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4 - Hinton News Tues. Jan. 29, 1991
The Hinton News
Published Tuesday
By The
Hlnton Publishing Corporation
210 Second Avenue
Hlnton, W Va. 25951
Fred Long
Publisher. Editor
Phone (304) 466-0005
USPS 246.180
By Carrier SulcrlpUons By Mall
25¢ Dally $. 1
IL S. liml Rquhlk
u tin,t
Sond Clau FOrego Paid At Hlnten,
Articles submitted to the Hinton
News must reach the office by Fri-
day noon in order to be considered
for publication in the following Tues.
day paper. Please include your name
and a phone number where you can
be reached during business hours.
The Hinton News reserves the right
to edit any material and regrets that
articles cannot be returned.
Items for the Community Bulletin
Board must reach the ofice by Mon-
day noon in order to be considered
for publication in that week's paper.
Located on the corner of
National Park Service
Second Ave. and Summerm St.
Partially funded by the W. Va.
Commission on Aging
Mr. & Mrs. Robert David Joy
Farney -Joy
Wed. Jan. 30
' Menu: Spaghetti, coleslaw, sliced
peaches, french bread.
Activities: Nutrition Advisory
Council meetingat the Hinton House
at 11:00 a.m.
, Thurs. Jan. 31
Menu: White beans]onions, toma-
, toes, fruit jello, cornbread.
, Activities: Bingo for prizes after
Fri. Feb. 1
Menu: Baked Ham. glazed sw.
potatoes, cinnamon applesauce, ice
Pamela Rae Farney and Robert
David Joy were married at 2 P.M.,
Nov. 24th at the Sterling Evangeli-
cal Mennonite Church, Sterling,
Kansas. Pastor David Harder per-
formed the double-ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Marvin and Fleda Farney of Ab-
byville, Kansas, and the grand-
daughter of Gladys Caldwell and
the late John Caldwelt of Hinton.
The groom is the son of David and
Beverly Joy of Alpena, Mich.
Gretchen Schmidt, Hesston,
Mendota Heights, Minn.; Randy
Isey, Columbus, Oh.; and Bob Fitch,
Freemont, Ind. Ringbearer were Tim
Diedrich, Knoxville, Tenn., nephew
of the groom.
After a wedding trip to Kansas
City, Mo., the newlyweds are home
in Eagan, Minn. The bride works for
Nordic Travel, Bloomington, Minn.
Her husband is a national market-
ing representative for Chex Systems,
Bloomington, Minn.
She is a graduate of Tabor Col-
lege, Hillsboro, Kansas, with a
Announces New River
Neighbors Program in
On Sun. Feb. 3, the New River
Neighbors Program Series will fea-
ture Mr. Roy Long discussing his
experiences working for the C & O
Railway. The program begins at 2:30
p.m. and will be held at the Sum-
mers County Visitor Center located
.in the Old Cox Building on Temple
St. in downtown Hinton, WV.
Mr. Long began his railroad ca-
reer in 1938 as a C & O Railway
telegraph operator at North Moun-
00Round Hin ton
tain, Va. He came to Hinton in 1940 to participate in this program. The
where he worked as assistant chief Hinton Branch of the American
train dispatcher of the Hinton divi- Association of University Women
sion until his retirement in 1981.
Mr. Long writes the weekly column
"Railroad Recollections for the
Hinton News.
Individuals interested in learn-
ing more about the areas railroad-
ing history or sharing their own
will provide refreshments.
For more information concerning
this program or any ofthe 1991 New
River Neighbors Programs please
call the National Park Service Visi-
tor Center in Hinton at 466-0417, or
Park Headquarters in Glen Jean at
railroading experiences are invited 465-0508.
crean9. , : .:, . Kansas, was Maid of Honor. Brides-
AcGmepl sing: II:15: maidswere:Leslie Balman;Topeka,
Birthdiy parity for Senior observing Kansas; Noelle Dick, Hillsboro,
birthdays in Feb.
Mon. Feb. 4
Menu: Spanish more, green beans,
coleslaw, butterscotch pudding,
french bread.
Actiyiies: ble study at 11:15.
Ts. Feb. 5
Menu: White beans/onions, broc-
coli, applesauce, cornbread.
