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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
March 5, 1991     The Hinton News
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March 5, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 - Hinton News Tues. March 5. 1991 321-3rd Ave. 466-1100 McGraw. Broker Madams Creek Log home 3BR-4A-plus 40 more. - Acreage acre 11,000 6th. Ave. 4 BR. 18,500 3 BR 30,000 [48 Pleasant. 3 BR. Hill - 8BR. 20,000 2reek, 40A. 18,000 Greenhrier River- log home S iota. 45,000&apos; Madams Creek - Farm-53A. 40,000 Bluestone Park Area-SeA 83,000 Rt. 20- to Pipestem 2 BR. 28,500. Bowling Haynes: income Prop. Theatre Bldg. Apt. Bldg. income Prop. 1420 Greenl'L.'T.i.u '- " Sale Pending + JONES REALTY i.Esch Om, IndependmUy Owned • 466-4246 | """ RL 86 - BOX 99 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON Entered by the PUBLIC SERVICE COMMIS- SION OF WESTVIRG1NIA, in theCity of Chadsot4m on the 25th day dFobrua, 1991. M. C+ CASE NO. 249-AC KENNA, INC., • cerpomtien, Crawley, Grmnhrltr County. Appllcatlan to amued osrtatte. WIIEKEAS, on Pebruary 19, II, Kanne, Inc., a corporation, Crawlay, Grsor/Drlar C4tmty, filed an up- p]icatio to amend P.KC. M.C. Cortlflcttte N F-G94 Said certlflcete, es amended, will lead as fellow€ to operate as s common aarrter by motor vehiclain the tmnal'totlen of asphalt, -bulldinl matori- aht..-nd, , other Iow.grnde eommedities and real b.-Aween points and plicm in P-ett, e. Orennbrlar, M0la, Nichas, R,del/h,'and Summers Countien, on the one hand, and points and placas in Wast Vir. glnla, on the other hand, in lieu ofmdeting authority under uid eertlAato . IT IS ORDEPJD tlmt the applicantlive note• of the filing ef said application by publishing mpy of thla oor once in a newspaper, duly qualified by the Secretory of Stets, published and of|choral cirtla. tt0n in each of the CeontisaofRslellih, Nichelu and Summers, making due return to this Commiceion of proper certification ofpublimfllan within toa (10) days ofcu<h publitien. Ar¢,or dasiriltl to ink6 ebjo¢ tlon to said sppliottion must de man writing within ten (10) days after the publication of said netloe, to P. O. Ben 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323. Said written oleetien must requslt a henring it's hearing is de- ,it.S, and the IXetoetsnt should spinet at mid hear- ing to protert statod Inlrstt. If no protosto are re- €dvad, the Commisst4n may/rant the rsqusst without a hearing. + A True Copy, Taste: Howard M. Cunningham Egecutive Sucretsry HN Met. 6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC Take notice that a Mammy-Fwqrusiea Round Bale/" wh/h has bmm mpommasd by rmsan of demuR in the terms of nmtontion ertitlo or lien instrument, will be eft•red for sala ami sold at imblic to the hi•bent bidder u prevtded by law at I@.30 AM ml theh day of March, 111 at the following pmmim Blumas Store at Purest Hill, WV unlmm p¢lar  the Mid the amount new due is paid e the umlenill, plus ,ton, p and keeping ,,(mmo. The under, iled re-orvsa the right tobld tn the as€teen, and to purc Dated this the th day of Pebrnl, lgl. Rick D, Blavino • Ceilortlen Mg, HN INtb. , Mu'. 