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March 11, 2003     The Hinton News
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March 11, 2003
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4 - Hinton News Tues. March 11, 2003 The Hinton News Publlshed weekly on Tuesday By The Hinton Publishing Corporation 210 Second Avenue Hinton, W VA. 25951 Phone (304) 466-0005 Frank Spicer, Gen, Mgr. Fred Long, Publ. - Ed USPS 246-180 Subscriptions By Mail Out of State $30.00 per year By Carrier  Sun=s co. Ut.00 rr NI oemr WV cerebra $25.00 per year 50¢ Issue 0NV resident pay 9% sak tax) .00 Per Year U.S. Postal Reolations Reqee Payments in Advance POSTMASTER: Send address changes to publication name and mailing address. Periodical Postage Paid At Hinton, WV Articles submitted to the Hinton News must reach the office by Friday noon in order to be considered for publication in the following Tuesday paper. Please include your name and a phone number where you can be reached during business hours. The Hinton News reserves the right to edit any material and regrets that articles cannot be returned. Iteras for the Community Bulletin Board must reach the office by 11 am Monday in order to be considered for iublication in that week's paper. OFFICE HOURS Hinton News is open Monday thru Friday Business Hours: Men. & Tue.: 9 am to 4 pm. Wed.: 9 am to 12 pm. Thurs. & Frl.: 9 am to 4 pm. GCCC Area Students Honored on BSC President's, Dean's List Students from the area served by the Greenbrier Community College Center of Blue field State College have been placed on the President's and Dean's Lists, based on outstanding academic achievement. Earning a 3.8 average with no D or F grades, with a minum of 12 semester hours or more, not including developmental' courses, Pictured left to right; Delegate Ron Thompson, BPW Treasurer Pauline Meadows, Hinton BPW Delegate VirginiaMahan, Hinton BPWLegislative Member Mary Beth Merritt and Delegate Sally Chair Vera Epling, Robert Kiss Speaker of the Susman. House, BPW President Jo E. Canterbury; Hinton Attended W.Va. Women's Commission, Women's Day at the Legislature Jo E. Canterbury, Pauline Meadows, Mary Beth Merritt, Summers County Clerk, and Vera • Epling represented Hinton Business and Professional Women's Club at ARH Named One of America's Top 100 Health Networks Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH) has been named one of the Top 100 Integrated HebJth Networks from a group of nearly 600 hospital and health systems-around the country. The Top 100 list, compiled by the national research firm Verispan and released today, measures the ability of health systems such as ARH to provide patients with coordinated health care complete with a full range of services based on their individual needs. In general, the Top 100 Integrated Health Networks are more financially stable and offer strong clinical care as Compared to other health systems not achieving this status. that our System was fully integrated," Hanson said. "Now this national statistical survey demonstrates that we are offering people in Central Appalachia the far- reaching health services they need and deserve." According to Hanson, the mission of ARH is to improve the health and well being of all the people in• Central Appalachia in partnership with its communities. ARH maintains corporate offices in Hazard and Lexington, Kentucky. High Point University Awards Presidential Scholarships the West Virginia Women's Commission, Women's Day at the Legislature. Members met with several of area representatives and was also present for the Governor's speech in which he praised the First Lady for her accomplishments as a mother and working woman. Members observed the delegate's voting to pass a resolution to add a woman to the state seal. Members were honored to meet the First Lady Sandy Wise and were present when she recognized and