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Hinton, West Virginia
January 28, 2003     The Hinton News
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January 28, 2003
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4 - Hinton New Tues. Jan. 28, 2003 The Hinton News Published weekly on Tuesday By The Hinton Publishing Corporation 210 Second Avenue Hinton, W VA. 25951 Phone (304) 466-0005 Frank Spicer, Gen. Mgr. Fred Long, Publ. - Ed USPS 246-180 Subscriptions By Mail Out of State $30.00 per year By Carrier In Summers CO. $21.00 pe year NI other WV ooun $2.5.00 per year 50¢ Issue (wv resident pay 6% sales tax) $28.00 Per Year U.S. Postal Regulations Require Payments in Advance POSTMASTER: Send address changes to puMIcatton mime and mailing address. Periodical Postage Paid At Hinton, WV Articles submi:ted to the Hinton News must reach the office by Friday noon in order to be considered for publication in the following Tuesday paper. Please include your name and a phone number where you can be reached during business hours. The Hinton News reserves the right to edit any material and regrets that articles cannot be returned. Items for the Community Bulletin Board must reach the office by 11 am Monday in order to be considered for publication in that week's paper. OFFICE HOURS Hinton News is open Monday thru Friday Business Hours: Men. & Tue.: 9 am to 4 pro. Wed.: 9 am to 12 pm. Thurs. & Fri.: 9 am to 4 pro. Meadows Receives Beckley Area CEOS Volunteer Award Erma Meadows, president of the Summers County Education Outreach Service, received the Beckley Area CEOS Outstanding Volunteer Award for 2002 for her "service and commitment" to her club and community. The award was presented by Pat Phillips, State Chairperson of the Celebrate Volunteer Hour (CVH) program. The Jumping.Branch/Nimitz CEOS members received eight CHV seals. Each seal is equivalent to 500 hours of volunteer hours spent in preparing and direct volunteer time, knowledge and skill with others. The Beckley Area consists of nine southern West Virginia counties. Tressa Strudwick, of Renick, WV made a $3,000 donation to NAMI. Donation to NAMI at Christmas Dinner • NAMI New River/Greenbrier Valley (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) held their Christmas dinner on December 22 at the Pence Springs Hotel. Attendees enjoyed a wonderful dinner and each family was presented an audio tape by Rod Steiger. The following awards were presented: Newspaper Editor of the Year: Helen Serle, Valley Guide, Greenbrier County. Helen published a series of four articles during the year on the various mental illnesses. These were informative and helpful and we received so many "thank yous" for this information. Helen received a certificate from NAMI and a gift of the NAMI fundraiser CD "The Tale of Two Churches," written and narrated by Nancy Devine, NAMI Charleston. Information onthis CD can be found at 1-800-598-5653. Joyce Bolt and Sheila Leslie received a Silver Ribbon Pin (like the one that Ron Howard, Director of"A Beautiful Mind" wore on Academy Award Night. This pin signifies that it is important to eliminate the stigma against those who suffer from mental illnesses. Terry Wodder, NAMI WVs newest Board Member received a Gold bookmark from the US Capitol. Tressa Strudwick of Renick, WV made a $3,000 donation to NAMI New River/Greenbrier Valley. This money will greatly help us in our educational efforts and we thank Tressa so very much. Notice 120 HOUR BASIC EMT CLASS There will be a 120 Hour Basic EMT class beginning February 3, 2003, at 6:00 p.m. at the Mercer County Vo/Tech in Princeton, WV. For additional information please call RESA-I at (304) 256-4712 or 1- 800-766-7372 ext. 330, ext. 319. Affordable ! lealth ! nsurance [=or self-employed, small business owners and independent contractors • Choice of Doctors and Hospitals . $15 Doctor visit co-payS . Dental and Rx Drug Coverage . Cannot be singled out for rate increase or cancellation . Dcdgnd to met YOUR needs! Call Today for a No C0st/N0 Obligation Consultation Don Wise, agent, (304)647.9997 Or T011 Free 1.006-239.4765, w00.d0nwise.ins.c0m l75 (  dm mzt0n) iz trdGrmm W The MEGA Life & ImWce'Ccrm.  