5 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Take notice that a 1084 Pl Rort Serial Num. bet IPABPI4OEW2303Sl, which has  rupee- saa/by reamn erdeiult In the terms of reinntia of title or lien trmtrumont, will he Tored for sale and add st public auction to the hiltumt bidder It izmvided by law at 10:30 AM on thegth day of Marsh, INI at the folowin I premix: WadtersAuto  aL 0 Plpett, WV unle prier to the laid lalo. the amount now due is paid to the unders/gned, plus  and Meeplng of same. The tmdersisned reserves the right to bid in the atti, and tepordmae Dated this the 22nd day of Fidmrly, II. Rick D. Blavino Coliection Manager llN Feb. 25. Mar. li LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE in cempliunce with ascUon 04 eftha Rhebiliin- tien Act of 19"/3 as amended, the Summers Cmm Oommisoion del not diacrimote on the brads handi- ,rap, physil or mentol, in the edmisalm er  to town owned facilities or inthe treatment efempffm or aPldieanto for umpleymenk Any dlacriminatbn on this Ilsil is literal. Please inquire s t theCummtmien cram In llinten or by writing the Prsidant at P. O,  , |Unton, wet 2s.. fin M,r ; ASSOCIATED PROPERTIES ASSOCIATED PROPERTIES Athens, West Virginia Hinton . Brick row. Town hem• living. 1600 sq. ft. living space. All newly remodeled. M/erowave; 3 air 'ond'tion- ere stay. Utility rom. Paved driveway in •ok. Work shop in basemen. Coal and gas furnace, .¢"t(. r 00.00. Little Wolf Creek - 105 acre farm. House large barn, shed seteHite dish. Excellent hunt- ing turkey abundant deer. $69,900.00. Owner will finance. Little Wolf Creek - 60 acre farm. House barn satellite dish 2 weHsbottom land owner will finance. $69,900.00. Lowell - on Greenbrier River. e room house 3/4 acre, garage, shade trees, garden. New deck. Excellent buy at $32,0oo.00. Little Wolf Creek - 45 acres EASY PRICE TO LIVE WITH 1 1/2 story, brick home; full basement and detached ga- rage; assumable VA Loan; $37,500. APARTMENT BUILDING Good investment; 2 units with private entrances; fully occu- pied; $16,500. FOR INVESTORS 2-story, brick apartment building in Hinton Historical District; fully occupied; S23,000. A REAL GEM. Spacious tri-level home with two-car, built-in garage; large, level lot in lower Bellepoint area; shown by appointment; $98,000. 136 CROSS STREET 1 1/2-story, frame home; full basement; good condition... 20's. Rt. 1 Box 86 Ballard, W.Va. 24918 FOREST HILL AREA ON RT. 12- Beautiful 3 br., brick home, modern kitchen, dining room, large family room, and 3 full baths. Lots of closet space. 1 large cedar closet. Play room or garage with paved drive- way. Oil furnace, commercial heat pump, and fireplace. Brick pump house and small barn. This super quality brick home contains 26,035 sq. ft. and is situated on 3 1/2 acres level land in a very desirable lodation with all modern con- veniences. Call today. Price $9,000. MARIE AREA 3 Br., house, livingroom kitchen with built-in cabinets, Large bath, utility room, pantry. Restored throughout 3/4 basement, front porch. Wood or coal heat. Aluminum siding. Situated on I acre lot. Paved driveway, utility build. vacant land with pond. Excel- ing, wood shed, fruit trees, and lent hunting. Some bottom ACREAGE good garden spot on hardtop land. Make good home site. 1924ao ,,6acresclered roadinverygoodlocat/on.All $30,000.00. l''" $1  +. selling for $32,000. Southside. New River Rd.-3 lilri!+ii!i For LiJngs Of Auction Sales bedreoms family room, fire. i! i!i  place, paved driveway. House Call 466-3210 Anytime overlooking New River. Price [i EALTOP!i!iiiiiiii!iii!il!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii!iiii!!iiiiii!iiiiiiiiii,i Paul "Buddy" Light Reduced. ,iiiiiiiii0000000000!i00!i000000000000ii00Jiiii00i Broker & Auctioneer Beaver-Onhouse with aluminumRt" 3. 