presented Virginia Mahan, a Hinton BPW member and delegate from our District, with a guardian angel sculpture. The legislative committee enjoyed taking an active role in the political process this year and plan to encourage more members to attend Women's Day at the Legislature in the future. Attending Women's Day at the Legislature created awareness of the law making process from the ground up. Hinton BPW members brought information to the club to enable our earns a student placement on the ARH is a not-for-profithealthcare members to "Take Issue and Take President's List. system operating nine hospitals, 17 Cody Scott Coffman from Hinton, Root-  ,on' igses, in!borI: :: Included on thA Presidents I.;st clinics, skilled nur#in and VV.A,,waaardedPreskient'l ll'orte'ansemesteromtheareas re]aItatmn serwce programs, Scholarshlp m the amount of $6,500 - ;For'mre.fmmtion,,rt0. erved by GCCC are: F. Gayle h0me"health agetcies, p1:les • based on her academic performance Hinton Business and Professional Greenway and Beverly Pauley, both and home care stores in Eastern at Summers County High School Women's Club contact Nancy Smith, ,of Alderson; April D. Hobson, ' Ballard; Marilyn IC Kiddle, Hinton; :Jeffrey C. Pence, Peterstown; Kevin I:F. Adkins, Shady Spring; Thurman I.W. Matney, Wayside Earning the Dean's List .esignation with a minimum of 3.25 :average, no failing grades snd !" carrying at least 12 semester hours, !excluding developmental courses, • from the area served by Greenbrier i Community College Center for the :fall semester were: Jerry I,. Baker, :Steven W. Baker, Mic.helle L.. :Bennett, Heather M. Duff, Michael :, Hanna, Travis W. Hicks, Tista N. : Jones, Jennifer L. Same, Michelle D. !Seltzer, Jessica L. Snedegar, Mabel :J. Vandall, Nancy L. Wamsley, all of Alderson; Larry W. Hendricks Jr., Daniels; Joni D. harrah, Green Sulphur Springs; Sara E. Fix, Laura Keaton, Arnold W. Ryan II" and Beverly Yancey, all of Hinton; Ronald D. Holt, Indian Mills; Jason L. Fedukovich, Jumping Branch; Candance S. Killen and Lydia M. Treadway, both of Meadow Bridge; Jason B. Wilkerosn, Nimitz; Amanda S. Allen, Jacquetta L. Huntley, Victoria Lester and Angelia K. Phillips, all of Peterstown; • Deborah A. Lilly, Princewick; ! Melissa D. McHome, Sarton; Fatih R. Hanshew, Springdale; Lori B. : Mullins and Jeremy S. Willis, beth of Wayside. : Greenbrier Community College Center, one of four campuses of Bluefield State College, serves Greenbrier, Monroe, Pocahontas, Summers and pdrts of Raleigh, Fayette and Nicholas counties as well as the neighboring Alleghany Highlands of VL, ginia. Facilities used by by GCCC include Greenbrier Hall in the Academy Park, the Annex, Jefferson Office Park, and the Greenbrier Valley Theatre, all in Lewisburg; Caldwell Machine Shop Building, Caldwell; Anthony Correction Center, White Sulphur Springs; Denmar Correctional Center, Hillsboro; Federal Prison Camp, Alderson; Federal Prison, Beckley; Monroe County Vocatioanl Technical School, Linside; Greenbrier East High School, Fairlea; Greenbrier West High School, Chamco; Pocahontas County High School, Dunmore; and the Greenbrier Valley Airport, Maxwelton. With GCCC serving over 1,000 students, other campuses of Bluefield State College are in Beckley, Welch and Bluefield with a total enrollment at BSC of over 3,000 students. Kentucky and Southern West Virginia. It is the first time ARH has made th.e Top 100 list; only one other health system made the list from Kentucky or West Virginia. "We are pleased that Appalachian Regional Healthcare has earned this prestigious national ranking," said • Stephen C. Hanson, President and Chief Executive Officer of ARH. "We are proud of our trustees, doctors, nurses, clinical and administrative staff and community leaders whose hard work made this award possible.!' Verispan, a Chicago-based and scholarship interviews conducted on