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8 - Hinton News Tues. Jan. 28, 2003
City Council of Hinton
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
7:00 p.m. -- City Sidetrack
III. Welcome The Division of Motor Vehicles is COMMUNrI WELLNESS
IV. Prayer/Devotions changing the driver's examinations CENTER FOR THE WEEK
V. Approval of Minutes schedules to better serve the January 27th. - February 1st.
A. Approval of Minutes of the citizens. The following counties will
October 22, 2002, November 19, be starting February 1st.: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
2002, and December 17, 2002, Greenbrier:inelleStatePoiice -Yoga8:00A.M.-11:00A.M.
Regular Meetings. Action Item Detachment - Second and Fourth Tuesday and Thursday, Tae-Bo -
VI. New Business Fridays 9:30 a.m. - 4:3"0 p.m. (Photos 5 P.M.
A. Approval of Bnilding/Sigu only). Lewisburg DMV Office First- Saturday, Tae-Bo 8 A.M. - 10 AM
Permits. Action Item Third-Fifth Mondays and First- Yoga and Tae-Bo
B. Approval of September 2002, Third and Fifth Fridays - 8:30 a.m. Meetings this week at the
October 2002, November 2002, and - 4:30 p.m. Wellness Center include the Hospice
December 2002 Financial Mercer: Princeton DMV Office of Southern West Viriguia Grief
Statements. Action Item Every Monday and Tuesday 8:30 Support Group from 1 P.M. - 3 P.M.
C. Approval of December, 2002 a.m. -4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28th. Everyone
Invoices Paid. Action Item Summers: Hinton State Police is cordially invited to come check
D. Approval of Payment of Detachment First-Third-Fifth this group out.
Outstanding Obligations. Action Thursdays-9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. The Family Resource Network
meets at the Wellness Center on
Item SILENT AIJCTION January 31st. Come talk to these
E.ApprovaiofResolutions.Action The Mustangs 4-H Club will be people because they work hard to
F. Approval of DEP Request No. holding a silent auction at Susie meet the needs of Summers
Gore's "House of Hair" the week of Countians and come tell them what
3 for Gold Coast Sewer Project. January 27th. Many local your needs are.
Action Item
G. Approval of Holiday Schedule businesses and club members have As always, the Summers County
donated items and gift certificates. Community Wellness Center,
2003. Action Item .
H. Police Civil Service A handmade quilt will also be for located at 221 Temple Street is here
Commission. Action as Required sale. Please come out and take a to serve all of Summers County in
I. David Harvey regarding police look. all aspects of wellness, physical,
cruisers. Action as Required COUNCIL ON mental, spiritual, and social. Our
J. Hinton Community Center hours are Monday-Friday from 8
regarding car show and West AGING A.M.-6 P.M. Saturday hours are
from 8 A.M.-10 A.M. Hours can be
Virginia's Birthday Celebration. This is a weekly publication of the extended by appointment. The staff
Action as Required Summers County Council on Aging, and volunteers want to serve you.
VII. Reports Inc., 120 Second Ave., Hinton. Let us know how we can serve you
A. Legal Notices, Unsafe Funded in part by the WV Bureau
Buildings, Clean-up, Litigation. of SeniorServices,AppalachianArea better. As always, come to the
Wellness Center and get well, stay
Action as Required Agency of Aging, other grants and well, and be well. See you there.
B. Department Heads local resources and donations, any
Discussion Item older persons is encouraged to
1. Michael Froble-CityAttorney participate in the program DONATED FOODS
2. Chad Wykle-Community regardless of race, creed, handicap, When: Friday, January 31st.
Developer or national origin. The Summers Where: Loaves and Fishes. Sign Up:
3. Ray Pivont-Fire Chief County Council onAging is an equal 9 AM. Bring your own boxes.
4. Curtis Shaver-Municipal Judge" opportunity employer.
5. Ralph Trout-Streets & Roads Wednesday, Janaury 29th.
Foreman Menu: Red Beans and Rice,
6. TimAdkins-Police Chief Cabbage, Peach Halves, Whole
VIII. Discussions Wheat Bread, Margarine/Milk.
IX. Personnel Thursday, January 30th.
A. SaiaryAdjustment. Action as Menu: Lighter Chicken Salad,
Required Whole Wheat Bread, Tomato
Errands of Mercy
(Compassionate Support for People
Living with HIT/AIDS) presents a
FREE SEMINAR on continuing the
War on HIV/AIDS, dealing with
HIV/AIDS Issues in the Community.
The workshop will be held at the
Mine Safety and Health Academy
(On Airport Road) in Beaver on
Wednesday, January 29th. from
10am to 4pro.
Everybody is welcome. andra
Smith, the HIV/AIDS Manager-
District I of Weet Virginia will be the
lead speaker.
For more information, contact
REICH at (304) 256-2078.
From page 1
SHARE Packages
you may order. Orders for SHARE
will be taken from January 27th
January 28th.-Prenatal Clinic through February 10th at noon. We
with the Assoc. in OB/GYN 9AM- will receive the SHARE packages on
12N. February 21st.
January 29th.-Cholesterol', Blood To order SHARE, contact: Loaves
Sugar and Hemoglobin 8AM-12N; and Fishes, 127 Ballengee Street,
Immunizations and TB Skin Tests Hinton, WV 25951. Ph: 466-2110.
1PM-4PM. Business Hours: Monday-
Wednesday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The monthly meeting of the New
River Parkway Authority will be
held at the Summers County
Memorial Building, Hinton, on
February 3rd. at 7:00 p.m.
Ritz Theatre
Rings, Two Towmrl I
Fd: 6:00, Sat 4 & 7:30, Sun: 6:00 I
bE $4ob rh:466.Oeoo I
¢oum r7: Tu,r [.