2 bedroomsiding, I!ii!ililhlEXGR!!!i!Uili!i ili ! Y ': Licensed No. 478 storm doors and windows. Out ;/:+ii+++iii+i+!i++++++++i++++++ ii+++++++++++i!i+++!+!++++++++!!i+ii ili+i+i ++ ++i ++++i+++ Gloria J. Meadows, Sales Assoc. building, garage, 1/2 acre level I 466-1925 Aft 4 PJIIL lot. Close to medical center and stores. Priced to sell. !!iiiii! ii!!!!iiiiiiii +iiiii!i!iiiiiiiiii!!!iiiiii!!iiii!!i!!i!iiiii! Pine Hill - 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths. Family room with fire- Hinton Area I"l I I L;I-I place, see room, attached garage. $62,000. Elementary Berg. Springs.on 00reen Students Show brier River. 2 bedroom house AND APPRAISALS on large private lot. Beat Patriotism Farms, Residential, Vacation launch to Greenbrier. Full StudenteatHintonAreaElemen. and Commercial Properties time home or weekend get- tary recently showed their patriot- away. Priced Reasonable. is• and support ofthe soldiers who Member MLS arefightingintheMiddleEast.Each Autrey Ritch, Broker LET US SELL YOUR HOME student, teacher, and staffmemher FORYOU * + received a yellow ribbon with a GRI, Certified Real Estate miniature American nag on it. We Appraiser RITC R. W. Whittaker. Jr.- Broker hop these ribbons will be worn to Linda Forren - Sales Agent 466-2638 Claus Lyons - 466-1454 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE PUBLIC AUCTION In mpliance with a certain trust deed asouted by Jack H, Bewlae to Willinm D. Levi ne and Samuel J. St Clair is Substitute Trustees for JIM WALTERS flUMES, INC., bearing date May 5, 1989, and r rded in tim Omesefthe Clerk of tlut Cetmty Commie. skin of SummersCounty, Wait Vigtnie, in Trust Deed Book 121 at Page 492, default having been made in the Im)'Bent of tho debt U..'eby  the u.der. elgnod e/thor r whom may azt, at u teque of the be w/ll saU at ImbM •utien at the frsnt dor enhe sourthouus eraSure•ors Ceunty on Priday March 22, 191)I, at Hintoq, West Virginia, at I.'00 P/, the following darihed real itot BEGINNING at 1 2 lnoh Beth •t a fen• mmer on the South aide of Laurel Cm, eecner to Claud Hkks and Rebort Dkk; thon with said Dkk and mdeting fme up Um Mount&in & 16 def.em SS' to a 4 leaning white oak at turn In fence below cli, me santtnutng with mid Dick up the Mountain 8. degrsas  W., b'70.0 feet to a steel d at a turned cut l)eub¼ lnm m t Wsat,/de of ridp abeve • flst 8.12 degrees 00'W., 928.57 feet to It 40 inch Chestnut Oakum tepof•Rid and & I degen42" R.,il21.01 feet to IJl red sat In dd ms4 sarnm" to said Dick aed Bs3msmul J. Mm, thenm with said Meyer N. 51 delmm r w., 'LZS fret to a 0 inch Clumtnut Oak; 8. 84 de@m 3r W., /45 lust to a 2S inoh Chestnut Gt ( Pound Msrked); a 8 dqpee W W., 747. fsat to • 16 lh Pe (Pound Marls,d) en the North henk oil Immeh;al N. Mhlous 12 W.,.4 lent to S semi redmt at • Chmtnat stump mrr,r to mid Moy and glb,t B) Wm'€l; tlum with td Ward N. 34 ctrem IS'W.,3.40 et tea T chlaedtna rkat Falls in bnuh azd N. 4 degrees El' E., t$.20 feet to im S inch (lludced by mid Watly, there aroued the Hillddl rumainl with a lina marlu rsmntly by said Ward N. E dqs 4ff E., 18.85 lent and N. 17 dqrmm 0' W., 10. feet to s femm put tn fence •mr • Wtn, thence with mid fonea N. :IS dqu 18' ., 4,q91 ast; N 2S dngrsu 8r E., 401.4.q lust to a Triple Cherry In mid f; N. 18 dqrene 12'L, 48.39 feet to • fodcnd IS tnch whits rods in said fonoe; N. 2 dqrsas 63' E., 48.08 fret tO • Double White Oek in mid fen and N. 4' E., ,IS feet to a stusl md ast at touth end of Draw n-re in said Pen• (As shown by Wan/); thence &  ,t 01 g., 248.75 fsat to • 10 inoh Humleck (Mar]rod) as pointal out and ngrasd to by Punk Ward en 4.1-7;, Umnm N. adqr, m 0ff E., 124.47 foet to an 18 Inch samars on the Saath Bank of Lm'l Creek. mor to mid Ward and Cqaada Hi,he; tlumm with said Hie.ks and up Laurel Crusk with the Centtr Line  & 72 dqlresa 37' E., lfO, JlO fret; & t dqm &b i., 111.96 mt; 8. 