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6 Hinton News Tues. Jan. 23, 2018 STAKEHOLDER ANNOUNCEMENT '
Cert. #(2016-S00000074)
Summers County - Benjamin
W. Farley and Jennifer S.
law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors,
assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators,
fiduciaries, administrators, lien holders, co-ownsrs,
other parties having an undivided interest in the
delinquent property, and other parties that may have
any interest in the subject property
You will take notice that BENJAMIN FARLEY
AND JENNIFER S FARLEY, the purchaser of the tax
lien (s) on the following real estate Certificate of Sale
#(2016-S-00000074), 118 Acre MADAMS CREEK
located in JUMPING BRANCH, which was returned
delinquent in the name of MARTIN JAMES W &
NORA E W/S, and for for which the tax lien (s) thereon
was ~old by the sheriffof Summers County at the sake
for the delinquent taxes made on the 17th day of
November, 2016, has been requested that you be
notified that a deed for such real estate will be made
to him or her on or aRer April 1, 2018, as provided by
law, unless before that day you redeem such real
estate. The amonnt you you will have to pay on the
last day, March 31, 2018 Will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and charges due on the
date of the sale, With interest, to March 31, 2018
Amount of subsequent years taxes paid on the
property, since the sale, With interest to March 31, 2018
Amount paid for Title Examination and
preparation of the list to be served and for preparation
and service of notice with interest from January 1,
2017 following the sheriff's sale on March 31, 2018
Amount paid for other statutory co6te with interest
from following the sheriff's sale to March 31, 2018
Total Amount Payable to Sheriff - cashier check,
money order or certified check must be made payable
to the The Honorable Garry Wheeler, Sheriff and
Treasurer of SUMMERS County. $1,20&29
Cost of Certification of Redemption - cashier check,
money order or certified check must be made payable
to The Honorable John B. McCuskey, State Auditor.
You may redeem at any time before March 31,
2018, by paying the above total less any unearned
Return this letter and beth certified funds to the
West Virginia State Auditor's Office
County Collections Division
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East Building 1, Room
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
Questions please call 1-888-509-6568 option 2
HN Jan. 16, 23, 30
Legal Notice To Taxpayers
On January 31st, 2018 at 1:30 p.m the Summers
County Commission will meet at the Summers County
Courthouse for the purpose of reviewing and
equalizing tax assessments for the current year.
Taxpayers are further notified that additional
seuions of thit meeting will begin on the following
dates and times and continue as necessary until the
review is completed on February 16, 2018.
Appointments may be arranged by contacting the
Commission Office at (304) 466- 7100.
January 31, 2018 Wednesday at 1:30 p.m,
February 5, 2018 Monday at 1:30 p.m.
February 9, 2018 Friday at 1:30 p.m.
February 14, 2018 Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.
February 16, 2018 Friday at 1:30 p.m.
West Virginia Code 11-3-24 states if any person
fails to apply for relief at this meeting, he shall have
waived his right to ask for correction in his assessment
list for the current year and shall not thereafter be~
permitted to question the correctness of his list as
fma|]y, fixed:by the County Commisdlon except on
appeal to the Circuit Court. This mesting is limited to
questions of property values only and questions as 1o
classifcation or consolidation cannot be considered or
acted on at this meeting.
By Order Of The Summers County Commission
Bill Lightnsr, President
HN Jan. 9, 16, 23
Notice Of Trustee's Sale
Notice Of Trnstee's Sale Is hereby given pursuant
to and by virtue of the authority vested in the
Substitute Trustes, WV Trustee Services, LLC, by that
certain Deed of Trust dated November 18, 1999,
executed by Borrower(s), William E. Gilbert, Earnest
W. McMinen and Susan M McMillen, to Brad Serrells,
the Trustee of rco0rd in the office of the Clerk of the
County Commission of Summers County, West
Virginia, in Book 168, at Page 737 and re-recorded on
January 15, 2008 in Book 237, at Page 457. At the
time of the execution of the Deed of~Yust, this property
was reported to have a mailing address of HC 65 Box
73, Wayside, WV 24985. WV Trustee Services, LLC
were appointed as Substitute Trustees by
September 15, 2017, of recerd in the Clerk's Office in
Book 287, Page 733. The borrower(s) defaulted under
the Note and Deed of'IYust and the Substitute Trustees
have been instructed to foreclose under the Deed of
~rust. Accordingly, the Substitute Trustees will sell
~he following described property to the highest bidder
at the front door of the Courthouse of Summers County,
in Hinton, West Virginia, on the following date: 26th
day of January, 2018 at 11:00 a.m.