Activities: Wellness workshop at
Menu changes may occur due to
the unavailability of certain foods,
or due to circumstances beyond our
Kansas; and Vickie Farney, Wichita,
Kansas, cousin of the bride. Flower-
girl was Abby Rayl, Hutchinson,
Kansas, cousin of the bride.
• Scott Joy, Calgary, Alberta, Can-
ada, was best man for his brother.
Groomsmen were: Randy Pentel,
Blood Pressure Clinic Hinton
Center Jan. 30 II - i.
VITA( Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance) program begins Feb. 7.
Volunteers will be available at the
Hinton Senior Center each Thurs.
Feb. 7, 8:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. for
the purpose of aisting the elderly
and low income with the prepara-
tion of their tax returns.
Bus Schedule for Feb. Beckley
Feb. 7 Mercer Mall Feb. 22
By: Shirley Garten Jolliffe
Donald Bennett of Hinton and his
twin brother Arnold Bennett, who
now lives in Hinton, celebrated a
birthday on Jan. 15th.
Ron Bennett, also of Hinton, cele-
brated a birthday recently.
Jennifer Garten, previously of
Hinton, celebrated her 16th birth-
day recently.
Joe Jolliffe celebrated his birth-
day on Jan. 16th.
Diane & Charles Pitzer's anni-
versary was Jan. 12th.
Jackie Crook and his wife Shelda
Crook celebrated birthdays this
John Cobb, formerly of Hinton,
had a birthday Jan. 2nd.
Sally Lavender, also formerly of
Hinton, had a birthday, Jan. 11.
Janine Ward of Hinton celebrated
a birthday on Jan. 16th, with her
daughter Angela also celebrating one
Joe Scruggs will be performing on
Sat. Feb. 2 at the Little Theatre of
the Char]eston Civic Center. Two
shows are s]ated. One at 10AM and
one at 2PM.
Bachelor's Degree in English. He is :Ticket Prices: All seats reserved
a graduate of Centra]4Michigvin ..... $ £Ldiscount for Fox Kids Club
University,Mount Pleasant, Mich., . members presenting membership
with a Bachelor's Degree in Busi- card only at Civic Center Box Office
hess Administration. - Offer good only on advance sale.
Out of town guests included For ticket purchase call Ticket-
Marilyn Caldwell, Hinton; Geoff master Charleston Area 342-5757
Jones, Bluefield; and Eric Jones, or toll freein W.Va., Oh., and Ky. 1-
Orange City, Iowa. 800-877-1212.
To Mzddle Rotary Club Report
Christmas Party at Avis School. to claim.
Each year Rotary Club has a party Success is being big of heart, and
for the warm and loving children clean and broad in mind; it's being
who attend Avis School. As usual
Santa stopped by and helped Fr.
Dave Schmitt give out the goodies.
These children remind us that
Success is in the way you walk the
"Path of life each day; it's in the little
things you do, and in the things You
Success is not in getting rich, or
rising high to fame. It's not alone in
winning goals, which all mbn hope
faithful to Your friends, and to the
stranger, kind. It's in the children
whom you love, and all they learn
from You; success depends on char-
acter, and everything you do.
We wish these children much
success in life. See you again next
year Santa (F. Ciampi).
Maxine Ciampi
We want to thank all of our relatives, friends, and
neighbors for the prayers, food, flowers and any
other acts of kindness shown to us during
Stephaniers death.
A special thanks to Summers County Hosptial
Emergency Room staff for their compassion and to
the Ronald Meadows Funeral Home.
May God Bless each one who supported us, in any
way, during this difficult time.
The Family of Stephanie Jean Cody
Spec. Gary L. Patton has deployed
to the Middle East with American
military forces participating in
Operation Desert Shield.
Opersation Desert Shield is the
largest deployment ofU. S. military
f-'< Viet, m. The operation
is in response to Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait and threat to Saudi Arabia.
=It is the presence of dedicated
military people like Patton that
brings America's principles to life
and gives them strength and mean-
ing," President George Bush said.
The soldier is a carpentry and
masonry specialist at Fort Rucker,
Patton is the son of Elmer E. and
Gwendolyn M. Patton of 405 Sixth
Ave., Hinton.
He is a 1984 graduate of Hinton
High School.
Iron Maiden will be appearing
Sat. Feb. 2 at 8 PM at the Charleston
Civic Center Coliseum.
