tice
' The MIHOW Program at the
i Family Resource Center, 411 Temple
: Street in Hinton, is in desperate
• need of Maternity Clothes. If you
have any that you wish to donate
• please come by or call 466-2226 and
s ask for Peggy, JoAnn or Pam.
The Summers "County
• Commission will meet bi-weekly on
'. Mondays at 9:00 a.m. in the County
Courthouse. In case of Monday being
• a holiday, the meeting will be moved
to the following Tuesday. Meetings
, for March are as follows: Monday,
0 March 17th., and Monday, March
: Contact Mary Beth Merritt,
., County Clerk at 466-7104 if you
have items for the agenda.
The Southern Conservation
District will hold their regular beard
meeting on March 13th. The
meeting will be held at the Southern
Conservation District Building, 463
Ragland .Road, Beckley, WV.
The meeting will begin promptly
at 9:45 AM. Normal business will be
Summers County Commission
120 Ballengoe St.
P. O. Rex 97
Hinton, WV 25951
Stafford Consultants, Inc.
1105 Mercer St.
P. O. Box 5849
Princeton, West Yrginia 24740
Separate sealed BIDS for the constnuction of:
CONTRACT NO. I Construction of a 16 ft. long x
12 ft. wide steel beam bridge with concrete abutments
and pressure treated wood dock.
will be received by the Summers County
Comiseien, 120 Bellengea St., P.O. Box 97, Hinton,
25951 until 1:30 p.m., (local prevailing time), March
28, 2003 and then at said office publicly opened and
read aloud.
The BIDDING DOCUMENTS may be examined
at the following locations:
Stafford Consultants, Inc., 1105 Mercer Street, P
O. Box 5849, Princeton. WV 24740.
Summers County Commission, 120 Ballengoe, P.
O.Bex 97, Hinten, WV 25951.
Contractors Association of WV, 2114 Kenawha
Boulevard, East, Charleston, WV 25301.
F.W. Dodge CO. Plan Room, #2 Players Club Drive,
Charleston, WV 25311.
Copies of the BIDDING DOCUMENTS may be
obtained at the office of Stafford Consultants, Inc.
located at 1105 Mercer Street, P. O.Box 5849,
Princeton, West Virginia 24740 upon payment of
$25.00 for a complete set.
A MANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held
on March 18, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. (LPT) at the office of
the Commission at the Summers Count)" Courthouse,
Hinten, West Virginia followed by a ste vsit.
A five percent (5%) BID BOND mu.t accompany
all BIDS.
The successful bidder will be required to execute
a contract and provide Performance and Payment
Bond• in the amount of 100% of the contract price.
All BIDDESS must hold a current West Virginia
Contractor's License on the date of bid opening.
BIDDERS must comply with Title VI efthe Civil
Rights Act of 1964, the Copoland Anti.Kickback Act,
the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act,
and the West Virginia Division of Laber Wage Rates.
The Summers county Commission may waive any
informalities or minor defects or reject any and all bids.
Date 2/25/03
Lonnie R. Mullins
President, Summers County Commiesion
HN March 4, 11
Pursuant to the authority vested in the
undersigned by deed of trust dated the 8th. day of
November, 2000, signed by Donald L. Walker, Jr. and
Sandra J. Walker, to Gregory E. Elliott, Trustee, which
said deed of trust is of record in the Office of the Clerk
of the County Commission of Summers County, West
Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 175, at page 220, and
the undersigned, R. Vance Golden, III Ti'ustoe having
been requested so to do by the Lender, and default
having been made under the terms and conditions of
said deed of trust, and the previsions in said deed of
trust concerning acceleration having been complied
with by the Lender and present holder of the note,
said "l'ustoe will sell at public auction at 5:00 o'clock,
p.m. on the 25th. day of March, 2003 at the front doers
of the Courthouse in Summers county, West Virginia,
the following real estate located in Forest Hill District,
Summers County, West Virginia, more particularly
described es follows:
Being a tract of land located in Forest Hil! Distri,
summers County, West Virginia,containing 500 a,
more or less, the property herein conveyed being more
particularly described as follow•: Beginning
at an 8 inch iron wood in fence corner on easterly eide
of WV Secondary Route 23, corner ofW. J. Meadows;
thence along easterly side of said Routs 23, N. 35 53'
W. 415.75 feet to a steel rod set in stump; thence
through the survey S. 83 04' E. 712.50 feet to a steel
rod set in a field; thence S. 35 53' E 415.75 feet to a
steel rod on line of said Meadows; thence with •aid
Meadows N. 83 04' W. 712.50 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 5.00 acres, more or less.
It is the intention of this notice to sell the secured
property by proper description as was intended to be
transferred end conveyed in the aforesaid deed of trust.