The property is described as of that certain lot or
parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon
e.nd the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate
in Forest Hill District, Summers County, West
Virginia, and being more particularly described as
Beginning at a point on the centerline of a forty
feet access easement corner to Lot 10 and 9; thence
with the said access esssmant N 62 25' 28" E 29.27
fee to point; thence N 72~ 46~ 10" E 216.04 feet to a rod
set in the center ofa cul de sac corner to Lot 5; thence
with Lot 5, S 09 35' 05" E 514.98 feet to a nail set in
the center of Reute 17; thence with said Route 17, S
83 52' 21" W 105.03 feet to a nail set in Route 17
corner to Lot 9; thence with said Lot 9 N 25 49' 23" W
490.42 feet to the Begginning, being Lot 8 containing
2.00 ecres, more or less, as surveyed by H.D. Bradley,
LLS. BEING a PART ONLY of real estate conveyed
by a deed which ia of recerd in the Summers County
Clerk's Office in Deed Book 183 at Page 674.
Being the same property conveyed to William E.
Gilbert, Earnest W. McMillen by the Deed dated
September 27, 1999 and recorded in Deed Book 199 at
Page 551 in the Office of the Clerk of the County
Commission of Summers County, West Virginia.
Terms Of Sale:
1)The property will be conveyed in an =AS IS"
physical condition by Deed containing no warranty,
express or implied, subject to the Internal Revenue
Service right of redemption, all property taxes, prior
Deeds, liens, reservations, encumbrances, restrictions,
rights-of-ways, easements, covenants, conveyances
and conditions of record in the Clerk's office or affecting
the subject property.
2) The Purchaser shall be responsible for the
payment of the transfer taxes imposed by the West
Virginia Code 11-22-1.
3) The Beneficiary and/or the Servicer of the Deed
of Trust and Note reserve the right to submit a bid for
the property at sale.
4) The Trustee reserves the right to continue sale
of the subject property from time to time by written or
oral proclamation, which continuance shall be in the
sole discretion of the Trustee.
5) The Trustee shall be under no duty to cause
any existing tenant or person occupying the property
to vacate said property, and any personal property and/
or belongings remaining at the property after the
foreclosure sale will be deemed to constitute
Abandoned Property And Will Be Disposed Of
6) The total purchase price is payable to the
Trustee within thirty (301 days of the date of sale, with
ten (10%) of the total purchase price payable to the
Trustee at sale.
WV Trustee Services, LLC Substitute Trustee
WV Trustee Services, LLC.
McGuiro Office Center
618 Tenth Street
Suite 108
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 853-3336
HN Jan 9, 16, 23
Hinton Masonic Ledge # 62 meets
1st. and 3rd. Monday of every month
at 7:30 p.m.
Order of Publication
In The Family Court Of Summers County, West
Civil Action No: 18-FIG-3
In the matter of Kyzer Lee Payne, a minor child.
Notice of Petition and Hearing
Please take notice that on January 17, 2018, a
Petition for appointment of guardian was filed relating
to the above named minor by Lisa A. Payne. Please
take further notice that a hearing on this Petition is
scheduled for 11:30 a.m February 8, 2018 at Family
Court, 123 Temple Street, Hinten, WV 25951 before
the Honorable Eric B. Shuck, Family Court Judge, at
which time and place you may appear and make any
objection known or otherwise protect you interest.
Entered on January 17, 2018
Stacy Ford
Clerk of Court
HN Jan. 23, 30
In The Circuit Court Of
Summers County, West
Garry E. Wheeler, Administrator of the Estate of
Wayne W. Gadd, Petitioner, VS. John Edward
Gadd, Mary Clements, and Ronald Meadows Funeral
Home, and All Other Unknown Heirs And/Or Creditors
Of The Estate Of Wayne W. Gadd, Respondent.
Civil Action NO. 2016-P-3
Notice Of Hearing
To all creditors of Wayne W. Gadd, deceased,
including those holding liens by judgment or otherwise
on his real estate, or any part thereof.
In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of
Summers County made in a cause therein pending, to
subject the real estate of said Wayne W. Gadd, to the
payments of his debts, including those which are liens
on such real estate, or any part of it, you are hereby
required to present your claims to the undersigned
for adjudication, at the Law Office of Mann & Mann,
Attorney At Law, 104 Ballenges Street, Hinton, West
Virginia, on the 9th day of February, 2018 at 2:00 p.m
otherwise you may by law be excluded from all benefit
of such real estate.
