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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
January 29, 1991     The Hinton News
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January 29, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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RITCH 6 6 - Hinton News Tues. Jan. 29, REAL ESTATE SERVICES AND APPRAISALS Farms, Rldentlal, Vacation and Commercial Properties Member MLS Autrey Ritch, Broker GRI, Certified Real Estate Appraiser 5th Ave. & Commercial St. Hinton, WV 25951 304.466-1111 or 466-0736 Call and List With Us Today! Family Fest '91 Pipe•tam State Park February 1 - 8 Family Feat '91 It's easy to bring the family and enjoy along weekend which features discount lodge rooms, planned fam- ily activities and entertainment and the best part is that children under 13 stay free. While on vacation, en- joy the natural scenic beauty along miles of hiking trails and cross coun, try ski trails. If the snow is ade- quate, Pipe•ram's sled run will be in operation. Be sure to relax in the indoor swimming pool and saunas. Package price includes 2 night's lodging, all activities and entertain- ment. Package prices are $59.80 for a single and $76,00 for a double ( tax included). For more information or to make a reservation, please call 1- 800-CALL WVb. Fri. Feb. 1 9:00 PM THE NATURE OF PIPESTEM FAULCONER ROOM Join the Park Naturalist for a slide show and program depicting the plants and animals of Pipestem and the vicinity. ( i hour). SAT. FEB. 2 ?I00  WALK MEET IN THE MAIN LODGE LOBBY The Naturalist will be leading a short winter walk to Long Branch Lake. We will take a look at winter birds, trees, animals and scenery. Return will be Via the cottage trail. ( 1 1/2 hours). 1.0 PM CRAFTS MAPLE ROOM Bmld your own bird feeder and enjoy watching the birds this winter. ( i hour). 4.0 PMDEER STROLL MEET AT PARK HEADQUARTERS An evening stroll aroundthe grounds in search ofwhite-tailed deer and other wildlife. ( I hour). 8:OO PM JIM COSTAAND JIM MCGHEE FAULCONER ROOM "Jim and Jim" are two well known storytellers and musicians that fea- ture old time instruments and sto- ries. This fun filled hour is free of charge and appropriate for all ages ( I - 1 1/2 hours). PACKAGE PRICES: $59.80/ single $76.00/double. Don't Wait to Estimate for '91 You may haxt+' It+ p,l+X eMlnlalcd LI\\; durhlg 1991 II +Otl receive illCtHil¢ such iI, sell-emphyncnt caruing,, in- Icrc,t. diidcntl, pri/c,, and awards. Most laxpa+xci +,, do not haxc to v+ orry about eSlilnalin tCiltl,C lax in  ilhhcld 1toni their pa)checks all year Iollg Plan lu pay estimated tax during 1991 if you expect: I the total alnt)unt t)l" +t)ur tax mith- held l rtml 1991 incon+e is less thai+ eilher: YIF;t el the tax. shown tm the 1990 return t)r II, X)G of lhe tax shown on your 1989 tax return, Use whichever is smaller. F, Stlmatcd tax Inay hc paid in full or in four intalhnent,s. The firs! paymenl i due by April 15, 1991 Form 1040- ES contain intruclions, a worksheet to figure estimated lax and payment vt)ucllers. When you file your 1991 lax return. uc Form 1040 or Form 1040A to I%, credited tkr the ctilnatcd tax paid. Further information about esti- inatcd tax is in IRS Publication 505. 1"..1 Wilhhohlittg ttnd Estim.tcd Ta.r. You mliy order the publicalitm and Forln I(MO-ES by calling ttdl-frec. 1- 81}(I-829.3676. The booming sound of a plane passing the sound barrier cannot be heard by the pil.t, 1991 /Ill JONES R00ALTY Each Office Independtly Ovmed 00e466-4m6 \\; RL 86- BOX 99 Jumping Branch, WV 25969 R. Eugene Jones, Jr., Broker i ! ii 34 Acres Indian Mills -Near public hunting & fishing - Will divide into 3 tracts $19,600. 