campus, February 15th. Cody was among 249 students who participated in High Point University's annual Presidential Scholarship Competition. The student candidates represented 28 states and 3 foreign countries. The scholarship is renewable every year based on the student's cumulative grade point average while studying at the institution. Founded in 1924 by the predecessors of the United Methodist Church, High Point now enrolls 3,000 students and offers 49 research firm, has ranked majors and seven graduate healthcare networks for the past six programs. A Division I member of years based on their financial and the NCAA, the University sponsors clinical performance and degree of 16 intercollegiate sports and more integration. Verispan rates each than 60 clubs and organizations. system in several categories designed to measure success, including financial stability, integration, technology and hospital utilization. "With our history and the wide range of service ARH offers, we knew JB-NIMITZ PSD The regular monthly meeting of the Jumping Branch-Nimitz PSD is held the first Monday of each month at 5 pm. the meetings are open to the public. Membership Chair at P. O. Box 1033, Hinton, WV. 25951. CREATIOH/EVOLUTION SEMINAR GOD-IS HE, OR ISN'T HE? "in the beginning was matter, which begat the amoeba, which begat the worm, which begat the fish, which begat the amphibian, which begat the monkey, which begat man, who imagined God. This is the genealogy of man." So stated Chades Smith, former president of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, in his booklet, Godless Evolution. =In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." So stated Moses in the first chapter, the first verse, the first book of the Bible- Genesis 1:1. Who is right? Is there a God, or isn't there? Is Exodus 20:11 correct when it asserts: =For in 6 days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day..."? Or did organic evolution-the result of spontaneous generation billions of years ago-product all that you see before you today? What is the answer? This is a situation of intense proportions and tremendous magnitude. Either there is a God, or there is not. There is no middle ground. Any attempt to remain neutral is automatically synonymous with unbelief. Whatever decision you reach, it is an important one. And who among us makes important decisions without first gathenng, sifting, examining, scrutinizing, and weighing all the facts of the case? The question then arises, what is the evidence offered for God's existence? Who is right? Is there a God, or isn't there? • If there is a God, then them is an eternal heaven to be gained and an eternal hell to be avoided. If there is a God, then nothing else really matters; if them is no God, then nothing matters at all. If there is no GOD, then the atheistic creed of life, with the grave as the end and a life to be filled with pleasures of the moment, is entirely satisfactory. If there is no God, them is nothing to stop us from living by atheism's golden rule: "Do your own thing; if it feels good, do it." On the other hand, if there is a GOD, and if the Bible is His inspired word to man as Christians claim it to be, then we are faced with an entirely different situation. Suddenly we come face-to-face with the stark realization that mankind was created with a purpose-and a lifetime to fulfill that purpose. To succeed means joy forever with God in eternity; to fail is to fail throughout all eternity. If you would like to examine the evidences for God's existence, we invite you to attend a four day seminar titled The Truth About Origins, being held March 27-30. The 27th., 28th., 29th. will be held at the Summers County High School. Registration will be at 6:30 p.m. The seminar will start at 7 p.m. On the 30th., the seminar will be held at the Hinton Church of Christ, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The