Ticket Prices: $18.50 - all seats
For ticket purchase call Ticket-
m,,r Charh.ston ,area 342-5757
or tol} fl'ee in W.Va., Oh., and Ky. 1-
Bluegrass Market, Inc.
Lewisburg, WV
Sat. Jan. 19
327 head of livestock sold to 72
buyers amounting to $85,669.37.
Stocker And Feeder Steers
Under 500# 79.00-100.00; 500-
750# 40.00 - 85.00; Over 750# 73.00.
Uncler 500# 67.00 - 89.00; 501 -
750# 64.00 - 78.50. Over 750# 46.50
- 60.00.
Bull Calves 67.00 - 102.00.
Baby Calves 95.00 - 145.00.
Slaughter Cattle
Heifers; Cows 32.50
- 51.00; Most Sold 45.00 - 47.00;
Bulls 47.00- 62.50; Under 1000 52.00
- 62.00; Over 1000 47.80 - 59.25.
Cow And Calf Pairs 540.00 -
Cows, BH 590.00 - 640.00.
' Hogs
Slaughter 46.50 - 54.50; Sows
38.00 - 45.00; Boars 53.00; Pigs &
Shoats, BH 13.00 - 47.00.
Sheep & Lambs:
Blue 47.00; Red 46.00; Others
44.00 - 54.00.
Baby Lambs: 7.00 - 21.00.
Goats, BH 6.00 - 65.00.
Preneed Funeral Planning
Certificate of Deposit thru you I:.ocal Bank or
Forethought Life Ins. Co.
Our competent staff has been professionally trained to assist
you in funeral planning, as well as counsel and help you or
those you love through the funeral experience.
Our reputation is built on serving families like yours and we
pledge that we will merit the confidence you have placed in us.
Feel free to contact us for answers to any questions you might
have.., now or in the future.
130 Temple St., Hinton
Phone 466-1179
That Blessings May Shine on You...
Come to church
Beech Run Ba@tiet Church
Superintendent, Alice Bowyer,
Sunday Schoo 10, Morning wor-
ship 11.
Bellepoint Bapllsl Church
N. Bruce CresweH, Jr., Pastor:
Sunday Service: Joe McBride,
Supt., Sunday School 9:45 am.
Morning Worship, 11 am. Youth
fellowship,5:45 pro. Evening Sew.
ice, 7 pro. Wedne6day Service,
7:COpra. Prayer Meeting and Bible
Big Creek
Lynn Maddy, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 a.m. Morning Worship
11 a.m. each Sunday. Evening
Services, Sunday at 7p.m. Prayer
mooting Wed. = 7 p.m. B Y F
Sunday at S p.m.
Brooke Sapaa Chur.¢h
Pastor Darrstl Harem: Edwarid
Cyrus, Sunday School Supedn.
tondent., Sun.School 10 a:m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m. Eve-
ning Service Sun. at 7 p.m. Preyer
Meeling Tues. at 7.'30 p.m.Wed.
Service 7 p.m.
Calvary Baptist Church
Red Suiphor: Re'#. Rick Hender-
son, Sunday School 10 A.M. =
Randy Hedge, Superintendent
Morning Worship 11.'00 A.M.
Evening Worship 7:30 P,M. Wed.
nasday Worship 7:30 P.M.
Rev. Nathaniel Johnson: Sunday
School, E. G. Crawford, SuPt. 11
&m. Morning Worship Every Sun-
day. Preaching tU. and 3.
Sundays at 11C4mtrat&m. end 6 p.rn.
I Pastor Rol0t L. Moore:9:45 a.rn.
!Church School 11 &m. Morning
Worship. 6:30 p.m. n Y F. ?.t30
p.m. Evening Wofip. 7 p.m.
Wednesday Mid. Week Sen, k.
Choolnut Grove
Pastor: Benny Nlen. St4)arinten-
dent: Lowell Bennett. Sunday
School 10 a.m. Morning Worship
11 &m. Evening Service 7:30
Wed. Evening Serviee 7.'30 p.m.
Cook's Chapel
(Regular Baptist Church) John S.
Atktnson. Pastor: 10 a.m. Sunday
SchooL Supt. Charlas Bowkm. 11
a.rn. Morning Worship. 6 p.m., B Y
F 7 p.m. Evening Worship Wed. 7
p.m. Prayer Ming.
Foonmt - Freewill
Two iles norlh o( Aldeftort on
the Aria Road, Sunday Scho 10
a.m. Bapti Youth League 6 p.m.