The above described real estate is reported to have
a mailing address of: Route I Box 22D, Bezoo, WV
TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand en day of sale or
within 14 days of date of sale upon terms to be agreed
upon between Trustee and enccessful bidder; payment
for unpaid real estate taxes to be assumed by the
purchaser. The Trustee does not warrant title to the
Any sale hereunder may be adjeurned from time
to time without any notice other than oral
proclamation at the time and place appointed for this
sale or by posting of a notice of same where legal
notices are posted for this county. Should the Trustee
not appear at the time appointed for the sale and there
is no notice posted of a continuance please contact the
office of the Trustee to make further inquiry. Any sale
may be conducted or adjourned by the designated
agent or attorney of the Trustee. The nndereigned is
fully vested with the authority to sell said property as
Trustee by instrument to be recorded.
Should any party have an inquiries, objections to
the sale or pretests regarding the sale, or requests
regarding the sale, please notify the trustee below by
one of the means of communication set forth below.
543 Fifth Street, PO Box 81
Parkereburg, WV 26102
Telephone: (304)48,5-3851
Facsimile: (304) 485-0261
Lender: Oakwcod Homes
Contact Machelle Homan
HN March 11, 18, 25
Early Childhood Training Assistant
One position available. Job site: Greenbrier County (Lewisburg
Office). Trails is a new statewide mobile program funded through
the WVDHHR. Trails is the Traveling Resoume and Information
Library System for child care providers.
Minimum Requirements: Valid driver's license. Good driving
record with no moving violations or DUIs within the past three
(3) years. Ability to work with child providers and children. Highly
motivated. Willing to travel extensively.
Desirable Qualifications: Knowledge and/or experience in the
early childhood field. Knowledge of lending library system or
organization of library materials. Current TANF recipient or
Wheels to Work Participant or Currently receiving Public
Assistance. Good communication skills. Excellent driving record.
Job Synopsis: Assist the Early Childhood Training Specialist
in implementing and maintaining the Trails (Traveling Resource
And Information Library System) Program. Driver for the TRAILS
van. Deliver and pick up library resources. Plan and schedule
activities for children in child care settings.
Starting Salary: $16,650. Excellent benefit package ]
Deadline to apply March 19, 2003 J
To apply: Submit a resume with a cover letter to Margaret
Younce, Program Director c/o MountainHeart Child Care
Services, WCOC Administrative Office, P. O. Box 1509, Oceana,
WV 24870 or fax the same to 304-682-8274.
There will be a Youth Horse Show
presented by Summers County 4-H
and will be held at Camp Summers
4-H Camp on May 3, 2003. There are
twenty classes to be shown on this
day and are asking for sponsors of
$30.00 for each class. If you would
like to support this effort without
sponsoring a class you are welcome
to do so in any amount.
Please feel free to contact the
WVU Extension Office at 466-7113
for more information.
Checks are to be made out to the
Agriculture/Educational Building
Fund and can be mailed to: WVU
Extension Office, Youth Horse Show,
Courthouse Annex, Park Avenue,
I have before me the following deceased persons
and the accounts of the fiduciaries of their estates:
Decedent: John Arthur Austin; Fiduciary: Andrea
Austin, HC 76 Box 63, Jumping Branch, WV.;
Decedent: Russell Lee Buckland; Fiduciary: Sendra
Feamster, PO Box 833, Hinton, WV.; Decedent:
Dorothy J. Coiner: Fiduciary: Anna Virginia Barker,
HC 73 Box 591, Pence Springs, WV.; Decedent: Peggy
Louise Comer; Fiduciary: Billy oe Comer, PO Box
1012, Hinton, WV.; Decedent: George Thomas
Meadow•; Fiduciary: Edith M. Meadows, 1117
Summers St., Hint•n, WV.; Decedent; John H. Mint•n;
Fiduciary: Colleen Minton, PO Box 88, Jumping
Branch, WV.; Decedent: Billy Joe Smith, Sr.;
Fiduciaries: Sally Adkins, PO Box 485, Hinton and Jo
Ann Conner, 201 Rose St., Hinton; Decedent! Rebecca
Marie Dick; Fiduciary: Dorothy Dick, HC 74 Box 99,
Hinton, WV.; Decedent: Ira L. Slues; Fiduciary:
Frances Alexander, HC 85 Box 319, Jumping Branch,
WV.; Decedent; Emma Jean Stamper; Fiduciary:
James T. Doteon, Jr., 9669 Brookiyn Woods Rd., Union,
KY.; Decedent; James Kenneth Williams; Fiduciary:
Mary K. Palmer, HC 73, Box 157A, Pence Springs, WV.;
Decedent: James Harrison Woodrum; Fiduciary:
Glenna Bucklend, 1564 West 300 North. LaPorte, IN.;
Decedent; Leonard W Young; Fiduciary: Betty J. Lone,
HC 76 Box 33, Hinton, WV.