seminar will deal with such issues as scientific evidence for God's existence, a scientific examination of the theory of evolution, the Bible's inspiration, and many others. There is no charge whatsoever for the seminar; all sessions are free. No collections of any kind will be made. Numerous handout materials will be made available free-of-charge to each participant. The speaker is Dr. Brad Harrub holds an earned Ph. D. in Anatomy and Neumbiology from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. Everyone is invited. Submitted by John McCain, Hinton Church of Christ, 1621 Summers Street, Hinton. Ph: 466-5720. CHER Cher with Don Irrera (Comedian) will be appearing on Wednesday, May 28th. - 7:30 p.m. at the Civic • Center Coliseum of the Charleston • Civic Center. Ticket prices; $79.75* /49.75" All Seats Reserved. Eight • ticket limit per person. *Includes Facility Surcharge Fee. Cash only at Civic Center Box Office. For ticket purchase - Call Ticket Master. Charleston Area (304) 342- 5757, Huntington Area (304) 523- 5757. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONSI Summers County Head Start is now accepting applications for the 2003-04 program year. If you have a child between three and five they may be eligible to participat e . (Children must be three by September 1, 2003). For additional information , call 466-6016 and ask for Gall, Riley, Dottle, or Michelle. "The Truth Shall Make You Free" (John 8:32) By Fred Seavers As we begin our study on the =Grace of God," there are a couple of things we must have a grasp on before we can truly understand how His grace'affects our lives. About the best description one can give of what the grace of God entails is found in the words, =God's grace is the unmerited favor of God. In other words, there is nothing that man can do to be so good as to earn his salvation in and of his own merits alone." Hence, we see the words of Ephesians 2:8-9, =For by grace are you savedthrough faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Many times, this is presented to man as the whole of God's plan of salvation for man. We are often told there is nothing man can do to be saved, that there are no works required of man, but that salvation is solely of grace. With these things in mind, I will pose a very simple question with a very scriptural answer: "Is the saving grace of God CONDITIONAL, or UNCONDITIONAL? An answer of =unconditional," that is, that there is nothing required of man, and no works man must do as an active participant in his salvation, leaves no conclusion but that all men will be saved, according to Titus 2:11, =For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men." But, we know that according to the words of Jesus in .Matthew 7, this is not so. In fact most will be lost. This therefore, is a completely unacceptable, and unscriptural view of God's grace. An answer of "conditional," that is, that there are works man must do to acquire, and receive this free gift of God, salvation, will be seen as the only scnptural view of how God saves us by His grace. Are there then works that man must do to receive the saving grace of God? Do I have the choice as to be saved or lost? If my works are required for me .to be saved, then doesn't this lessen the power of the blood of Jesus? We will begin noticing these, and more important questions about this subject next time. For questions, comments, or a free Home Bible Correspondence Course write: Shockley Hill church of Christ- HC74 Box 57D - Hinton, WV - 25951 or email bfseavers @ -- or call 466-9169. Paid by the Shockley Hill Church of Christ, Hinton i RONALD MEADOWS Funeral Parlors, InCa 130 Temple St., Hinton, Wv. 25951 466-1179 or 1-800-538-9593 David W. Johnson, Manager Having Sewed Summers and Surrounding Counties for the Past Eighty Six Years With Sincere and Affordable Sewices. The Funeral