Evening se¢as 7 p.nt
Rr=t Ikqot Church
Sunday 9:45 &m. Bruce
Rkmond, SUpL Morning Wor-
ip 11 ¢m., Evening Sarvk 7:00
p.m. Mid Week Sen4¢o 700 p.m,
Fonmt Hill It Clhur¢lt
Pastor Jon E. Elate: Stmdoas
2nd. & 4th. Sunday 11:00, Sun-
day NIgM ServtoN 7:00, Wednas.
day Night 7:30,1 It. & 3rd. Sunday
Services At Methodist Church At
8:30 P.M. Semite Meeting.
Bal:t Churd
Dan Spenm¢, Pastor. Sunday
10 m., Morning Worship
112)0 &m. Sunday Evening 6.'00
p.m. Wed. Evening 7:00 p.m.
Orlffilh Creek
Edw Ray I.'r Jr., Pater: Sun-
dr/School 10 a.m. S.S. Sl.
Metvln Ryen. Worahlp Setvk=
At 11:0o .qM m., . ar h.
Sunda Ewning at 7.1)0
P.M. 2rid, amd 4th. Sunday. Mid
Week Pf_=)M Service kl Youth
Melng E&ohWedyat 7:00
Indian Illa Baptist Church
Steve Howdock, Pastor: S.S.
Supt." James Keatley, Sunday
School 10 A.M. Classes for all
ages. Worship. Service, 11 A.M.
and 7 P.M. Every Sunday. Prayer
Meeting Wed. 7 P.M.
Jud=on Freewill Baptist
Pastor Pat Kounse: Sunday
School 10.'00 o: dock. Every
Sunday. Services Sunday Night
At 7:00 o' clock.,Pat Konse
Sunday School Superintendent.
Keaey Springs Baptist
Sunday School 10 A.M., Harold
Meeks, Superintendent.
Laud Creek Baptist Church
First and third Sunday at 11 .'(X)
am.. Second and Forth Sunday
at 7.'(X) pro., Wednesday night
Service 7.'00 pro., Sunday School
10:00 am. Pastor, Andy Howdock
Uck Baptist Church
Sunday Schoolat 10 am. Preach-
ing Services,11 am. Every Sun-
day. Prayer Meeting Wednesday
7 pro. Rev. Torn McGraw, Pastor,
UtUe Woff Croek
independent Baptist Church, Off
. 12 on the Little Wo Creek
Road, Pastor, Donald L. Hannah:
Sunday School Superintendent,
Wayne Browning, Sunday School
10:00 am't Wore hip Sewice 11:00
am, Sun. Evening Service 7pro.
Youth Meeting Wednesday 6:30
pro.Mid Week Service Wed. 7prn.
Meadow Creek
Pastor J. L. Jot: Sun.IO am.
Sunday School ; 11 am., Morning
Worahip;7 pro. Evening Worship;
7 prn. Wed., Mid Week Bible Study
and Prayer Meeting.
Ray. WHflam Carter: Sunday
School Superintendent Mrs. E. E.
Johnson, Sunday School lOLrn`
every Sunday. Prayer service
Wednesday 6:30. Wen;hip serv-
ice third Sunday at 11 a.m.
Cat very Fmowtl
BalXist Church. Sunday School
10:00 a.m., Preaching 11 .'00 & m.,
Preaching Sunday Night 7.'001
).m.. Prayer Mooting Wednsday
7.'00. Pastor E. R. Buck Tyree
New Sem Baptbt Clmrch
!Pastor I. E. Hatcher: Sunday
School 10:00. Church 11:(X) Fun-
mma= Mzook.wy
Batst Church Pastor Arnold
Cooper: s. s. Supentendant
KId:,y Bragg, Sunday School9:45.,
Morning Wors, hip and Children
Church 11 a.m. Sunday Morning.
"EvenlngrBuRday Wohip 7:30.
PreyeMllng and Yott U-
ing 7.0 Wedrmeday.
Pine Orow
Pastor W.C. Stunpson: Sunday
Schoo Stt, Big Hawks, Sunday
10 Lm. Morning Womhip
• 11/DO A.M. Wednesday Evening
Stay,co 730 p.m.
Rhondm Anna Mdml
Stmater, V/. Servlceevery2nd.,
4th. and 5m. Saturday svenings
at 7.'00 p.m.