Oike:  Cily, OK. Imir '0ptm  Wre m prwiu M¢0Me0049 PRESENTS PROGRAM i In keeping with the West Virginia Department of Education'S. initiative to incorporate programs that contribute to the building of sound character in West Virginia students, Summers Middle School in Hinton hosted Robyn White, "national model" of character education. Students watched as Robyn demonstrated her expertise in ball handling skills and were often selected from the audience to assist Rohyn. Several students, given a few pointers from Robyn, showed some "hidden" ball handling skills. Following Robyn's demonstration, she spoke to the students about her own experiences as a middle school student.According to Robyn, sound character is built upon respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, justice, fairness, trustworthiness, a strong faith in God, and the setting of personal goals. (Pictured left to right) Laura Rollyson; Larry White, associate of the District Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Robyn White, presenter; Robert Redes, principal at Summers Middle School. CARD OF THANKS The families of Arnold O. Russell would like to thank the Appalachian Regional Hospital of Beckley, the Hinton neighbors, relatives, Hinton Floral Shop, the River Valley Church and those from the church who visited and called. All the prayers; and love shown during the illness and death of our brother and uncle. God Bless everyone. Keep looking up to Jesus Christ the Savior of the World. We Love You All in Christ Jesus. The Kathy Grimmett Family and Faye Miller I "Service." It's not simply that we offer the most options in funeral plans or the best value in funeral merchandise. ...Or that our funeral home features a large, inviting chapel with pews, a warm, home-like atmosphere, and access for the disabled. What sets Pivont Funeral Home apart from the rest is our service. We are here for yot, before, during, and after "a funeral -- with a level of empathy and support which is unmatched by anyone else. I00 Park Avenue • Hinton (304) 466-0026 L.R. Pivont, Jr. & L.R. Pmont III Charles Miller Celebrates 75th. .Birthday Charles Miller celebrates his 75th. birthday on Dec. 31, 2002. His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Miller of Hinton. Charles was born at New River. He received several cards, and giis and a phone call from his sister, Hilda Cole from Front Royal, VA. and his sister, Gaylas from Marmet, Charleston, WV. and from his granddaughter, Melinda and his great granddaughter, Little Megan Anderson, who sang Happy Birthday. Visiting in his home honoring his birthday was his daughter, Kathy Grimmett and Brian, Little Jon Jon, Edward Andrews, Bobby Andrews, April May. Charles hobbies are hunting and fishing when health permitted, and is a fan of the WVU football games. Charles likes to attend River Valley Baptist Church when he can, he loves the Lord and lives everyday for Him. He is married to the former Faye Miller and have been married for 47 years. Faye cares for him in his declining health since his stroke a year ago. Charles says God Bless everyone, my prayers are with everyone and love your neighbors as yourself. He has a grandson in Welch, WV. Pray