Parlor that Families Have Trusted ' For Gep eor00tl00 nsl .............. DaVid ]Ohn's0n=Darrell Lilly Jack David Woodrum -, Robbie Merritt ANGLICAN St. Michael's Holy Eucharist: 4:30 pm 1st, 3rd, 5th, Sundays at the Presbyterian Church, corner Ballengee & 3rd Ave., Fr. Thomas McHenry, 1928 Book Common Prayer. BAPTIST Beech Run Baptist Church Orbra B. Angell, Jr., Pastor Sunday School 10 am, Morning Service 11 am, Night Service 7 pm, Wed. night prayer meeting 7 pm. Bellepoint Baptist Church Chris Brown, Pastor: Sun. Service: S. S. 9:45 am. Morning Worship, 11 am. Youth fellowship,5:45 pro. Evening Service, 7 pm. Wed. Service, 7:00 pm. Big Creek Lovell Williams, Pastor: Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. each Sunday. Prayer meeting Wed. at 7 p.m. B Y F Sunday at 6 p.m. Brooks Baptist Church Pastor Robert Msrritt: • Edward Cyrus, Sunday School Superintendent., Sun•School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Service Sun. at 6 p.m. Preyer Meeting Thurs. at 7:00 .m. Calvary Baptist Church Red Sulphur: Ray. Eddie Howdock, Sunday School 10 A.M. Randy Hedge, Superintendent M0ming Worship 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:30 RM. Csmon Rev. Nathanlel Johnson: Sunday School, E. G. Crawford, Supt, 11 a.m. Morning Worship Every Sunday. Preaching 1st. and 3rd. Sundays at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Central Pastor Grover Morris: 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday Mid - Week Service. Chestnut Grove Pastor: Benny Allen. Superintendent: Lowell Bennett. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morng Worship 11 a.m. Evening Service 7:00 Wed. Evening Service 7:0 p.m. Cook's Chepel (Independent Fundamental Callas Peyton Jr., Pastor: Sunda School. Supt., Tom Lamb, Service: S. S. 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Country Side Rt. 12 Forest Hill Sunday Service tO & 11 am, & 7 pm. Wed night service 7 pro. Faith Baptist Church J D Fox, Pastor: Sun. School 10 am, Morning Service, 11 am; Night Senice, 7 pm. Wed. night prayer masting 7 pro. Feemster - Fraewlll Two miles north of Aldarson on the Alia Road, Sunday School 10 a.m. Baptist Youth League 6 p.m. Evening services 7 p.m. First Baptist Church Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Bruce Richmond, Supt• Morning Worship 14 a.m., Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Mid Week Service 7:00 p.m. Forest Hill Baptist Church Pastor Jeff Cantarbury: Services 2nd. & 4th. Sunday 9:45, Sunday School 10:45,, Evening Service 7:O0. " " Freedom Baptist Church poweley's Ck., Pastor George Cook. Sun. School tO a.m. Services 11 a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. q00ome to q00burcb Friendship Baptist Church Greenville Rd. from Forest Hill. Pastor Joe Spencer. Sunday School, 10 am, Worship, 11 am evening worship 7 pro; Wed. worship 7 pro. Grace Baptist Church Bill Sallengee, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m., Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00 ).m. Wed. Evening 7:00 p.m. Grlffith Creek, Aldereon Ronnie Cole, Pastor: Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Services 11:00 a.m. Evening services al 7:00 p.m. Mid Week Praye Service and Bible Study 7:00 p.m Youth Meeting Wednesday at 7:0 p.m. Classes for every age group, Nursery available. Indian Mills Baptist Church Darrell Harem, Pastor: S. S. Supt, James Keatley. Sun. School 1C am. Classes for all ages• Worship, Service, 11 am. and 6 pm. Every Sun. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7 pro. Judson Free Will Pastor Chadle Oanisls. Sunday Schoo 10 am, Worship Service, 11 am, Evening Service, 7 pro, Thurs.: Service 7 pro. Keatley Springs Sunday School 10 am, Harold Meeks, Supsrintandant. Laurel Creek Bsptlet Church Pastor: Melvin Wills, S. S. Superintendent: Mark Ward. S.S. 10 am:, Morning Worship 11 am., Evening Service 6 pro. Wed. night 3ible study 7 pro. Lick Creek Baptist Church Kenny Baker, Pastor: Sunday School at 10 am. Service 11 am. Evening Service, 6 pm. Wed. night 3ible study. Little Wolf Creek Indapendsnt Baptist Church, Off Rt. t2 on the Little Wolf Creek Road. Pastor, Joe Naylor, S. S. Supt., Wayne Browning, Sunday School 10:00 am. Worship Service t 1:00 am. Sun. Evening & Awana Club 6 pm. Mid Week Service Wed. 7 pro. Meadow Creek Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday School 10 am. Sunday Service 11 sin., Wednesday Evening Bible Study, 6 pro. New Salem Baptist Church Pastor |. E. Hatcher: Sunday School 10:00. Church 11:00 Fundamental. Nlmltz Mlsllonsry Baptist Church Pastor Donald L. Hannah S. S. Superintendent Kirby Bragg, Sunday School g:45. Morning Worship and Children Church 11 a.m. Sunday Morning• Evening Sunday Worship 6:00. Prayer Masting and Youth Meeting 7:00 Wednesday. Rhonda Anna Memorial Straster, WV. Service every 2nd., 4th. and 5th. Saturday evenings at 7:00 pro. River Valley Rt. 12 Forest Hill Road, Bill Jenkins, Pastor: 10 a.m. Sunday School, Joe Spencer, Superintendent 11 a.m. Morning Worship, 6 pro. Evening Service. 6:00 pro, & youth meeting. Wed. Services, 7:00 pm. Roles Chapel Church Jeff Canterbury, Pastor: Sunday School 10 am., Calvin Martin, Supt. Morning Service 11 am. Mid-week Service 7 pm. Rolllnsburg D. L. Stalneker, Pastor: 10 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages• Richard Holloran Superintendent 11 sin. Morning Worship. 7 pro. Night Service. Sandstone Septist Church Pastor Joe Brown: S. S.Supt. Dale Sharer, Assistant Driver Stone. S, S. 10:00 am., Morning Worship 11:00 am., Sunday Evening ane Wed. Evening 7:00 pm. ON 00)OUee. Second Baptist Church I'alcott. Pastor Earl Jackson• Service 1st & 3rd Sun. at 11 am. Tempe Church obby Reed, Pastor: Sunday .'chool, 10 am. Melvin Williams Supt. Preaching Services at 11:00 m. every Sunday• Upland Baptist Church astor: Cecil Cox. Sunday School Supsdntandant: Jackle R. Gill, Jr. unday School 10:00, Worship Services at - 11:00. Evening Son/ices 7:00• Wed. service at T:O0 p.m. War Ridge Freewill aptist Church. Sunday School 10:00 am., Morning Worship 11:00 am., Sunday Evening 6:00 pro., Wed. Preyer Meeting 7:00 pro., Pastor Rev. Jeffsry Perdus. CATHOLIC St. Patrick Catholic Church, Mass Schedule, Sunday 9 am. CHRISTIAN Community Chrletian Worship Services Sun. 11 am. and :00 pro. Bible Study 10 am. Wed. 7:00 pro. First Christian Church Sunday School 9:45 am, Morning Worship 11:00 am., Sunday Evening Bible Study, Sunday 6:00 Youth Meetings 6:00 CHURCH OF CHRIST Hlnton 1621 Summers St. Minister, John McCaln: Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 am. Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:30 am. Sunday Evening Service 7:00 pro. Wednesday Evening Service 7 pro. Lane Church of Christ at Meadow Bridge Bible study, 9:30; Sun. Worship 10:30; Sun. evening, 7:00. Shockley Hill Just outside of Hinton) Sun. Bible Class 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am and 6:00 pro; Wed. Bible Class 6:C0 pro. Call for info & directions 466-9169.Evangelist Fred Seavere EPISCOPAL Asoenston Episcopal Church Holy Eucharist Sunday 11 am METHODIST Bellepolnt Charge Rev. Eugene Fulle, Pastor: Miller Memorial, 109 Miller Ave, Sun. School 10 am. Sun. Worship 11 am. Wed. Bible Study 7 pm. First United Methodist Church -linton, WV Kenneth Price, Vlinistan Sunday School 9:45 am, oming Worship 11:00 am. Child :are available: Moments with :hildren, Wednesday Youth Club, t:30 pro. 6:30 pro., For rrensportation: 466-0544 James Chapel st True :lev. Tommy Mounts, Pastor: :3ervices 9 am. Sun. School 10 am. Johnson inister, Hubert Groves: Sam 3roves, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45. Norship 11 am, Llndslda Fled Sulphur. Marshall Fowler, astor: Service every 2nd Sunday t pro. over/4th Sun. 11 am. Mary Jane Memorial :astor Rosa H. Richmond: Sun. ,chool 10 am. Morning WorShip 11 m, Prayer Meeting 7:30 pro. Methodist Charge Pat Mick, Pastor: First & 3rd. Sunday, Brooklyn 9:15• Mt. Zion 10:15 am, Sand Knob 11:30 pro, Nimitz 2nd, and 4th. Sun. Pluto tartha Chapel 11:00. Madams 3reek. Pat Mick, Pastor. 