10Acres- IndianM/lls - Pond • Woods $16,000. #255 Mobile Home on 3/4 acres at Riverside Rest. Close to Greenbrier River. ,15,000. # 10 acres- Hix Mt. $10,750. # 7 acrea]Clayton & Griffithsk'f,000. # 518 Summers Street $12,500. NEW LISTINS NEEDED!!I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE THE UNDERSIGNED, lvid L. Pamer, Tnmtea under the Deed Trust ,aecutnd by Preston Jaceb Hedrlck and Helen Mock Hedrick, his wife, to David L. Parmor and Dond F. Mk Jr. Trtmto, of ismml in the 8umraorsCotmty Clerk'soflein Trust Deed Beck No. 112 at pete 103, reperto that default hev/nl hoen made in the payment of the notes and obliptiertl as sacucod by the aforeid deed of trust and the under- sigmgl trustee having been requested by the bmmflci- ary and holder of the net* and ebligations meumd by mid deed of trust m W do, I will after for ale at Imbli¢ auetien unto the highest bidder et the frent doer of the Summers County Courthouse in the City of Hinton, Summers County, West Virginia, on the lit day of Mah, 1991, at the hour of lff. a.m., all of those dn tracts m" parcels d land, ther with im- provomento thoreunto belonging, situs t in the City of Hinton, Summe County, West Virginia, more par- ticularly deecrihod as follows: FIRST TRACT: A lot sitters on the muthside of the C & O Railway Company, right of way at Pence Sprin Station, BEGINNING at a stake at the county read and at the cormR" of tim C A 0 Railway Company's right of way; thence runnir with said county road towards the mountain to the Charli@ Canterbury peoperty; thence in an easterly direction with mid Canterbury property to a stake at the E. P. Mmdows lot; thence toward the Railway Cempany'8 property end with E. P. Meadows lot to It stake on mid Railway's Company's property right of way;, thence in a westerly direct/on and with mid Railway property right of way to the piaco of BEGINNING. AND BEING the same property conveyed to Preston J. Hedrick and Lerene |ledrick, his former wife, by deed dalai February 26, 1963, from Shirley Maddy and Aden* G. Maddy, husband and wife, rs- spec lively, and of record in the Omco of the Clerk ofthe County Commisolen of Summers County, West Vir- #nia in D*ed Book 98 at pale 150. There is reserved and m-e ptod from the operation of this deed a lot of 140 feet in width, being the BACK PART of the above dese ribod lot that ,*ms €oyeyed to Dle Craig lledrick and Glende An n llndrkk h,! fe` by two Deed s, both dale 4h day of 0¢r, 1979, and of record in said Cl"fltbfce in Dt at page* 337 and 339+Reference to said deed is here made for do*¢ription by mete and bounds. AND BEING the eeme property conveyed to the par'tim of the first part by Rohe L. Calm and [,erme Gerton Caia ( Nee Lorene Oarten liedrick), his wife, and Preston Jacob Hedrkk, which said deed ic dated the 12th day of May, 1986 and of record in the ceid Clerk's office in Deed Book 154 at pale 46. SECOND ItACT: BEING Lots No I, 2, 3, 4, 5, Section 2 and Lots No I, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7,8,9 and 10 of Section 6 of the Riverside Rat No+ 2 Subdivision in maid District as shown on a map of record in said Clerk's office in Deed Bouk 8T at page 97. AND BEING the asme property €onveyed to Prmton J. Hedrkk and Helen M. Hndrick, his wife, by Tom Harrah and C..egia Herr*h, his wife, by deed doted the 24th day of AulFug, 1979, and of record in said clerk's omco in Deed Book 138 at pale lit, to which reference is here made for a more particular de- ecripti. This deed is made and arcepted subject to all lawful and enforceable rsrvetione, reotrictlorm, con- ditions, covmmnt, and rights of way made and €on- tained in all forms'deeds of record in the chain of title to the above described property. And there is aim to be *,old at this forerlmurs cale the fellewing dertbed Pereonal Property: One 1970 GUA Mobile Home, Serial No. MC02603053 REFERENCE is hereby made to said deeds and all prior deeds of conveyance of said real estate for a more particular deriptian of mid props rty, any easements. and rights of way for all pertinent pu. THIS SALE i made ect to tuch easements, righia of way, resacvutiane, and alreaments as are contained and sat forthin prior deeds of €onveyance pertaining to mid real eotat TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand on day of sale end subject to taxes fer the year 1990 and for all subec- quent yenrs. SAID SALE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) Cash in hend on day of sale. 2) Subject to lay and all mineral rights and remr- vetiena, stipulations, reetrictiom, faery,t/era, onso- mts, sotuUt/ene and eonvenanto contained in all femur nveym of the subject preperty or appum ing of record in the nfwecald Clerk's slice egcept any partoinir t*  color or creed. 