42 dqeas P IL IS0 fo; 8.  daimas 24'I, I0.$ foe; S. b'7 grsas 80' R.,  feet and & S7 de@s. 3r L., 01,2 feet to the end ef ewe ea Sauth Bank of said Laurel Cmk; then• with todd Pete & 83 da- Irrens 4' E., 4&26 feat to the point of BEGINNINQ. There is 91.152 merge entained in thla mt,y; howevor thore la eacepted Imd rNerved an7 porthm of the Pellewing ewe purcell which may lie within the 91 Sores, to.,,g: I) 13 asras 40 pelaecenveyed toRehe M. Detwilor, Jr. by Bedmra N. Cart by Dend datod July IG, 1 of meeedinDel Bek 12 •t Pageff/ d'theOh ettho Chck of the County Cmmimt of Bummetu County, Wmt VIrilniL leer80 tleveynd to dvatmF by Bmarn N. Cart, by Dud datl AW 12. lift6 of rmcd in Dud Rusk 124 at lm S.ln tim Oflke efthe show our concern for the soldiers and our concern for the soldiem and our wish that they will all return home safely. On the afternoon of Feb. 8, a school assembly was held in the cafeteria. The students were welcomed and then led in saying the Pledge of Alle- giance by Meg Ziegler and Leighette Parker. Following the Pledge, the National Anthem was played on the trumpet by David Hersman a for- mer Hinton High student. Erin Eerenberg, a student at Hinton High sang God Bless the USA'. The Nasty Boys, Jonathan Eskridge, Jason Sea, and Brian Erenberg, students at Hinton Area, entertained us with a rap written by Jonathan Eskridge. Stephanie Price read a poem that she had written. The guest speaker was Mr. Bill Dillon, a Vietnam War veteran and President of the Sum- mers County Board of Education. Several patriotic songs were sung, including "America the Beautiful , 'America , and God Bless Amer- ica". A very special thank you to every- one who helped make this a success. MEETING The Consumers Advocacy Coun- cil for persons with disabilities will meet on Mar. 12. Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Mountain State Center for Independent Living, 329 Prince St., Beckley, W. Va. 25801. For more information contact Sharon Minor at 255-0122.  known deprulon In the tmrface of themrth Trench.-le nearly a mile deeper than the world's highest mountMn, Everest, is high. 5th Ave. & Commercial St. Hinton, WV 25951 304.466-1111 or 466-0736 Call and List With Us Today! LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF ESTATE ACCOUNTS To the Crmclitors and Bene¢iariee of the within deceased per•no: I have hefom me the following deceased persons and the accounts of the fiduciaries of their latote¢ Dsoedet: Lllilan Crawferd, Fiduciary:. Howard Cmwford, Re. 1, Bus 218, Hints•, we; Decedent: James McKirmey, Fiduciary: Carelyn McKinney,Rt. 1, Boz 99, Hinten, WV; Decedont: Georle Bashem, Pads- ¢lory:I.nma Basham ,RL SO, Beg 61, jura pingBmnch, we; Deoedont: Christine Lilly, .du¢iat Lcy Lane, P. O. Bee f3, Shady Spring, WV; Decedent: William Mitchell, Fiduciary: Doris Mitchell, 506 Manor Dr., Beckley, WV. Any permn having a claim against the estate of any named person are netlfled to ehibit same, with lalPfll7 veri voucham, to fiducinry within 75 days, or net later than May IS, 1991, or to ouporvtasr vlithin 120 days, at addnme helow, not ]ate|. than july 3, 1991; otherwise eny or all sth claims may he excluded from all bermflto ofdd latot All henefidarila of laid eto may appear before fldu¢lar or ouporviso¢ by dates shown to examine claims and protect their interlat Given under my hand this 25th day of Pobrusry, 1991. Ruth Noble Fiduciary Supervisor, County Clerk's Oftce HN Mar. 5, 12 LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE To the Crsditors •rid Benofldarila of the within Nd permm I have befm me the mttlemento of the within damamd ponmno which dmll Io before the Summer| County Cemmlmien the lBth day of March, 1991, which sattlemento have been prmonted by the flduci. sty of h eetotos and have been approved; William Drlae]er, Weceie EllS•n, J. W. Jonso. Any lmmmn havingan lntormt may appear a t place spoeified or so may ha forever barred from assorting Itch intermt. Given under my hand this  day of Pebrtmry, 1991. Ruth Noble Fiduciary Suporvir HN Mar. 8 KENTUCKY HEADHUNTERS Kentucky Headhunters with spe- cial guest Travis Tritt will be ap- pearing on Sun. Mar. 24 at 8 PM at the Municipal Auditorium of the Charleston Civic Center. Ticket Rt. 1 Box 86 Ballard, W.Va. 24918 BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 BR., house, with living room, bath, kitchen, utility room, sewing room or den, storm windows and doors qtove 7d ae rnko rut , gram:l:ed; , ted on approxi- mately 2 acres of land or 8 lots. Near Greenbrier River with river rights. Only $28,000.00. Reduced to $25,000.00;21,000.00. TALCOTT AREA - Beautiful 3 BR., Home. Large LR., comb. DR., and Kitchen with built in ( birch cabinets), 2 full baths, full size finished basement with den or family room, car- peted throughout, wood and elect, heat, city water, cable T.V. Plus satellite dish, paved driveway, carport, patio. Brick & wood paneling. Plus much more in a very good location with large lot. Price reduced to $58,000.00. PIPESTEM AREA - Between Pipestem State Park and Bluestone Dam. 11 acres land with house 2 car new rage, 2 or 3 .,d fin- ished ba sJ',-." Modern kitchen  .,,oo'" k, bath and full. Wood stove, hard. wcc-L, nd carpeted floors, new furnace. Very nice in a popuo lar location offU.S Rt. 20. Only $35,0OO.00. PENCE SPRINGS AREA- on Greenbrier River. Extra nice 2 BR., furnished camp with front room, family room, kitchen, bath, electric and wood or coal heat. Situated on large mostly level lot. 130 ft. front and all the way back to river with good fishing and boating. Also utility building, shade trees, picnic tables, etc. This is the camp you must see to appreciate. ALDERSON BLUE SULPHUR AREA o Greenbrier County. 110 A. farm secluded with rough roads and gates before entry but worth the effort after you get _% with good i pasturo. .y of water, |Muddy Creek running I through property. Some tim- ber. Plenty of wildlife. Priced only ... $41,000. FORESTHILL- Monroe County line. Beautiful 2 story 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 BR, LR, DR, FR, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base- ment. Completely remodeled, situated on approx. 30 acres of beautiful level to rolling land with stocked fish ponds. Developed springs. 