for William. Notice CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Summers County Cancer Support Group sponsored by the Wellness Center and the Summers County ARH Hospital meets at the Wellness Center, downtown Hinton, every 3rd Thurs. of each month from 7-8 pro. Refreshment served. Anyone interested may attend. Any questions contact Delia Tachado at 466-1000 ext. 178. CHRISTIAN READING Lending Library of Christian novels by authors such as Terri Blackstock, Karen Kingsbury, Beverly Lahaye. Over 200 beoks. Contact Avis Community Clinic, The public is invited to attend. PSD MEETING Meadow Creek PSD Board Meetings are held every 2d TueBday of the month at 3:00 pn ad the PSD Office. (John 8:32) By Fred Seavers Must one be baptized to be saved? We continue weekly, to receive calls and letters concerning our articles. It is wonderful to see folks interested in spiritual things• We hope you will study these scriptures for yourselves to see if these things are so, Acts 17:11• Concerning our last article, one reader asked a very common, yet emotionally charged question; =Do you think my mother will go to Hell? She was a godly woman but was never-baptized." Actually, it mattem little what I think. It only matters what God thinks. I basically replied to this question in the following manner: =If she did what the inspired apostles and preachers told those in the Book of Acts to de, then yes she was saved. If she did something else, or something different, then she was lost. If she refused to obey a command of God (of which baptism is one - Acts 2:38, 10:48, 22:16), than she did not love Jesus, John 14:152 Would, or could anyone say anything else? Surely, according to the word of God, this is a sufficient, kind, yet truthful answer -- Don't you agree? Mothers and grandmothers will be glad to know that they still rank #1 with their families, for in the many times I have been asked this question, I have never heard anyone ask this question about a father. So what did the Holy Spirit inspired preachers of the first century tell those who wanted to be born again? In Acts 16:30-31, the Jailer was told to BELIEVE on the Lord Paid by the Shockley i Jesus and he would be saved. In Acts 2:37- 38, when the Jews asked what to do to be saved, Peter told them to REPENT and BE BAPTIZED. In Acts 8:36-38, when the Ethiopian eunuch wanted to know what to do, It was necessary that he believe in Jesus, and he CONFESSED JESUS AS THE SON OF GOD. All four of these plus hearing, make up God's plan of salvation, even though all of them are not always found in the same verse. One must understand that the examples of salvation as found in Acts, record where each individual was on the road to Salvation. This is why one verse says, believe (Acts 16:30-31)." Another demands repentance and baptism, (Acts 2:38)? Each was expected to complete the same plan of salvation (1 Peter 1:17). This would include Hearing (Acts 18:8) -- Believing (Hebrews 11:6) ,-- Repenting (Acts 17:30) -- Confessing Jesus as the Son of God (Romans 10:9-10) -- and Baptism (Mark 16:16). In the examples in the book of Acts, folks were told to complete whatever steps were lacking in their obedience to the Gospel. It is important to notice that in each example they were always baptized. We will notice more next week on this important subject, For questions, comments, or a free Home Bible Correspondence Course write: Shockley Hill church of Christ - HC74 Box 57D - Hinton, WV - 25951 or email -- or call 466-9169. Hill Church of Christ, Hinton RONALD MEADOWS Funeral Parlors, Inc. 1 30 Temple St., Hinton, Wv. 25951 466-1179 or 1-800-538-9593 David W. Johnson, Manager Having Served Summers and Surrounding