3) Subject  all real state tmum qimg mid Ix'trty  any torero, which ¢onet/tute a lien upm the mid preperty but which ere not yet due and payehht. 4) The subject preperty will be said in A IN €ondit/mt. The Trustee elmll be under no duty to cause any existing tenant or person ¢upytng the subject to vmt td lrty, 5) The probity will be  by the under- signed Truatoo to the puthat without wamnty of any kind, slam8 implied. 8) Tim ofo role mny be adjourned from time to time as the underdgned Trnetm adviaale, which adjournment may be made by oral prorlamat/on at the time and place of the ca)e or any adjournment thereof. TRUSTEE, DAVID k pARMER Hn Jan. 29, Feb. 4, II Replacement Windows DEALER OF W. V. GLASS John Houchins Contractors 466-44.11 In Busineu = Years Dr. William H. Perrine OPTOMETRIST 217 4th. Ave, Hinton, WV Licensed Hearing Aid Center 466-2020 iiiii00+i+00++++(ii + EASY PRICE TO LIVE WITH 1 1/2 story, brick home; full basement and detached ga- rage; assumable VA Loan; $37,600. APARTMENT BUILDING Good investment; 2 units with private entrances; fully occu- pied; $16,500. FOR INVESTORS 2-story, brick apartment building in Hinton Historical District; fully occupied; $23,000. 201 MAIN STREET One-story frame; level lot; CHEAP lit $8,000. AREAL GEM. Spacious tri-level home with two-car, built-in garage; large, level lot in lower Bellepoint area; shown by appointment; $98,000. 136 CROSS STREET 1 I/2-story, frame home; full basement; good condition ... 20's. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEEJ The undoreigned Trnet, by virtue of the author- ity vested in him by that certain Deed of Trust exe- cuted by CLINTON C. SMITH and MARY A. SMITH, his wife, to David L. Zlqlor and Earl R.Turner, dated October 25, 1988, and of record in the Off.we of the Clerk of the County Court of Summers County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Boek 119, page 660, said Deed of Trust being premmtly in default, the mid Trustee having been requmtsd by the beneficiary thereof m to de, NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID L. ZIEGLER, Trustee as *foretold, will peocoed to asll the horeine f- • t doribnd rl *stats at public auctiou on February 8, 1991, at the hour of 9:00 AM, to the higheet bidder for cash in hand at the fnmt doer of the Courthouse of Summers County, West Virginia, which real estate is situate in Talcett District, Summers County, West Vir#nia, and is more porcuiariy dascrihed as follow • FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a lecust hub s cot*or to the land ot'Jebn Perrell end the let of H. P. Hackney dsoilmed as Porcol  .3-un the plat hectmtm" refnl to; thence with line of J0hn Portals 150 feet to a double walnut, corner to Jehn Ferrell; thence with the line of John Perrell and passing a beech 8 distance of about 143 feet to the low water mark line en eeuth bank of Greenbrier River; thence up the south bank of Oreeld)rier River with low waterline Imssinga hemlock about 150 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and being known end desig- rutted as Parcel No. 4, as the eeme appear• on a plat attached to and made • part of* deed from A. I I, Lough and Edna Lough, his wife, to IS. P. llackney and hi• wife, of record, in the OflSce of the Clerk of the County Court of Smmors County, Weet Virglnia. There is alas conveyed the uce of the well a• the same i• more particularly eet forth, detailed and de- earthed in that certain contract and agreement dated April 26,1972,hetwean Elm* M. Hkney,party of the first part, Sylvia J. Lilly, party of the second part, and Carl A. Be•tick and Thelma Bcetick, his wife, perties of the third part, of record in said Clerk's Offire SECOND TRACT: BEG INNI NO at a st*lie; thence running upGreen- brier River with the mmmdors thorsof 40 feet to a stake; thence St right an#es in a asutborly dirertion and up the hill  feet to a st*Is at the toad; rhone* N. 76 ' E. 7 feet to a stake; thereto N. 72 25' E. 33 feet to a stake at the Jarrell's line; thence at right angtu and ppamdng