2nd & 3rd Sunday. Mount Plsgah Hilldale, Hilldalo, Rt. 3. Pastor Eugene Fullen, Worship 9:30 am Sun. School 10:45 am. Oper ,hurch 10 - 4, Bible Study 6 Thur New Hope sm Groves, Pastor: Sunda choo110 am, Worship 1st & 3r¢ Sun. 11 am & 4th Sun. at 7:30 pm Oak Grove Sam Groves, Pastor: 1st, 3rd & 5U" Sun. Sun. S. 9:30 2nd & 4th Sun. Norship 9:30, Sun. S. at 10:30• Forest Hill :Sam Groves, Pastor: Forest Hill 1 st & 3rd Sundays: Worship 10 am Sun. School 11 am. Tdnlty Sam Groves, Pastor: S. S. 10 am Norship services 2nd & 4th Sun. I1 am & 3rd Sun. at 7:30 pm. PRESBYTERIAN Centervllle 3rasnville, 10 am. Sunday School.i 7 45 pro, Commun ty Worsh Pi ervico First Preabyterlan Church Ftev.Dr. Dewey Bowen: Sunday School 9:45 & Worship It:00 an, Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 pro. Hen's Creek 3rasnvil!e, I0 a.m. Sunday School ;':45 pro., Community Worship Service. Keller st Lowell Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor. Worship Services held at 2:30 pm on 1st. and 3rd. Sundays. McEIIonny Rev. Stewart MoMurray, Pastor. Grassy Meadows,10 am. Sunday School. Worship Service held at 9 sm on 2nd. and 4th. Sundays. OTHERS Bennett Chapel . Tug Creek ML Travis Hocum Pastor: Services, Sat. 7 pro, Sun. evening 2 pm. Church of the Living God Pastor Ron Iddings: Sun. School 10 am Moming Worship 11am Sun. 6 pm Hlnton Church of God 1301 Summers St. Pastor Cecil Welch: Sun. School 10 am Morning Worship 11am Sun. Night 7 pm Wed. 7 pm Hlnton Gospel Tabernacle 102 Main Street, Lawrence Bennett, Pastor: Sun. School 10 am. Worship 11:00 am. Youth meeting 6:30 pro. Evangelistic Service 7:00 pro. Bible Study Wed. 7:30 pro. Jehovah's Witness Sun, lOam Public Talk, Sun. 11 am Watchtower, Study Tuo, 7;30 pm, Theoeratic School Thurs. S:30 IX Service Masting. , Jumping Branch Tsberoaole Rev. Elmo Alderman, Sr., Pastor: Franklin Bowles, Supt. Sun. School 9:45 am. Morning Worship 10:4 am. Youth Fellowship 6:00 pro, Evening Worship 7:00 pm. Prays= Service Wed 7:00 pro. Mount OIIvut Church A community church, Madams Creek Road, 2 1/2 miles, William A, Thompson, Pastor: 466-4299, Sunday School' 10:00 am. Morning Worship 11:00 am, Evening Service 7:30 pm. EDT, Wednesday (7 pm EST winter) Nazrepe 1602 Temple St. : Sunday School 10 a.m. Moming Worship 11 am Evangelist SerVice Sunday Night 7 pm Thursday. Prayer and Bible Study 7 pm. Pm Spdngs Community Church =astor Roger Parsinger. SS 10 n, Worship Service 11am, Youth esting 6 pro, Sun. night worship pro, Wed. night prayer meeting :00 pm. Women's Christian =ellowship meeting every first Men. of the month 7 pro. Pillar of Truth Church Barger Spnngs: Sunday School 10:00 am, Moming Worship 11:00 am, Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pro. Rlvervlew Chapel Speakers Harry Pilkington: Sunday, 9:30 Lord's Table; 11:00 Family Bible Hour; 7:00 Evening Gospel Service. Rocky ML Community Church Indian Ridge Pipestern: Randy Lilly, Pastor. S. S. lOam, Worship S., 11 am; Youth S., 6 pro; Bible Study, 7 pm. 2nd Sat./ me, Gospel Sing, refreshments 7 pro. Spruce Run Chapel On Rt. 12 near Forest Hill. Area- Pastor:. Ead Hissom, Jr. SS 10 am Morning Worship 11 am. Gospel Service Fn. 7:30 pm Restwood Memorial Gardens HW't Pm CWe Pmete 466-O685 BRIERS Inc. FURNITURE HINTON 209 2nd Ave. 466-0691 Big 4 Drug Store, Inc. prescrlpUon and drug needs • fountain esrvloa 466-2323 Compliments of the FIRST CENTURY BANK Hinton 466-2311 Member FDIC RONALD MEADOWS FUNERAL PARLORS 466-1179 130 Temple Street THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT 'THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT