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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
January 23, 1990     The Hinton News
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January 23, 1990
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f lg ld nt n. n. a- al Dr. Cimndra P. Slmrmm Dr. Chandra P. Sharma has passed his Board Certification exam in the Speciality of Abdominal Surgery. The exam: Part I and Part II, is given by the American College of Abdominal Surgeons. Part I, entails the proficiency in basic science that is applicable to surgery of the abdominal organs, including the liver, gall bladder, and stomach. After passing Part I, you are eli- Schedule A Activities At The Hinton Senior Citizens Center Located on the corner of Second Ave. and Summers St. Partially funded by the West Virginia Commission on Aging Wed. Jan. 24 Menu: Meatloaf/Gravy, Cauli- flower, Cheese, Peas, Plums, Bread, Milk, Butter. Activities: Wellness Workshop led by Jeanne Holloran 11:15. Ex- ercise session at Hinton House at 3:00 p.m. with Salethiel Mann. Thurs. Jan. 25 Menu: Brown Beans/Onions, Cole Slaw, Apple Cobbler, Cornbread, Milk, Butter. Activites: Bingo for prizes after lunch. Fi'i. Jan. 26 Menu: Chicken Livers, Pemd Carrots, Turnip, Greens, Apple, Bread, Milk, Butter. Activities: Gospel sing before lunch. Man. Jan. 29 Menu: Beef-a-roni, Brussel Sprouts, Buttered Carrots, Pear Halves, Bread, Milk, Butter. Activities: Bible Study 11:15. Tues. Jan. 30 Menu: Chicken Noodle, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Pineapple Slices, Bread, Milk, Butter. Senior Citizens Bus Trips Jan. 24 - Beckley Feb. 7 - Beckley Subscribe Today gible for participation in Part II of the eamm. Part H, encompmmee an oral examination in practical tech- niques, general and specifically abdominal surgery, diseases of the abdominal organs-including the pathophsiology of these diseases. Dr. Sharma is now Board Certi- fied in Abdominal Surgery as well as Family Practice. In addition to these, he is a fellow member of the Royal College of Surgeons in the United Kingdom. , The Hinton Senior Center is again accepting donations of used clothing and household items for distribution through the clothes closet. Clothing must be clean and in good repair. Clothing may be brought to the Hinton Center Monday through Friday. COMMODITY APPLICATIONS Summers County Senior Citizens will receive new commodity cards before the next distribution. These cards will be permanent cards. You donor have to apply for these carde. They will be pre-printed from our current list of applications. The cards will be issued the month of the next commodity dis- tribution. We do not know what month this will be. When we re- ceive this information it will be published in the local newspaper and on the radio. If you have any questions call the center and ask for Margaret Johnson. 466-4019. iiiii!iiiiiii!!iiiiiiiii!iii!iliiiii! !iiiii:i!iiill ..... Concerned Nurses of W. Va. Hold January Meeting At the January meeting of Con- cerned Nurses of West Virginia, members recited the purposes ol the organization and discussed plans for the new year. Outgoing president, Debbie Beverage, RN, was presented a gift in apprecia- tion for her work during the past two years and special thanks sub- mitted to other officers. Newly elected president, Twyla Wallace, RN, conducted the business ses- sion. It was decided that regular meetings with speakers will be held quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December. Executive Committee meetings will continue monthly at 6:30 p.m. at Greenbrier Manor, and will be open to any other members who want to attend. Mrs. Wallace reported that let- ters written to West Virginia's rep- resentatives in Congress, regard- ing federal funds for nursing educa- tion, were aflswered by Sen. Robert Byrd and Rep. Rahall. In response to Sen. Byrd the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services wrote that the Nurse Education Act has appropri- ated $55.5 million to be made avail- able to hospital-based diploma programs for Registered Nurses as well as associate degree and BSN programs in colleges. Members we re also informed that the President of the Joint Commission ori Voca- tional, Technical, and Occdpational Education in W.Va. has been con- tacted regarding the need to keep vocational programs for licensed practical nurses under the author- ity of the state Board of Education instead of moving them to colleges. His answer was m agreement and stated the Commission's purpose is "to maximize the use of resources available for Vocational Education at all levels and provide access to these programs for all West Vir- ginians." The group was reminded that despite the plan of the American Nurses" Assoc. to have seven or eight states requiring a four year (BSN) degree for all registered nurses by 1988, there is only the state of North Dakota with that requirement. At present it has waived the requirement because of the shortage of nurses in that state. A news item also was circulated about programs being opened in Texas, Kentucky, and Florida by Humana, Inc. to train licensed practical nurses. A video tape of panelists debat- ing the pros and cons of the entry- level issue will be shown Jan. 21, at 2 p.m at the home of Joanna Sel- domridge in Fairlea for all inter- ested nurses. The next Exec. Comm. meeting will be Feb. 20th at 6:30 p.m. We wouldlike to extent abelated thank you to the people who helped with the Bean Dinners and the Bake Sale. Thank you also to those of you who helped with the Nursing Home Project. February is Heart Month. ThatIndicies, (MCV, MCH & MCHC), makes is a good time to have your Platelets. annual check-up with your family Chemistries-Lipid Screen: physician" In coordinati°n with this' Cholesterol,Triglycerides. Summers County Hospital is offer- Diabetes: Glucose, Electrolytes, inganother Blood Screening. Again, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Car- we are offering the 30-Test Blood bon Dioxide. ScreeningProfile. And for those who Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, are only interested in their Choles- Iron. terol and HDL, these two tests can Check for Gout: Uric Acid. be done for $5.00. These blood tests Kidney Disease: Blood Urea will be performed at the Summers Nitrogen, (BUN), Creatinine. County Hospital Laboratory. The Liver and Heart Disease: Total tests will be done on up to date protein, Albumin, Total Bibirubin, laboratory instrumentation, and Alkaline Phosphatase, Creative performed by educated laboratory Kinase (CK), Lactic Dehydroginase professionals. This will give you (LD), SGOT, SGPT & GGTP. confidence that your test results To have these tests done, you are correct. Do yourselfa favor and need to be fasting at least 12 hours have t his Blood Screening done. ( no food, but water is allowed). TESTING WILL BE DONE You do not need to make an February 5-9 appointment unless you need a 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. special time due to your work sched- On June 24, 1497, the first recorded 30-Test Blood Screening Profile " ule. discovery of Nortll .An).erica took place $18.00 " Your Lab results may be picked as mmt r John m a voyage tor ,land, probably in Complete Blood Count: White up at the Lab on the following day present-day Cap.adS. BlemO~d l~U:t, Red Blood Count, or they can be mailed to you. We , Hematocnt, Red Blood will also send a copy to your family Is Proud to be Paging in Hinton, W. Va. e e ity and Y FOR INFORMATION CALL ON OUR AGENT ,ton, WV at physician if you wish. If you have any questions, please contact Nesta Logan, Laboratory Technical Director. 466-1000, ex- tension 152. RETIRED SCHOOL EMPLOYEES The Summers County Associa- tion of Retired School Employees will meet Saturday morning, Janu- ary 27, at 10:00 in the Summers County Board of Education Confer. ence Room. Members may bring gifts for nursing home patients as planned for the December meeting which was cancelled. All members are urged to attend since important legislative issues will be discussed. FREE TRAINING Troubled WV children need your help! Professional Treatment Par- ente earn over $600 /month, tax free, while helping a teenager over- come emotional and behavioral problems. Free training to quali- fied applicants. Call PRYDE WV today! (304)252-1106. SOCCER SIGNUP Soccer will begin in March and all children under 14 interested in signing up should call 466-4177 or 466-4559~Teams will be for ages 8 to 11 and 12 to 13. Tues. Jan. 23, 1990 Hinton News - 5 Mr. & Mrs. Stacy Meadows J Barbara Denise Meador and Best man was John Bauer of Stacy Alan Meadows were married Hi nton. Oct. 21, 1989 at 1:00 P.M. at James Flower girls were Shanna Fizer, Chapel Church at True. Chasity Knight, Emily and Lori The bride is the daughter ofWoodell, neices of the bride. Samuel and Peggy Meador of Reception was heldatPipestem Pipestem. Ruritan Building. The groom is the son of Harry Thebrideandgroombothgradu- and Janie Meadows of Hintoff. ated from Hinton High School. The Rev. Carlton Wilson offici- The couple now reside at Pope ated. AFB., N. C. Airman First Class Maid of honor was Anita Fizer, Stacy Meadows is apart of 317th sister of the bride of Charleston. Supply Squadron. Public Meeting Slated On Thurs. Jan. 25, there will be a public meeting for persons inter- estedin the formation of a Bluestone Public Hunting "rod Fishing Area Foundation. The meeting will be held at the Ballard Elementary School located on Route 12 in Bal- lard, WV at 7:00 p.m. This foundation will serve a dual purpose. First,it will give an organ- ized community voice to the Legis- lative body as to whatyou, the users of Bluestone Public Hunting & Fishing Area, want to see onthe facility and secondly it will give a corporated body for receiving and using tax deductible gifts and dona- tions at Bluestone Public Hunting and Fishing Area. Mr. Don Andrews, Chief of Spe- cial Projects and Grants for the State Parks & Recreation System will be present tohelp us get started. SUBSi RIBE If you are interested in finding out more about this foundation which will bring the improvements and additions you want on your facility, then plan on attending this meeting. This will be a short meet- ing, however it is important if you are interested that you attend. For more information feel free to contact Ted J ones, Supt., BI uestone PH & FA, Rt. 1, Box 91, Indian Mills, WV 24949. Phone 466-3398. Fox Photographics 217 R BALLENGEE ST. HINTON t We sell the Best! P, General Instrument \\l///Jl Drake I Untden I and Sa,es & Service ,," Descramblers Benny Wills 466-5409 1/ Check your attics, basements & outbuildings I old furniture, in repair or refinishing. Piesafes, cupboards, dressers, chests, washstands, desks, oak kitchen cabinets, wooden iceboxes, wrought iron beds, etc. Carnival and depression glass, homemade baskets, old quilts, grey stoneware with blue writing, old store advertising items, odd or unusual items. Will buy one piece or entire estate. Call (304) 445-2897 or 647-4374. 704 Ballengee Street, Hinton, Jan. 30 through Feb. 3, 1990 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Linens, dishes & glass, curtains, craft items, quilt frames, quilt pieces, sewing machines, misc. items, invalid walker, potty chair, breathing machine. Much more. Not responsible for accidents.