Counties for the Past Eighty Six Years With Sincere and Affordable Services. The Funeral Parlor that Families Have Trusted For Generational David Johnson - Darrell Lilly Jack David Woodrum - Robbie Merritt i That :fl00tar Shine an Come to Church ANGLICAN SL Mlchasd'e Holy Euchanat: 4:30 pm 1st, 3rd, 5th, Sundays at the Pr Church, comer Ballenge & 3r Ave., Ft. Harry B. Scott, Iti, 1928 Book Common Preyer. BAPTIST Frtenddp Septet Church Grnville Rd. from Forest Hill. Pastor Joe Spencer. Sunday schoni, 10 em, Womhip, 11 am evening worship 7 pm; Wed. Bill Ballengse, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m., Morning Won 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00 ).m. Wed. Evenklg 7:00 p.m. Grlfflth Creek, Aldellon onnle Cole, Pastor: Sunday Sohao110 a.m. Worship Services 11:00 a.m. Evening services al 7:00 p.m. Mid Week Praym Service and Bible Study,7:00 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednasdsy at 7:00 p.m. Cleasas for every ags group. Nursery available. Indlen Mills Baptist Chure, h Darrell Harem, Pastor:. S. S. Supt. James KeeUey. Sun. School 1C ore. Cleasas tor all agas. Worahip. Sendoe, 11 am. and 6 wn. Ever Sun. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7 In. Judon F Will Pastor Chadle Dmlele. Sunda Schao410 am, WocMip Sandne, 11 am, Evening Service, 7 pro, Thurs, Servlne 7 pro. SWtn Sunday School 10 am, Harolc Msel, Superintanders. Laurel Creek Baptist Chtm=h Pastor: Melvin Wills, S. S Superintendent: Mark Ward. S. S 10 am., Morning Wonlp 11 am. Evmn0 Sw,oe e pro. wed gm be dy 7 pro. Uck  Baptist Chun.'h (enny Baker, Pastor: Sunday • ."hool  10 era, Servk 11 am. Eve,ng Servk:, 6 pro. Wed. Nght  stay. LlUto Wolf Creek independent Baptist Church. Off Rt. 12 on the Uttle Wolf Crask Road, Pastor, Joe Naylor, S. S. sz, waym B, Sunday School 10:00 am. Worship Service 11:00 am. Sun. Ewmlng &Awaoe b'lub 6 pro. Mid Wask  Wed. 7pm. MP Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday School 10am. Sunday S4mdne 11 am., Wedoesday Eventng Bible Study, 6 pro. New dlm Baptist Chtm Pastor I. E. Hatcher: Sunday School 10:00. Church 11:00 Fundamental. Ntxz =st Ch-h ralcott. Pastor Earl Jackson, ,ervlne 1st & 3rd Sun. at 11 am. Tempe Churoh obby Reed, Pastor: Sunday ,,hool, 10 em. Melvin Williams, pt. Pr(mching Servtce at 11:00 us. every Sunday. Upland Baptist Church :)astor: Cecil Cox, Sunday School Jpedandant: Jankte R. Gill, Jr. Sunday School 10:OO, Worship 3ervices at- 11:00. Evening ervicas 7:00. Wed. service at :00 p.m. Wm Ridge Fraswm otim Chumh. Sunday School 10:00 am., Morning Worship 11:00 ira., Sunday Evening 6:00 pm., Ned. Prayer Meeting 7:00 pro., astor Rev. Jetfery Perdue. Mount Plegah Hilldale, Hilldale. Rt. 3. Pastor Eugene Fullen, Worship 9:30 am Sun. School 10:45 am, Oper Church 10 - 4, Bible Study 6 Thur New Hope 3am Groves, Pastor: Sunda hoo110 am, Worship 1st & 3K ;us. It am &4th Sun. at 7:30 pm. Ok Grove am Groves, Pastor:. 1st, 3rd & 5th 3un. Sun. S. 9:30 2nd & 4th Sun. Norshlp 9:30, Sun. S. at 10:30. Forest Hill Groves, Pastor: Forest Hill I st & 3rd Sundays: Worship 10 am ;un. School 11 am. Trinity ;am Groves, Pastor: S. S. 10 am, Norship services 2nd & 4th Sun. I1 am & 3rd Sun. at 7:30 pm. PRESBYTERIAN Crdlvllls ,rasnville, lOam. Sunday School. F:45 pm, Community Worship Service FIret Prsebytorten Church Rev.Dr. Dewey Bowen: Sunday School 9:45 & Worship 11:00 am Prayer Masting Wed. 7:30 pm. Hxn's Creek rsenville, I 0 a.m. Sunday School 7:45 pro., Community Worship Service. Keller at Lowell Rev. Stewart McMurrey, Pastor. Worship Services held at 2:30 pm on 1 st. and 3rd. Sundays. McBlenny Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor. Grassy Mnedows,10 am. Sunday School. Worahip Service held at 9 am on 2rid. and 4th. Sundays: OTHERS Bennett Chapel Tug Creek Mt. Travis Hocum, Paat. Services, Sat. 7 pm, Sun. evening 2 pro. Churoh of the Uvlng God Pastor Ron Iddings: Sun. SchoO 10 am Morning Worship 11am Sun, 6pm Hlnton Chmx:h of God 1301 Summers St. Pastor Cecil Wch: Son. School 10 am Mornin Worship 11am Sun. Night 7 per Wed. 7 pm Hinton C Tabernacle 102 Main Street, Lawrence Bennett, Pastor: Sun. School I(: am. Worship 11:00 am. Youtt meeting 6:30 pro. Evengelistk Servloe 7:00 pro. Bible Study Wed 7:30 pro. Jehoveh'a Wltmms :Sun. 10am PulcTaik, Sun. 11 an" Natchtow, Study "rue. 7:30 pm rheeeratic School Thurs. 8:30 p Masting. Jumping Brermh Tabernaofe =lev. Ekno Alderman, St., Pastor :ranldln Beas, Supt Sun. Sdool ):45 am. Morning Worship 10:45 Ira. Youth Fellowship 6:00 pro. Evening Worship 7:00 pro. Prayer Wed. 7:00 pro. Mount Olivet Chumh It community chumh, Madams ,.?,reek Road, 2 1/2 milas, William . , Past. 466-4299, Sunday School 10:00 am. Morning Worship 11:00 am, Evang Se 7!30 pro. EDT, Wednesday (7 pm EST winter) 1602 Tmnple St. : onday School 10 a.m. Morning Wondp 11 am Evangelist Service Sunday Night 7 pm Thumdsy. Preyer and Bible Study 7 pro. Spring= Commonlty Churoh Pastor Roger Plmdnger. SS 10 Bin, Wolldltp SN'k 11am, Youth seeno 6 pro, SUn. rht worp ? pro, Wed. nlght preyer msetlng ;':CO pro. Women's Christian Fellowship mooting every first Mon. of the month 7 pro. Bich Run Baptist Churoh Orbra B. Angell, Jr., Paste, Sunday School 10 am, Mornln Service 11 ant, Night Sewk 7 pro, Wed. night prayer meeting ? PmBellepolnt Baptist Church Chris Brown, Pastor: Sun. Service: S. S. g:45 am. MorNng Worship, 11 am. Youth fellowship,5:45 pm. Evening Sennce, 7 pro. Wed. Seioe, 7:00 pro. Big Cm=k Lovell WilluTtS, Pastor:. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Womhip 11 a.m. each Sunday. Preyer meeting Wed. at 7 p.m. B Y F Sunday at 6 p.m. Brookl Baptist Chuh Pastor Robert Merdtt: Edward Cyrus, Sunday School Superintendent., Sun.School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Service Sun. at 0 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thurs. at 7:00 P'm.alvl'y Baptist Chulh Red Sulphur: Ray, Eddie Howdook, Sunday School 10 A.M. Randy Hedge,  Morn Wonip 11:00A.M. Evening Wond 7:30 P.M. Wedmmday Worship 7:30 P.M; Damon Rev. Natlmnk Jotmumn: Sunday School, E. G. Crawford, Supt, 11 a.m. Morning Worship Every Sunday. Preaching 1st. and 3rd. Sundays at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Central Pastor Grover Moa: 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m. Wedneeday Mid - Week Servine, Cheetnut Pastor: Benny Allen. Supedntendant: Lowell Bennett. Sunday SChool, 10 a.m. Mcmkg Worship 11 e.m. Evening SeMce 7:00 Wed. Ewmlng $endce 7:00 p.m. Cook'= Chapel CATHOLIC Night Send€e, 7 pro. Wed. nlght prayer meeting 7 pro, Fasmstsr - FreeMn Two miles north of Ndaamn on the Atia Roed, Sunday Sct 10 a.m. Baptlat Youth Lnegne 6 p.m. Evening services 7 p.m. Rrst klet Ct,.h Sunday ,School 9:45 a.m. Brune Richmond, Supt. Morning Wond'dp 11 &m., Eventhg Santos 7:00 p.m. Mid Week Service 7:00 p.m. Fornet Hill  Chtm:h Pastor Jeff Canted)sty: Sewk:as 2nd, & 4th. Sundlw 9:45, Sunday ,0:45, Evening Servk • Fm Poweley's Ck., Pastor George Cook. Sun. School 10 a.m.. Sefcas 11 Lm. EveNng mdoe 7 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. St Patrick Catholic Church, Mass Schedule, Sunday 9 am. CHRISTIAN Cornmunlty Chdstlsn Worahtp Ser Son. 11 am. and 6:00 in. Bible Stndy lOam. Wed. 7:00 pro. Rret Chdstlsn Chureh Sunday Soflool 9:45 am, Morning Worship 11:00 am., Sunday Evening Bible Study, Sunday 6:00 Youth Meetings 6:00 CHURCH OF CHRIST Hlnton 1621 Summ(H SL