a homleek at 147 fast shout 260 feet to the low water mark of the Oreenbrier River. BEING the ceme property hereto fore conveyed unto lreC. Handiey end JudithB.Handley, his wife, by M. L Dtbabnah and Sharen 13. Debabnoh, his wife, by deed dated the 21 st day of Jura, 1983, of recerd in the Olce of the Clerk of the County Court of Summers County, Wmt Virginia, in Deed Be0k 14, page 601. AND FURTHER BEING the same property am. rayed unto the patties of the first part herein from Ira C. Handiey and Judith B. Hand|ey, his wife, by deed of even dale to be recorded simultaneously herewith { October 28, 1988, DJ. 162, p. J. SAID SALE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) Cash in hand on day of eels. 2) Subject to any and all mineral rights and reser. vetion|, stipulations, restrictions, rervatione, eee- manta, conditions and cevenants contained in all for- mer conveyance• of the stbject property er appearing of record in the ofereasid Clerk'sO ffice except any per- taining to race, color or €ed. • 3) Subj:t to all real astato trams inst said property and any  which censtitule a lien upon the ceid property but which are not yet due and payable. 4) The subject property win be *old in AS IS condition. The trustas eball be under no duty to couas any rod•ring truant or "pmlmt occupying the subjeet property to vasats maid property. E) The property will he conveyed by the under- signed Trustee to the purchalr without warrsnty of any kind, calaseed or implied. 6) The at'ore*aid male may he adjourned from time to time a the and*alined Trustee deems mivimdde, whkh adjournnmn t may ho made by 0ral pre¢iamation at the time and plase of the ale er any adjournment theree£ GIVEN under my hand on this the 17 day of January, 1901. David L. Zieglor, Trustee HN Jan. 22, 29, Feb. 4 HOST "Dry" Carpet Cleaner The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself., Rent the Easy-To-Use HOST MACHINE. BRIERS, INC. 209 2q d Avenue + TEMPLE STREET - Older frame two story home, 14 rooms - 2 baths. Wrap around porch. Reduced For Sale.VA Loan Assumable. NEW RIVER - Acreage. HINTON 6th AVE. - 4 BR., 2 story, 1 1/2 baths, spacious rooms. Good Condition• Good Buy. Price Reduced To $18,500. AVIS - 3 BR., 2 story frame, fireplace, formal dining room, large front porch. Older home with character. Good Loca- tion. Price Reduced. $35,000. GREENBRIER DRIVE - 2 BR., frame. Good Condit;-,,, - looking C-'+. 1r.kt.t,r. | Am p I ,L,' .t"in back• 1$35,00= FOREST HILL - 3 BIL, frame with 1/4 acres. 40 acres of land in Madams Creek Area. Good hunting• Some level land• GREENBRIER RIVER - 3 BR., rustic log cottage. Natural /%'eplace, screened in porch. Includes 3 lots. Private, lovely setting. MADAMS CREEK - 53 acre farm, 1/2 beautiful clear level land, bordering Madams Creek Road. Rest is wooded• Old 2 story house on prem- ises. $40,000. BLUESTONE PARK AREA - 50 acres on Cave Ridge Road. Nice land and timber. $33,000. PIPESTEM AREA - on Rt. 20, 2 BR., framed home, ncludes 2 lots and big deck. 466-1100 Call for other listings. June McGraw, REALTOR, C.R.E.A. Home: 466-1767 George RudgeJmsociate Broker 466-2726 Wilma Redes, Sales, 466-1118 ii LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OF CHANGE IN RATES Notke i• hereby given that WEST VIRGINIA POWER GAS SERVICE, s public utility, has filed with t.ho Public Service Cemmimion of West Virginia tariff •heats containing increased mt and charges for furnishing natural gas service to customers in the entire territory served by it. The prepaid incnmeed rate• and chargee will become effectlee March 1, 1991, unless otherwise ordered by the Public Service Commismon and will produce appremmately $3,515,000 annually in addi. tional revenue, an inreaas of 21.67%. The average monthly bill for the various dams ofcu•tomers will be changed as folow¢ ($) Ineras Incrse(%) Ras/dontial $ 9.41 24.82% Commercial $36.29 21.60% Industrial P,38.06 14.28% Wholem]e $1,264.06 10.