Given under my hand this 17th day of January,
Joseph Aucremanne, ESQ.
Attorney At Law
P. O. Box 669
Hinton, WV. 25951
WVSB No. 188
HN Jan. 23, 30
Order of Publication
Civil Action No:
In the matter of Michael Gage Smith, a minor
Notice of Petition and Hearing
Please take notice that on January IL 2018, a
Petition for appointment of guardian was filed relating
to the above named minor by Melanie Lawson.
Please take further notice that a hearing on this
Petition is scheduled for 1:15 p.m February 1, 2018
at Family Court, 123 Temple Street, Hinten, WV 25951
before the Honorable Eric B. Shuck, Family Court
Judge, at which time and place you may appear and
make any objection known or otherwise protect you
Entered on January 11, 2018
Stacy D. Ford, Clerk of Court
HN Jan, 23, 30
InThe Family Court of
Summers County, West
In Re: The Marriage of: Sabrina Marie Wight ,
and Leon Ellen Wight, Jr Respondent.
Civil Action No: 18-D-3
The Object of this Suit is to Obtain a Divorce.
This is a piblication by-Class II Legal
To the Above Named Respondent:
It appearing by affidavit filed in this action that
Leon Ellen Wight, Jr is a non-resident of the State of
West Virginia, or has an unknown address. It is hereby
ordered that Leon Ellen Wight, Jr serve upon Sabrina
Marie Wight, petitioner whose address is 232 Main
Street, Hinton, WV 25951, an Answer, including any
related counter claim or defense you may have to the
Petition for Divorce filed in this action on or before
February 22. 2018.
If you fail to Answer the Petition for Divorce a
judgment may be taken against you for the relief
demanded in the Petition.
A copy of said petition can be obtained from the
undersigned Clerk office.
Entered by the Clerk of said Court January 10,
Stacy D. Ford
Clerk of the Court
HN Jan. 23, 30
Order of Publication
Civil Action No: 18-FIG-2
In the matter of Chole Reuse Alden, a minor child.
Notice of Petition and Hearing
Please take notice that on January 11, 2018, a
Petition for appointment of guardian was filed relating
to the above named minor by Linda G. Roberts.
Please take further notice that a hearing on this
Petition is scheduled for 1:00 p.m February 1, 2018
at Family Court, 123 Temple Street, Hinton, WV 25951
before the Honorable Eric B. Shuck. Family Court
Judge, at which time and place you may appear and
make any objection known or otherwise protect your
Entered on January 11, 2018
Stecy D. Ford
Clerk of Court
HN Jan, 23, 30
Summers County Council on Aging, Inc. Is
acceptiNG sealed bids on the followng vehicle: 2009
E-350 Ford 12 passenger van, 91,000 miles,as is
$5,000 min. bid. Bids received by FeB. 12, 2018, at 4
p.m. will be opened at regular Board meeting on Feb.
13, 2018. SCCOA reserves the right to refuse any bid.
Vehicle may be inspected on site at 120 2nd. Ave
Hinten WV. For more information call Lin Gains at
HN Jan. 23, 30
The Summers County Historical
Society and The Hilltop Cemetery
are writing a book on the Hilltop
Cemetery located on Elk Knob Road.
Sale of Book funds will be added to
the mutual fund for upkeep of the
If you have any information like
stories, obituaries, or old pictures
that could be published in the book
mail them to Bobby Cox, P. O. Box
366, Hinton WV. 25951. We have the
final say on what material is used.
Pictures can be copied and return
Do you have a diagnosis of breast
cancer or know someone who does?
Do you need a mammogram and
cannot afford one? Do you live in
Summers County? If-the answer is
yes Walk for Her Lifetime can help.
We are an organization that offers
mammograms and financial aid to
those who have a diagnosis of breast
It doesn't matter if you have
insurance or not because we cover
items most insurance does not. For
more information call 304-288-9189
or 304-575-7026.
USDA Rural Development
nounces Distance Learning and
Telemedicine Grant Program
Eligibility Expansion and
Administration Improvements
Assistant to the Secretary for connectivity projects.
Rural Development Anne Hazlett
today announced a regulation
improvement that will expand
eligibility for and simplify the
administration of the Distance
Learning and Telemedicine (DLT)
grant program.