Minister, John McCatn: Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 am. Sunday Morning Worship Servloe 10:30 am. Sunday Evordng Service 7:00 pro. Wedmmday Evenibg Servile 7 pro. : Lane Chuh of Clwi st M=tow Bddge Bible study, 9:30; Sun. Worship 10:30;, Sun. evlming, 7:00. Shooldey HIll (Just o4dde of Hlnton) SUn. Bible Class 10:00 am Worahlp 11:00 am and 6:00 pro; Wed. Bible Class 6:00 pro. Call for info & directioas 466-9169.Evengelist Fred Sasvera EPISCOPAL Almli(m EII Church l lain , , 1 METHODIST Fallt Church Pastor Oonaid L. (Independent Fundamental I.lennehS.S.Sul(d, BellepointChorge Dallas PeytonJr., Pastor:.,Sunda Bragg, Sunday Sohool 9:45. :lev. Eugene Fulle, Pastor:. School. Supt., Tom Lamb Morning Worship and Chlldrel dBor Memorial, 109 Miller Ave, Servlne:S.S.10a.m.Wonddp11 Church 11iLm. Sunday Mornlng. m. Sdloof 10am, Sun.Womhi) a.m. Evening Wondllp. ,7 p.m.,iEvenlng Sunday Worship 0:00.111 am. W. Bible Study 7 pro. Wed. 7 p.m. r'raym" Msellng• IPreysr Masmpnd Yoh Masengl FIr Unmd Cou/ 17,'00 Wednesday. / I Church Fti. 12 Fomat Hill I RhondaAnnaMu11,lel IHInton, WV Kenneth Price, SundaY Servloe 10 & 11 ore, & 7lStrestor, WV. 8ePAoe evy 2rid., ]Mkllelm: Sondey SMmol 9:45 am, pro. Wed night eervloe 7 pro. 14th. and Sth, Saturday ewmthgs st iMomlng Wonp 11:00 ore. Child Feith Baptist Chlm=h 17:00pro. Icare available: Moments with J D Fox, Pas. Sun. choo1101 Rlv' Valley lchiidran, Wednesday Youth Club, am, Morning Service, 11 am; Rt. 12 Forest Hill Road, Bill t:30 pm, 6:30 pm., For Janidne, Pastor:. 10 a.m. Sunday School, Joe Spencer, Supedntendant 11 a.m. Morning wolp, e pro. Evening Senoe. 6:00 pro. & youth mee. Wed, l,cl 7.'00 pro. Rok Chapel Chwch Jeff C4mtedury, Pastor:. Sunday SChool 10 am., CaMn Media, Supt Morning Smoe 11 am. Mid-we Servk 7 pro. D. k. Stalnaker, P. 10 a.m Sunday School classes for all ages. Richard Hollorac Sutz'tdt 11 am. Mom won. 7 pro. mght Servia.  BapBat Churoh Pas Joe Brown: S.S.SUpt Da Slmfor, Amdstent DIIver St0ne, S S. t0:00 am., Morning Womhil: !1:00 am., Sunday Evening am Wed, Evening 7:00 pat rreneponatibn: 480544 Jmmm Chapel st Tree Rev. Tommy Mounts, Pastor: Selcas 9 ms. Sun. School 10 am. Johneen Minister, Hubert Groves: Sam rovas, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45. Worship 11 am. Undaide Red Sulphur, Marshall Fowler, Pastor• Servk every 2rid ,mday 71m: eVly 4th Sun. 11 am. Muy Jane Mmnorlsl Pastor Rang H, Richmond: Sun. Schod 10 am. Mondng Worgto 11 -. Pat Mlck, Pastor: Flint & 3rd. Sunday, BmokJyn 9:15. PAt. Zion 10:16 am, Sand Knob 11:30 pm, Nlmltz 2nd. and 4th. Sun. Pluto Martha Chapel 11:OO, Medams Cra. Pat Mid(, Pastor. 2nd & 3rd Surtf. see Pillar of Truth Church Barger Springs: Sunday School 10:00 am, Morning Worship 11:00 am, Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm. Rlvorvtew Chapel Speakers Harry Pilkington: Sunday, 9:30 Lord's Table; 11:00 Family Bible Hour; 7:00 Evening Gaspel Service. P, ocky Mt. Community Church Indian Ridge Pipastem: Randy Ully, Pastor. S. S. lOam, Worstdp S., 11 am; Youth S., 6 pro; Bible Study, 7 pro. 2nd Sat./ me., Gospel Sing, refreshments 7 pro. Spruce Run Chapel On Fit. 12 near Forest Hill. Area- Pastor:. Fad Hiasom, Jr. SS 10 am Morning Worship 11 am. Gospel Service Fd. 7:30 pm Restwood ; Memorial Gardens HInn'. Pwlmu Cm C-,mewy 466=0685 I BRIERS Inc. FURNITURE HINTON 209 2nd Ave. 466-0691 Big 4 Drug Store, Inc. prmmr/pffon and drug tmda tount/n 466-2323 CxTpliments of the FIRST CENTURY BANK Hinton 466-2311 Member FDIC RONALD MEADOWS FUNERALPARLORS 466-1179 1 Temple Street THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS. ADVERTIsMENT THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS. ADVERTIsMEN'I