5 acres woodland with large trees, barn, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft shop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop. Excellent location with hard- top road frontage. This might be the one you hav e been look- ing for. You must see to appre- ciate the quality. Call today. Priced... $98,000. BALLENGEE AREA MONROE COUNTY Approximately 30 acres land, with barn and other outbuild- ings ( in need of repair) situ- ated on hardtop road with lots- of road frontage. Plenty of water with Big Stoney Creek running through property. App. 20 acres cleared, bal- anced with bottom of rolling land. App. 10 acres of wood- land and planted pine trees. Lots of deer and wild turkey. Only $28,000.00. GREEN SULPHUR SAND- STONE AREA- on Rt. 20 near 1-64 interchange. 2 br., home with diningroom and kitchen, bath, den a,- , utility room. g g g. • . ated on 70 acres of land. 50 acres mountain land and =L ESTATE Summers County Hospital 46 Acres of woodland. Lot of Good Timber. New River Road 8 bedroom camp on big Lot I I0 x 180 ft. Also has excess to 400 ft. of River Bank. Commercial Property for sale - Income producing. Downtown Hinton. Restau- rant - club site. Residence above. Reasonably priced. 38 acres more or less, five bedroom home, built in kitchen, hardwood and par- quet floors. Good well, rea- sonable access. Sandstone area. Four to five bedroom home, level lot, on bard top, family room, two story, many fea- tures including walkin clos- ets and master bath-bedroom suite. Sandstone. Modern three bedroom, two bath mobile home on four wooded acres, good game, trout stream nearby, secluded with reasonable access. Meadow Creek. Twenty acres, woodland. Ramp Road. Good Price, w/ five level acres. Sandstone, on hardtop. Other properties available in the Sandstone-Meadow Creek areas include homes, home- sites and older farms. Call 466 - 0815 for further information. 5 ACRES BEHIND HOSPI- TAL Nice & Level. Border Walnut St. about 400 ft. Madams Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Moun- tain. Prime location/wbig five room house. 2.5 Acres on Greenbrier River. Prime location - Great Fish- ing Shallow Area For Swim- ming. Property Is High Land/ w Spring... Excellent Invest- ment. New River Road 3 bedroom camp good well & septic system on lot 110 by has excess to 400ft. of river front. Bellepoint Big building. Lot overlooking the dam. New River Road 3 bedroom camp or home has nice kitchen & fireplace. Must see to appreciate. Taylor St. 3 Bedroom Brick, Nice Family Room. Nice Kitchen on Big lot. Pipestem Creek 3 bedroom House, bath. Good Well & Septic system on 3 Acre Lot, on Main Road. New River Road Nice 3 bedroom House or Camp. Nice Kitchen. Also big Living room with Fireplace. Lot Borders River. Greenbrier Drive 3 bedroom House, carpet. Can be occupied in 6 weeks. Must see to appreciate. Shown by appointment. We need small Farms. 25 to 30 acres, let us list your Place. Eldridge Elllson, Jr REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Bert- Sales Person Phone 466-0815 Arlene Reich Sales Person Phone 466-5429 Clerk of the COUllly Cemmiasion of 8ummm County, Wet Viq/ni Terms of  Cnoh. WIIAJAM D. IA'VINE gltuto Tntsten • LMUJ. J. ST CLAIR dg/tum Trustee HN Peb. . Mar. 6,12 prices: $17.50 all seats reserved, approximately 20 acres For ticket purchase call Ticket- cleared. master Charleston Area 342-5757 __ or toll free in W. Va,, Oh. and Ky. 1- F0rListings0rAucti0nSales Dr. William H. Perrine 800-877-1212. . Call 466-3210 An!me OPTOMETRIST ,,II ,,.HOST "Dry" Carpet way to dry ,II Paul "Buddy" L,ght 217 4th. Ave. II ='"" ca,00ts you,elf.. Rent the II Broker & Auctioneer Hinton, WV tl Easy-To-Use HOST MACHINE. II, Licensed Hearing Aid Center II +BmERS. ,NC. !1! Licensed No. 478 466-2020 I! 2nd Aveaue I[ moria J. kdow,, S=.. Ii .,.to., West Virginia I[ 466-1925 Aft' 4 PJd. i/ ,, Phene466-e691 . 11