"Notice To Taxpayers
The real estate and personal property books
For the 2003 Tax Year
are now open for review in the
Summers County Assessor's Office.
Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
or Telephone 466-7101
To insure that all assessments, descriptions, owners names,
addresses, homestead exemption benefits and
farm use values are correct, Please review
before February 18, 2003.
William D. Farley
Summers County Assessor
Hot Doii, French Fries, Med. Soft Ddnk or .C.o. must meet qusUlng erRerb. Ratmm item andlbr
NSF fee =ppliee. This eenim requires that u make depuita
Hambr, French Fdes, Med. Soft Ddnk in regular intesls. '
CHOICE $2.99
smm Id Immlu mmml mllml
mlll &minim Im I ut t 11 ua
Iron dlllUll| Ul.II I Ul.
Ph: 466-1700
B. Selection and Employment Vegetable Soup, Grapefruit
Action as Required. Sections, Milk.Activities: Summers ,-- , , ,' ' ' ' ., ....
C.Boards/Commissions.Actionas County QuiltersWillQuiltToday oet More for
Required 10:30 A.M. Bingo For Prizes After ":i " : :. i ': i:i';:
X. Delegations/Public Input Lunch. . :ii:. !i 7' - :
XI. Date ofNext Regular Meeting Friday, January 31st. Steak : ' :- ::: :-",
is February 18, 2003 and Peppers, Augratin Potatoes, L A.. : ::i:i: :: i :: .
"four Money
iit ! rid; Mgarinellk,
BASIC EMT CLASSES Activities: Gospel Singing 11:00 ::ii::"i:: ':[:.
The following classes have been A.M. :
schedulec]: Monday, February 3rd. Menu: • i I!}:-: iill !:i: " .... :,
120 Hour Basic EMT class will Skin]essBarbequedChicken, Baked First
begin January 27th., at 6:00 p.m. in Beans, Broccoli, Strawberries,
Monroe County at Union Rescue, Whole Wheat Bread, Margarine/
Union, WV. Milk. Activities: Bible Study 11:00
120 Hour Basic EMT class will A.M.
begin February 3rd. at 6:00 p.m. in
Tuesday, February 4th. Menu: :: :
-Mercer County at the Mercer Baked Pork Chops, Sweet Potato • Just Free Checking with
County Vo Toch in Princeton, V[V. Scoufflee, Spinach, Unsweetened
120 Hour basic EMT class will
Applesauce, Whole Wheat Bread, " 24-Hour Resource.FCB Online
begin March 3rd., at 6:00 p.m. in Margarine/Milk. Activities: Bingo
Raleigh County at the Mine Safety For Prizes ARer Lunch. "
& Health Academy in Beckley, WV, Menu changss may occur due to • 00anlong
60 Hour EMT Mining Class will availability of food or due to ': : " .... ii : : .::
begin February 3rd., in Raleigh circumstances beyond our control, e Loans and Savings
County at the Mine Safety & Health , " , : .:/'
Academy. " e Classified Ads
Fqradchtionalinfoimationpleas . • Competitive CD Rates
call ISA-I at (304) 256-4712 or 1- ONLY 35¢ • word
800-76007372 3300019. * Trust Services and Retirement
DEADLINE .......
ZffectiveFebruary3rd.DMVwill " Excellent Customer Service
be in Hinton on the 1st., 3rd. and 11:00 a.m. MONDAY
5th. Thursday of each month. They (The paper is ruponsible for Huch, much more.
will NOT be here on- Friday. only one Incorrset Insertion.) " "
Operating hours will remain 9:30 Business Ads
AM - 4:30 PM. (You must be in the
office no later tha 4:00 P.M.) Deadline
• ** First Community Bank is proud to of,"c a variety Lobby Hours:
The great secret of power is 4:00 p.m. FRIDAY of excellent products and services to make your Monday - Thursday
never to will to do more than
.o.o..--om,,. 466-0005 banking easier. Begin.,g Febn]ary 10, 2003, 9:00am-3:00pm
--Henrik Ibsen
• ** , , you'll be able to access our products and services Friday
I00AiI00Y in¢ludingtheconvenienceof 41,ocations. Oneof 9:OOam - 5:3Opm
our friendly representatives will be happy to help Saturday
HOME OF THOSE DELICIOUS HOT DOGS! you get the fight banking products to fit your 8:30am - 12:00pro (Hinton only)
NEW $1I=ClAL$ AT I)AIIY (UI=EN financial needs. Come in today and see why First
Drive Thru:
Monday: Quarter Pounder .......................................................... $1.49 Community Bank is exdted to be YoUr First
Tuesday: Bar b que ............................................................ $1.49 Monday. Thursday
Wednesday: Reg. Hamburger ......................................... . ......... $1.09 l= Resource. " 8:303m - 4:00pro
Thursday: Ham & Cheese ................ , ...................................... $139
Fflday: Holigle or Large Rsh Sandwich .................................... $29 Three convenient locaLions to serve you: ...... Friday
r ' ...... F , 8:30 " 5:30pm
IIIrilll & I11 BfllglB BIIS, PIIIMII SilglL US 219 North 119 Main Street 298 Stolum Drive
BI & L/rids/de GreenwT/e Hinton Saturday
IIIielMI,12JB/IIMIIIIB FIIBIntUe 304-753-4311 304-832-6265 30,k466-5502 8:30am - 12:00pm (Hint.on and Lindside only)
SPECIAL: Wed.. ,all. 29. ,rough Hun., Feb. 3 -- First .__ _ ,
Lommunlw BanK
':e.. ,I . ' .