Rlwr V=lley
Rt. 12 Forest Hill Road, Bill Jon.
Pastoc 10 Lm. Sunday
tfltondent 11 Lrn. Morning Wor-
ship. 7:30 p.m. Evening Servk.
7 p.m. Youth Fokmhip Thur.
Baplk, ROy Lee F.Iolk, Jr.,
Pastor: SUn. Sd'mol IOA.M.Wot-
ship 11 A.M. each Sun-
day. Pmyr Service, Bible Sen
io, Youth Mooting Wed. 7 p.m.
D. L. Stalnaker. Pastor: 10 a.rn.
Sunday School classes for
ages. Richard Holloran Supenn-
tendent 11 a.m. Morning Wor-
ship. 7 P.M. Night Service.
Sandstorm Baptt Church
Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday
School'Supt. Bli Dean, Sunday
School IOA.M., Morning Wohip
11 A.M., Evening Services 7.'00
P.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting and
Youth Meeting 7 P.M.
Talced, Fit Sun. Serce 11A.M. I
Sunday at 3.'00 P.M.
Saoond Saptlat Church
212 Jamas St., Fkw. Matthew
Saundors, Sarvicas 2nd. & 4th.
i Sunday 11 KM., Prayer Service
Wedneeday S:30, unday Schoo!
each Sunday 9.'30, Mr. James
Nk::kok SupL Mrs. Edith Goode
Temll Churdt
Robert Combs, Pastor: Sunday
School, 10 a.m. Melvin Williams
Supt. Preaohing Servke$ at 11:00
a.m. every Sunday.
upl'd Baptist Church
Pastor A. Angeli, Jr.: S. S. - 10:00
Sunday Worship - 11.'00, Supt.,
Rudy Nien Stevenson, Asistent
Supt. Rebecca RomonelloBtble
Study Sunday Evening 7,'00
Youth Meet
St P=tdck Cot'oic Chu¢oh
Mass Schedule, Sunday 9 a.m.
ommumty t
Pastor Doug Hatcher: Wohlp
Services Sun. 11 a.m. and 7.'00
.m. Bible Study 10 &m. Wed.
7.'00 p.m.
Rmt CIv'mtion
Eddie Via, Minister: Sunday
School 9:45 A.M. Morning Wor-
ship 11:00 A.M., Sunday Evening
Bib Sty. Sunday 6.'00 Youth
1621 Surnffmm St. Minister, Phil-
lip Smmb: Sunday Morning Bit
Study 10 .m. Sunday Morning
Worship Svlc 10:45 &m. Sun-
day Evening Service 7.'00 P.M.
wedry E9 S-ice 7
Lay Chtm:h of Chrilt
Sunday m,O0, BI Study 0:45,
Evening Sunday 7:00 p.m., Wed.
mday 8ibis Stuff 700 P.M.
Tug Cek Road, Sunday Woe-
ship 11 &M.SundayEvonlngS:30
P.M. W 7:3O
11 a.m. Fit on¢l Thlrd Stmdays,
Holy Commnlen 11 Lm. Sec-
ond and Fourth Sunda .
Bt Clwoo
M Hlar Mim-mdal Church Sdloo110
a.m. Mo Wohip 11 Lm.
Evening SerMco 7:30 P.M. U M Y
F Wednesday 6 p.m.
Rr UNtil Ilhod Chur
HInton, WVGsraklF. Cwn, Min-
ief: Sunday Scho 9:45 KM.,
MklgWomhip 1 I:00A.M.
care avalab: tksrm wlm Ohlb
d Wedmm Pmy V
1100/kM.- 1:00 P.M. In the
Sen¢luw. Wedney Youth
GlUb, 4:00 P.M. 60 P.M., F'
James Chapel at True
Re/. Carlton Wdson, Pasor: Serv-
9 a.m. Sun. School 10 a.m.
Minister, Hubert Grove: Sam
Groves, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45.
Worship 11 a.m.
Red Sulphur. Marshall Fowtdr,
Pastor: Servic every second
Sunday 7 p.m. every fourth Sun-
day 11 a.m.
May Jane Memod
Pastor Reno H. Richmond: Sun-
day School 10 a.m. Morning
Worship 11 a.m. Evening Prayar
Mooting 7:30 P.M.