"These improvements to Rural
Development's Distance Learning
and Telemedicine Grant Program
carry out Secretary Perdue's
Strategic Goal #1 - an efficient and
effective, customer-focused USDA,"
said Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the
Under the rewritten regulation (7 Secretary for Rural Development.
CFR 1734), organizations holding "With these reforms, we're also
USDA rural telecommunications or making progress in expanding the
electric program loans are now health and education benefits of e-
eligible to apply for DLT grants. In connectivity for rural communities."
addition, DLT grants can now be All program changes were
used to construct or improve effective Dec. 27,2017.
broadband transmission facilities. Regulatory reform is one of the
A newly streamlined process also cornerstones of USDA's strategies
makes this important program more for creating a culture of consistent,
customer-friendly by easing access efficient service to customers, while
toUSDAannouncementsoffundingreducing burdens and improving
and solicitations of applications, efficiency. This regulation
With these changes, USDA will be improvement is one of 14 regulations
able to more broadly market the USDA Rural Development has
program and provide potential identified for revision or elimination
customers more time to apply for since Jan. 20, 2017.
federal support of their rural e-
DHHR Re. d zcs Cost
Charleston, W.Va -WestVirginia Crouch has taken that directive
Department of Health and Human seriously, implementing the
Resources (DHHR) Cabinet Governors directives of practical
Secretary Bill J. Crouch today spending cuts to increase revenue
announced major cost savings in the that supports sensible public
Medicaid program have allowed for investment.
a budget reduction of approximately "Through responsible, fiscal
$160 million in general revenue management at DHHR and with the
funds for DnHR.These savings are help of~.~ great staffj~ DHHR's
the result of program changes tl~at Bureau fbr~cal Servmes we have
' d
have created greater efficmncles in worked to follow Gov. Justice s lea
r "
the Department and will be and make the most ofstate dolla s,
redirected to support other areas of said Crouch. As the state refocuses
critical need within DHHR including taxpayer dollars toward efforts that
Child Protective Services and cost promise to improve the economy, the
increases in state owned hospitals, economic growth should continueto
as well as toward statewide efforts lessen the need of DHHR services
facilitating economic growth, in the future as more of our citizens
Secretary Crouch has stated often reach self sufficiency. We are pleased
that when he accepted the position that the West Virginia Legislature
of Cabinet Secretary, Governor Jim supported DHHR's decisions over
Justice asked him to run the agency the past few years which allowed
as he would a business. Secretary savings to be generated."
Body of Missing
Man FaO?wnd In Park
Glen Jean, WV - S s inside the park late Monday night,
have found the body of George search operations were concentrated
Andrew Gross, 56, from Pittsburgh, on the trails and cliffs of that area.
Pennsylvania near the Diamond Other agencies involved in the
Point area of New River Gorge search included the Fayette County
National River. The cause of death Sheriffs Office K-9 unit, Fayette
remains under investigation. Gross County Vertical Rescue Team,
had been reported missing over the Fayetteville Fire Department, and
weekend, after he told family Jan-CareAmbulance Service.
members he was planning to hike "Our condolences go out to the
in or around the park on Friday family and friends of Mr. Gross,"
afternoon and did not contact them said park Superintendent Lizzie"
afterwards. . Watts. "We are glad to be able to help
Rangers from New River Gorgebring a small amount of closure to
National River were assisting the this part, and our thoughts are with
West Virginia State Police in the them as they move through the
location of Gross. ARer his truck was difficult grieving process.'
found at the Fern Creek trailhead
B dette
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: Richard Grist/Broker/Auctioneer/Forester '
106 E.Washington St. LewiS. rg, WV, ~w.foxflre
We'd Like To Hear From You
about your club, church group and civic organizations,
births, engagements, weddings, academic honors, men
and women in the armed services, sports and all
community activities.
To be considered for publication, items should be
timely, either typed (NOT in all caps) or printed legibly.
Mail To:
The Hinton News
P O Box 1000
Hinton, WV 25951-1000
HC 85 Box 99, Broomstraw Ridge Road
Jumping Branch, WV 25969
PH: 304-466 4246
FAX: 30-466-4576
Web Site:
#1298 215 6th Ave Hinton nice homes in GOOD condition.
2 story home 4 or 5 bedrooms, Wonderful OpportunitylH
2 baths nice older home with REDUCED $89,000
lots of charm Covered front
porch, living room, formal#1358 Off 4-H Camp Ro~,~ " 3R
dining. Large storage/shopo m~,~,~, ;, n," "~'~
building behind home "MAKE ~ .~,~,-~,u~1~ .~L~" ~:,~ .o
"'" z.acre lm. ~. I~ ~j ~le river, i nls
~r~"' "~.; uut water did not get
=n ,ome $75,000
~2 '" "
Acres near DOH garage on Rt. ~ .