All person having a claim against the estate of any
of the abeve-named deceased persons, whether due er
not, are notified to exhibit same with vouchers there,
legally verified, to the fiduciary of such deceased
persons as shown within 45 days of the publication
hereof no later than April 18, 2003; or if not so exhibited
to such fiduciary by that dete, to exhibit the same at
the office of the undersigned fiduciary supervisor
within 90 days or not later than June 2, 2003;
otherwise any er ell such claims may by law be exclued
from all benefits of said estate. All beneficiaries of
said estate may appear either before the above named
fiduciary by the date first shown er thereafter before
the fiduciary supervisor by the date shown to examine
claims and otherwise protect their interest.
Given under my hand this 4th. day of March, 2003.
Norma Lilly
Fiduciary Supervisor for Summers County
County Clerk's Office
Failed, failed, failed.
And then...
Pass It On.
HN March 4, 11
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,..::.:: :::.:::::...:.:::....:::
i'i: "" " " "" .:!iii!ii::" .i::i:i . '::.
.: <!!!!. • !$.
Pipestem area, 221 acres of
fenced pasture, hayfield and
woodland. Great hunting,
adjoining gov't, land near New
River. Rustic contemporary home
has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2
fireplaces, rec. room and more.
Panoramic views from the house
overlooks several counties and
into Virginia. A very private
setting also has additional cabin,
2 log barns, log outbuildings and
pond. Shown by appointment this
very unique and special property
is an outstanding property.
#766 HINTON BY-PASS, Prime
location on New River, this 46" x
20' building would make a nice
business location or nice camp.
Newly remodeled but needs some
finish work....$38,000.
"#802 - PINE HILL - 3 br., 2 1/2
baths, basm't. Partially finished
.... $68,000.
#800 - 175 ACRES -.'Garea.
Great for '). .,,iunting,
retrt2.., ,, ,500.
iiiiiiililiiiiiilii iiiii
"":'::::: :iiiiiii:i:i:i:i::;:" ":': "': ':iii!!i!!iiiiiiii!iiili:
-:!;! ,, i*::i .....
Historic 2 story home has been
converted into 2 living units. Also
has garage and apartment behind
home. Selling entire package for
#775-Older 2 story healed,
layer porches provide great view
of New River & Hinton. Screened
porch on back w/storage. Living
Room, Kitchen w/appliances &
1/2 bath on lower level. Upstairs
features 3 BR's, utility room w/
washer and dryer, large bath
w/closet. Off street parking - lot•
approx. 90'x275' $38,500.
iiiii00ii :::
iiiiiiiii!iiii00! ¸ i •
'.." : i::i;:#i;*::: .................
2 baths, Cape Cod style home on
large lot. Central heat & A/C,
sundeck, fireplace, custom
kitchen. "$'. $98,500.
Hinton. DUPLEX, 1 unit up, 1
down, plus full bsm't. Off-street
parking. Building in very good
condition. $49,500.
#772 3 BR. BRICK .... 3 ACRES ...
Hilldale, this home has basement,
hardwood floors, fireplace w/gas
logs, oil heat, plus wood stove in
bsm't. Large dog kennel, fruit &
nuts trees ... $69,500.
#765 Monroe County..24 acres of
hunting land, has driveway and
place for camper. A hunting stand
Is Included. $21,000.
- 1/2 miles to 1-64. 3 BR home on
almost acre lot. Additional
acreage available. $59,500.
#781 - FOREST HILL- 3 br.,2 bath,
double wide on 3 plus acres. 2 car
detached garage. Very nice home.
Family room w/FR $75,000.
Bryan Boone
Sales Associate: 466-4833
Dianna Perdue
Sales Associate: 466-3046
2,400 sq. ft. 2 story home on
private acre wooded lot, only 3
miles to Pipestem Resort Golf
Course and Lodge. Full bsm't, 4
BR., 2 Baths, spacious kitchen,
den with fireplace. $99,500.
#783 NEW RIVER ROAD ..... 2
Stow DUPLEX on corner of New
River and Madams Creek.
Upstairs rented. $35,000.
#786 PENCE SPRINGS. 13 room
ranch style home on large level
lot. Garage w/shed, storage
building. 4 brs. 1 1/2 baths, family
room and more. Close to river but
no flooding, Garden space .....
#752 522 SUMMERS STREET - 3
br., 2 story, corner lot w/new
privacy fence. $42,000.
#788 -NIMITZ - 3 br., 2 baths on 1
1/2 acre level lot, detached
garage. $54,000.
prime building sites on True Road
:only•minutes from Pipestem
Resort. Protective covenants plus
underground utilities ..... call
today for more details ......
#778 36 ACRE FARM, Raleigh Co.
- 10 minutes from Lester Square.
Mix of pasture, hay fields and
woodland. Fenced. 6 year old
home. Private. View. $99,500.
#808 TALCOTT, 3 BR, basm't,
over 1/2 acre lot, outbuildings,
close to river, $62,000.
Jennifer Gore •
Sales Associate: 466-2331
Kaleb Lively
Sales Associate: 573-6463
#805 BIG CREEK ROAD, 2 acre
tract suitable for home or mobile
home. $8,000.
R Eugene Jones, Jr.
Ph: 466-4246