% Off System 1798.96 9.10% A samplers copy 0fthis tariff, as well a• a represen- tative el the €mpany to provide any information requested €, i• available to all customers er their aff-ts at the.e(fiee of the cempany:. West Virginia Power Gee Service Oak Hill, Wast Virginia 2501 A copy of this tariff is also available for public inspection at the Office of the Secretary of the Public Service Corn m i•sion at 201 B rook• Street, Charleston, West Virginia. Anyone desiring to pretest theirrtaed rates and chargee contained in thi• tariffshould do so, in writing, t least five (5) days prior to the effective date of March 1.1991. All pretests •hould briefly state the reson for the protest and should be ,ddreased to The retary, Public Service Coma/asian of West Virginia, Post Office Be 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323. HN Jan. 22, 29 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA SHIRLEY WALTON, for hormlf and as Executrix of the gstatoefL0ulso EnnisPlaintiff v. ERCIIANTS & MINERSNATIONALBANK,JO ELLEN REED and JANET BUSH DefendonteCi',l Action No. 91-P-3. The object of the above entitled action is proceeds of* bank a¢ount with mid Defendant, Merhant & Minim National Rank, lorall in West Virginia,in the name of Jo Ellen Keed, Defendant, whoso rasidence is in the into of Virllinia. And it apPcoringby an affidavit filed in this action that the mid Defendant, Jo Ellen Reed, lives in an* other state outside of West Virginia, ca-wit: Jo Ellen Reed, 3303 L Tanners Way, Riohmond, Vir8tnia 23224, it is ordered that 8hoveDefendant de terra uperl David I Ziegler of ZIEGLFA & GUNNOE, phdntiflb attorney, Whoas eddrese is 110 James Street, Hinton, WV 28961 ,an answer orother dofemm to the complaint filed in this act/on on or More February 21, 1991, otherwieej udlment by default will be  against Jo Ellen Reed at any time thereafter. A copy of *aid mmplaint can be obtained fre the undendgnod Clerk at his on3ce. Entered by the Clerk of mid Court January 16, 1991. Edith M. Muador Clork of Court Hinton, West Virginia HN Jan. 22, 29, Feb. 4 ,+ , Ph°ne 4fS'9!. LEGAL N O T I C E ii II FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lowest prices & we deliver 645-1351 S. J. Neathawk Lumber, Inc. U. S. 219 N. . Lewisburg I II I I TAXPAYERS OF SUMMERS COUNTY Pertaining to the 2rid half Installment of 1990 currant Rml-Estole and Pormmd property taxes as- PEBRUARY IS THE IT MONTH TO WHICH A q, DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED III Pons charged with any remaining unpaid cur- rentyonr 190 tmum mumsond.ifnot paid by April30th, will be included in the forthcoming May let Delln* qt List as per West Virginia Code. Far additional in][bt'matlon c/ill the Sheriff's u Office 8#. 46-75, Roupactty. Thomne F. Briers Sheriff& Trsmr of Summers County Jar 22& 2 REAL ESTATE Behind County Hospital Good Timber. New River Road 3 bedroom camp on big LOt 110 x 180 ft. Also has excess to 400 ft. of River Bank. GREENBRIER RIVER 120 ft. frontage w/goLf course view gen. store near by excel- lent location for camp. RETIREMENT / STARTER LOW MAINTENANCE HOVE IN CONDITION. 5 ACRE BEHIND HOSPITAL Nice & Level. Border Walnut St. about 400 ft. Ideal Summer Recreational Property• Hix Mountain, 4 Room House on 1 Acre. Good well. Hard top. Great View. 4 Miles From I 64 At Sand- stone. 4 wooded Acres• 3 yr. old Double wide, 3 bedroom, 2 baths• Trout Stream• Near by Claypool. 35 Plus overlooking Sand- stone Falls. Log Cabin. Springs. Great Investment Commercial Property Down- town Hinton. 2 Rental units. 1 Residence Above. Great Res- i taurant. Club Site. Very Rea- sonable Priced• Madam's Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Moun- tain. Prime location/w big five rnl house. Sandstone Falls 2 New Log Cabins. 1 - 2 bed- room, 1 - 3 bedrooms. Bath, septic system, good well. Fire place. Good lot. Good view of Sandstone Falls. 