12. Also includes 87 aces of #1361 1202 Terrace.St~,~, ~ (ore
woodland across road. Has from hospit~,l,]~,~p$~ a BR
some timber $240,000 ~ = ~ "'"~ pam,r~.
"'~ i ~ OFFER
#1315 278 Terrace Street, near
hospital, like new 3 BR home, #1365 PRIVATE AND
nice location, porch and REMOTE 100 ACRES of
sundeck. Ready to move in mountain woodland, creeks,
Reduced to Make Offer spnng 3BR 2 bath homo, large
workshop/storage bldg. with shed.
#1317 PIPESTEM DISTRICT, Well, septic, electric, apple
near Mercer Co. line, private trees $225,000
woodland tract, 1 05
acres great hunting, home or #1369 404 MILLER AVE, 2 BR (1/
cabins site old home site 2 of duplex), LR, KIT, laundry
$120,000 room, garage, off street parking.
. $130,000
#1324 marie, wv EmmaJaens ', :,
,~ ~County Store buitding:'ThlS'~'~ ~IR371 Talcott, CAMP WITH. 100
,historic landmark building, FRONTAGE Pat Ball Road,
formerly was a store has living behind VFD, 3BR, full bsmt,
quarters attqched plus rooms sundecks $69,500
over store. Almost acre lot,
outbuilding and parkinglot. #1372 ALDERSON home 2nd
Could make a nice Bed and lot back from river, 2 levels,
Breakfast, commercial location sundecks, level acre lot, needs
or unique home. $245,000 cosmetic work $35,000
#1331 - 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath, #1377 - Located on Beech Run, 2
2.03 acres located on Lester Story Farmhou.~- "! 8 acres. 3
Neely Road. Fenced field with BR, 1 BAT~'~ Water, Garden
Barn. Storage Building and Sp .ot " ~=, Heat and Air and
Utility Building. Minutes away Abu, nt Wildlifel $75,000.
from Bluestone Park and
Bluestone Lake. MOVE IN #1379 - Located in Nimitz, Brick
READY!! $125,000 Ranch Style Home, 3 BR, 2 Bath,
2 Car detached garage, 2 storage
#1338 PIPESTEM CREEK, buildings, small barn, fenced
Nice older 2 story home with 29 garden,public water.$180 ,000 .
acres, @ 7 cleared and
balanced wooded. - Nice GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYlll
frontage on Rt. 20. This home 158 Hinton By-Pass. Former
built @ 1900 s has 3 BR, one location of Riverside Roral. Large
bath, detached 2 car garage. :, showroom with built in cabinets
Creek flows on property, paved and shelves. Floral Walk-In
driveway, public water, Could be t Freezer Office space Prep Area
a good small farm, retreat, j 24'x30 Metal Building with 8a
hunting place, ect. Near j Concrete Pad. Pdced to sell at
Pipestem Resort, Bluestone I $185,000.
Park and Lake. $165,000
I #1380 "OUT OF TOWNs but only
#1339 FOREST HILL RD. 2 I 5 miles pdvate 14 acre, mostly
Story Home with 20 acres.I wooded, laysnice provate 2br
Private setting, some clear land I home with partial basement fruit
for yard, garden, pasture and I trees, Gazebo, fenced dog lot,
woods. Creek flows on property, ready to move in. $99,500
This 3 br home has full J~
basement plus detached #1381 Leatherwood Road, 3
garage. Private well and septic, I Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Bdck ranch
apple tree, berries and. wildlife. I style home. 3.31 Acres Public
Near R~ver and pubhc hunting I water, septic system, walk-out
lands. $130,000 I basement, garden spot, storage
I building. $225,000.00
#1340 37 Acres overlooking I
Hinton from Raleigh County I #1382 - Hungarts Creek - 3 BR -
Side very private, all I 2 1/2 bath - Ranch Style Home,
wooded good hunting tract or I full basement - outbuildings - @ 4
place for retreat. $60,000 I acres - $199.00
#1346 Leatherwood Road - 2 Ii homo, 3
homes situated on 3 Acres (+/- I bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, hardwood
), proven income producing I floors, heat pump with central air,
propertiets, 2 outbuildings, I large yard and storage building.
cellar, grapes, chestnut tree, I $65,000
garden spot, public water. Both I
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