Melhodltt Ctrgo
Rid Oeau'n: First Sunday & 3rd.
Sunday, Brooklyn 9:15. Mt. Zion
10:15 A.M.. ,Sand Knob 11:30
P.M.. Ntntz 2rid. and 4th. Sun-
day. Bhel 9,'30. Pluto Marthe
Chapel 11 .'00. Madan'B CrW,.
Mount Iih
Morning Worship 9.'90 a.rn.
Church School 10:30 am. U M Y
F Tuesday 5."30 P.M.
New Hol
C. FrenkJin Micl Pastor: Sunday
Sohoo110 am, Woeohlp 1st & 3rd
Sun. 11 arn & 4th Stm. at 7:30pnl
Ok Grove
C. Frenldin MP...k, Paslor: Sunday
SCJ'I at 11 am, Wori, Np 2nd &
4thsun., lOam& 1st 7pro
TMCO. Charge
C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Forest
Hill, 1st & 3td Sundays: Worship
10 am, Sun. School 11
C. Fronk Mick, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 am, Wohip
2rid & 4th Sun. 11 am& 31 Sun.
at 7:30pm
Greenville, 10 Lm. Sunday
!School 7'.45 p.m., Commun
Wonh Se
First Prbyte0 Chur
Rev, Rohart H. Glaser: Sunday
School 9:4 & Womhip 1:00 am
! Pray Meellng Wed. 7:30 P.M.
hm's Cnm
Greenvilie, 10Lm. SondaySchool
7:45 p.m., CommW Womp
l(ogr at
Rev. McMunay, Pastor.
Worahip $orvlc=- heid at 2:30 pm
on t and 3. Sund.
Fiev. Stm*,arl k:Munay, Pastor.
Grainy Medml,10 a.m.
day SuhooL Womhip S4mc hd
at 9 am on 2rid. sad 41h. Sunda)s.
Nlmon CSmh I OI
1301 St. Pastor Cecil
woh: Sunday 8dool 0 m
Mom WohV ,,am Sammy
NIgM 7 pm Wed. MgM 7 pm
l'Ikon G Taimwcilo
102 Maln Stree
rit, Pastor:. Sunday SOhool 10
Lm. Mornlngs Wondlip 11:[X) &m.
Youth meeting 6.'30 p.m. Evon-
7:30 P.M. Bble
Study Wdnuday 7:30 P.M.
'z WHm
Sunday 10 am Public Tdt, SUn-
day 11 am Watchtowar, Study
Schoogl"hnh/e:3Op So,co
MJumdng O,.on, Tadbemoo
. , S., .
David Moten, Supt. Sunday
Schcol 0:46 a.m. Moadng W=r.
ship t 0".45 Lm. Vou Rdlovalhip
s:o p.m. Evwg Wodp 7:3o
p,m. Prayer Wed. 7:30
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Becklay, Sunday Worship 9.'30
&m., Sunday School 11 am., 725
D Hill Road. 252-5820 or 252 -
4793. RoY. Kenneth L. Frey
MonlOlive Churdt
A community church, Madams
Creek Road, 21/2 miles, Wiflien,
A. Thor, Pastor: 466-4299
Sunday School 10:OOa, m. Mor
=ng Worship 11 .'(30 a.m., Evening
Settee 7.'30 p.m. EDT, Wednas.
day ( 7 p.m. EST. winter)
1602 Temple St. PestorRev.
Robert Wiseman: Sunday School
10 a.m. Morning Womhip 11 a.m.
Evangelist S.en_ Sunday Night
7 P.M. Thursday. P'rayer and Bible
Study 7 P.M.
PHIm" of Trulh
At Bar Springs, Pastor, OnHilb
Meadows: Sunday School 10.'00
A.M., Morning Worship 11.'00
A.M., Wednesday BiOie St udy 7.'00
RIll Chuch of God
Nora Keaton, Pastor: Sunday
5ohool 10 am, Morning Worship
11 am, Evening Womhip 7 pro,
Wed. Evening Bible Study 7 i'n,
215 Second Ave., Hlnton.
Speakers Harry Pilkington: Sun.
!day, 9:30 LorEs Table 11:0(]
amlly Bible Hour. 4.'00 Junio
Young People. 7.'30. Eveng
,20g 2ud five.
prcripzio and
dr eds
fou,'ltam service
of the
Member FIfO
30 Temple St.