2.5 Acres on Greenbrier River. Prime location - Great Fish- ing Shallow Area For Swim- minD. Property Is High Land / w Spring... Excellent Invest- ment. 12th. Ave. 6 Room Cottage, Good Car- pet, New Kitchen. Must See To Appreciate. :Thirty Eight acres more or less with five bedroom, two bath home. Built in kitchen, handmade wood floors, some parquet. Good well and rea- sonable access• Close to 1-64. Sandstone. Four to five bedroom home on level lot, on hardtop, near 1-64 at Sandstone. Many features including walkin closet and bath in master bedroom. Two story, pretty setting. Modern three bedroom, two bath mobile home on four wooded areas. Trout stream nearbyk game. Secluded area with falls, rhododendron and woodlands. Claypool area of Meadow Creek. Taylor St. 3 Bedroom Brick, Nice Family Room. Nice Kitchen on Big lot. Pipestem Creek 3 bedroom House, bath. Good Well & Septic system on 3 Acre LOt, on Main Road. New River Road Nice 3 bedroom House or Camp. Nice Kitchen. Also big Living room with Fireplace. Lot Borders River. Greenbrier Drive 3 bedroom House, carpet. Can be occupied in 6 weeks. Must see to appreicate. Shown by appointment. Rt. 1 Box 86 BaIlard, W.Va. 24918 BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 BR., house, with living room, bath, kitchen, utility room, sewing room or den, storm windows and doors ktove and tank. Out b,',tclude washer or " .g room, eel- lar, s,.,_ ouilding, grape haA;, |seated on approxi- mately 2 acres of land or 8 lots. Near Greenbrier River with river rights. Only $28,000.00. Reduced to $25,000.00.$21,000.00. TALCOTT AREA - Beautiful 3 BR., Home. Large LR., comb. DR., and Kitchen with built in ( birch cabinets), 2 full baths, full size finished basement with den or family room, car- peted throughout, wood and elect, heat, city water, cable T.V. Plus satellite dish, paved driveway, carport, patio. Brick & wood paneling. Plus much more in a very good location with large lot. Price reduced to $58,000.00. PIPESTEM AREA - Between Pipestem State Park and Bluestone Dam. 11 acres land with house, 2 car new garage, 2 or 3 bedrooms. 'ull fin- ished ba -,.  Modern ,,.ook, bath and kitche,, f,'cr, Wood stove, hard- • , and carpeted floors, new furnace. Very nice in a popu- lar location offU.S Rt. 20. Only $35,000.00. PENCE SPRINGS AREA- on Greenbrier River. Extra nice 2 BR., furnished camp with front room, family room, kitchen, bath, electric and wood or coal heat. Situated on large mostly level lot. 130 ft. front and all the way back to river with good fishing and boating. Also utility building, shade trees, picnic tables, etc. This is the camp you must see to appreciate. ALDE RSON BLUE SULPHUR'* AREA - Grtenbrier County. 110 A. farm secluded with rough roads and gates before entry but worth tl,.,rrt after you" " E).--td pastt00tt1.0000,,% of water, Muddy Creek running through property. Some tim- "bar. Plenty of wildlife. Priced only ... $41,000. FORESTHILLAREA - Monroe County line. Beautiful 2 story 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 BR, LR, DR, FR, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base- ment. Completely remodeled, situated on approx. 30 acres of beautiful level to rolling land with stocked fish ponds. Developed springs. 5 acres woodland with large trees, barn, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft shop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop. Excellent location with hard- top road frontage. This might be the one you have been look- ing for. You must see to appre- ciate the quality. Call today. Priced ... $98,000. BALLENGEE AREA MONROE COUNTY Approximately 30 acres land, with barn and other outbuild- ings ( in need of repair) situ- ated on hardtop road withlots- of road frontage. Plenty of water with Big Stoney Creek running through property. App. 20 acre, cleared, bal- anced with bottom of rolling land. App. 10 acres of wood- land and planted pine trees. Lots of deer and wild turkey. Only $28,000.00. GREEN SULPHUR SAND- STONE AREA- on Rt. 20 near 1-64 interchange. 2 br., home We need small Farms. 25 to 30 with dining room and kitchen, acres, let us list yur Place. || bath, den and uom. .... II Encl°sed 'lh' Ia ti° Eldridge Ellison, Jr M ana*bV' -I'd garage. S'tu- REAL ESTATE !1 atetJ 70 acres of land' 50 BROKER acres mountain land and PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Barr Sales Person Phone 466-0815 Arlene Reich Sales Person Phone 466-5429 I approximately 20 acres cleared. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime Paul "Buddy" Light Broker & Auctioneer Licensed No. 478 Gloda J. Meadows, Sales Assoc. 466-1925 After 4 PJUL ,m